NikeTalk Fantasy Basketball Challenge - CONGRATS TO NT-SHIRT WINNER: TheGift23

12th in the Midwest...I swear everytime I try and pick someone up off waivers someone has taken him already...
I'm hoping to get in that top 10 at least by season's end.
eh my team is horrible, but 5th in Atlantic isn't too bad considering this seems to be the toughest division.
hopefully my team starts to make some moves outta last place in the atlantic division with artest back.
Andrea Bargnani is starting to piss me off, anyone in the southeast that needs someone who is C elibible, go ahead and make an offer.
Why in the world would someone agree to a trade like this?:[table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]O-Rank[/td] [td]Rank[/td] [td]Points Earned[/td] [td]Average points per game[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Player A[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]327[/td] [td]32.8[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]PlayerB[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]183[/td] [td]22.8[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Something's not right there.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Why in the world would someone agree to a trade like this?:

Player B [table][tr][td]PlayerA/B[/td] [td]O-Rank[/td] [td]Rank[/td] [td]Points Earned[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Player A[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]327[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]183[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Something's not right there.

You're the commish of that league ska... This is probably one of the instances where a team who isjust throwing in the towel is just unloading his talent. You should take action!!!

By the way, who are the players being traded?
^ I didn't have my table set up right. I've fixed it now.

Would you still have the same response with the corrected table?
^ So I figured it out... Deron Williams is being traded for Pau Gasol
. If this were pre-season, then no I wouldn't oppose to this trade.


The season started already and Gasol isn't producing like he should. Will Gasol turn it around? Yes, I believe so. But is this trade RIGHT NOW unbalancedand unfair? Yes. That's the Midwest League right? If the trade gets looked at by all the other GMs in that league, I personally don't think it'llgo through. I think it'll get vetoed.
it's hard to tell without names ska.

Oh ok. it's not exactly that outrageous. imo, let it go through. Gasol is bound to step it up, and it'll even out.
It depends on the needs of the teams involved. But just looking at that trade and considering that our leagues are scored by points rather than by individualstats, I'd say that's a really unfair trade.
Originally Posted by GREENREDGREEN

it's hard to tell without names ska.

Oh ok. it's not exactly that outrageous. imo, let it go through. Gasol is bound to step it up, and it'll even out.
See the thing is that this trade is in a Points League. It's not a league where one goes "Damn, I have a whole lot of assists and I needblocks and rebounds... Let me trade Deron for Pau... that'll help". This is a league where it's based on Points.

I'd understand this trade if it were a H2H league. That would make sense. But why trade someone who's getting you consistent POINTS for someone who hasthe potential to give you the same amount of POINTS?

I know I'm not in that league, but if it adds more competition for the #1 position overall on NikeTalk, then I'm concerned. It should be vetoed.
You guys have got to be joking? I'm not afraid to say that I'm the one getting Gasol. I thunknit's funny how the people who are at the bottom ofour league can critic my team. Some of whom have personally asked me about rules and transactions.

Did anyone see Deron's dominate 14 point performance. No thats not 14 points as in 7 baskets thats 14 total fantasy points. Not to mention that he is aturnover machine and you said it it's a points league. I'm also pretty sure no one witnessed Gasol score 10 in a row lastnight to rally Memphis back.

I can maybe understand if this was the same points differential and the opossing player was ranked like 100th but Gasol is a legit top 10 pick. If you guyshonestly think this is an unfair trade then veto it but just know that I will be finished editing my roster.
It would also help to know that Memphis has played two less games than Utah. You guys can correct me if I'm wrong because I can't look on my phone butI'm pretty sure Gasol had more fantasy points in his 59 games last year coming off injury than Deron had all year. I understand that This woukd be a breakout year for Deron but still.
exactly, nst. that's why i said let it go. gasol isn't some random dude. he's been consistent his whole career, and is going to get his numbers.

and it's up to the manager of that team to decide if he wants to take that risk or not.

i doubt dude is trying to quit the league.
Nonstoptalk wrote:
You guys have got to be joking? I'm not afraid to say that I'm the one getting Gasol. I thunknit's funny how the people who are at the bottom of our league can critic my team. Some of whom have personally asked me about rules and transactions.

Yeah, I've asked about rules and transactions and waivers and what not, but dude... I was just asking if anyone else thought the trade wasfishy. It seemed fishy to me, so I asked. People responded. Some agreed that something didn't seem right; others disagreed.

No biggie.

Personally I would just veto this trade because I look at what they average. I know what their total points are and how many games they played... but I stilllook at what they average on a nightly basis. Deron is +10 in that category...
Wait until next week when the trade goes through and then get back to me about those averages. Since the trade granted he's still playing on my team...

Fri 36 Min 4-17 11 Points 2 Rebounds 4 Assists 2 Steals 2 Turnovers ......... 14.85
Sat. 26 Min 3-8 8 Points 1 Rebound(s) 6 Assists 0 Steals 6 Turnovers ......... <14.85

I can tell your a stats guys Paul just by reading a bunch of your posts but there are oh so many more variables.

BOTTOM LINE: Is Deron going to suck it up like this all season? Highly unlikely but honestly if you know anything about fantasy you'd know that youcan't judge a player or a season by 1 game or two games or even 20 games.

SKA.... I appoligize for getting a little heated. It wasn't the fact that you questioned it the but the fact that you and a couple of others straight upsaid it was unfair. You mad it sound like I was trading Deron for Starbury and I don't know how you would think that I was giving up as I have been aconstant contributer to both the league and this thread. Reguardless I shouldn't have gotten mad. I have much more important things to worry about.
Originally Posted by Nonstoptalk

Wait until next week when the trade goes through and then get back to me about those averages. Since the trade granted he's still playing on my team...

Fri 36 Min 4-17 11 Points 2 Rebounds 4 Assists 2 Steals 2 Turnovers ......... 14.85
Sat. 26 Min 3-8 8 Points 1 Rebound(s) 6 Assists 0 6 Turnovers ......... <14.85

I can tell your a stats guys Paul just by reading a bunch of your posts but there are oh so many more variables.

BOTTOM LINE: Is Deron going to suck it up like this all season? Highly unlikely but honestly if you know anything about fantasy you'd know that you can't judge a player or a season by 1 game or two games or even 20 games.

Look, at least you know the basis of my reasoning when reading my replies on fantasy advice. You have your way of playing and I have my way. I knowwhat you're saying though -- Gasol's going to raise his level of play. You and I both agree on that. Like I said before...
[h3]Paul Is 0n NT said:[/h3]
The season started already and Gasol isn't producing like he should. Will Gasol turn it around? Yes, I believe so. But is this trade RIGHT NOW unbalanced and unfair? Yes.
That much we agree on. What I don't agree on with you is trading away Deron Williams for him. Right now would be an opportune time to buy lowon Gasol and you're offering Deron Williams.
I've been shopping for a center for weeks and the best trades I could muster was Troy Murphy or Ben Wallace for Kirk Hinrich. Hinrick would be anotherprime example of buying low but as you can tell I not one to panic. You can say all you want but you also have to factor in that my Cs are Willcox and Noahand there aren't any viable free agents. Every game I play Noah I'm losing points. I would say atleast ten so even if Gasol doesn't improve atall I'm really not losing many if any points at all. Also my best trade bate is all point guards. I have Kidd, Williams, Hinrich, Felton, and Bibby.

- Kidd (42 ppg) I'm not trading Kidd for anyone, yes ANYONE Garnett, Lebron, Kobe NO ONE.
-Bibby (NA) I would be willing to trade but really hes not worth that much unless traded to a team who is towards the bottom half of your league.
-Hinrich (21.9 ppg) as I previously stated Hinrich is a prime example of a player to buy low right now hence my trade offers
-Felton (27.6 ppg).....Call me crazy but I would at this point rather trade Williams than Felton

So if you have the time dream up some better options because I would love to hear them. In a league which starts 40 Centers everynight it's pretty hard topry anyone worthwhile away from anyone.
Originally Posted by Nonstoptalk

I've been shopping for a center for weeks and the best trades I could muster was Troy Murphy or Ben Wallace for Kirk Hinrich. Hinrick would be another prime example of buying low but as you can tell I not one to panic. You can say all you want but you also have to factor in that my Cs are Willcox and Noah and there aren't any viable free agents. Every game I play Noah I'm losing points. I would say atleast ten so even if Gasol doesn't improve at all I'm really not losing many if any points at all. Also my best trade bate is all point guards. I have Kidd, Williams, Hinrich, Felton, and Bibby.

- Kidd (42 ppg) I'm not trading Kidd for anyone, yes ANYONE Garnett, Lebron, Kobe NO ONE.
-Bibby (NA) I would be willing to trade but really hes not worth that much unless traded to a team who is towards the bottom half of your league.
-Hinrich (21.9 ppg) as I previously stated Hinrich is a prime example of a player to buy low right now hence my trade offers
-Felton (27.6 ppg).....Call me crazy but I would at this point rather trade Williams than Felton

So if you have the time dream up some better options because I would love to hear them. In a league which starts 40 Centers everynight it's pretty hard to pry anyone worthwhile away from anyone.
Yeah, that's the problem. I don't know what your situation is. I understand what you have to work with now. Before I didn't know much aboutyour situation and now I know a little more. All the information that was given to me was that there was a trade for Gasol involving Deron Williams. That wasit! If you look at my replies in the other fantasy basketball thread, sometimes I'll ask for a screen print of the person's whole team so I know whatthe team looks like. Look at it from my point of view. I'm in the running for that #1 spot in the end of November for that NT shirt. I want that shirt. Ifin another division that I'm not aware of lets a trade go that is "questionable", that's kind of unfair for me and the other divisionleaders. For all we know, that trade was between the #1 seed and the #20 seed in the division. We weren't given the information on what team were involvedin the trade, what their standings were, and anything else. All that was given was "Deron Williams for Pau Gasol".
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