Nike x OFF-WHITE Collection Thread - Rest In Peace Virgil Abloh

How much do you guys think the Black 97s are going to drop in price this week?
Without a concrete full scale release date, prices will go up because there’s panic that there might not be another drop. Prices dipped into the low 600s and are now back into the 7/800 range. It’s gonna be unpredictable right now. Same for mentas. Resellers like Orlando/fiendin jacked up all their menta pricing by 250 bucks, same reasoning. (Lack of concrete full scale drop). That makes me nervous.

I try to look at all this stuff in aggregate to determine when and if the next drop is happening. It’s a head scratcher so I traded a pair of the black 97 for the menta (and I’m not kidding extra zip tie). I just wanted to secure the pair.

Bottom line don’t count on consistent declines - will prob be fluctuating up and down.
I would assume they’d follow the trend of most other OWs released this year, dip down to $580 before beginning a very slow climb up.
Disagree for reasons above. Not like the other drops because of the doubt around whether or not the drop is done. If the market was at full saturation I’d say your obviously right. But sellers want to create the illusion of scarcity and buyers still have the hope of supply.
I had a guy that was going to do $600 shipped but I pulled out because af first he was trying to do a gift via PayPal and then agreed to do invoice. I just am going to wait and hope they dip to where I can get a pair for $550 or less
How’s everyone tying their off white blazers?

I’m leaving them hanging , but i feel like the shoe loosens too much as i walk. But if i tie them in, I’d have to pull them in too tight to the point where it looks too narrow. Opinions?
Can you not loosen the strings towards the toe box a little more and then pull the laces a little snugger at the top? I got my normal size and these shoes are like they were meant to be untied. I don’t even have my laces loosened that much but they still dangle to the point where it would be hard to tie them at all unless I didn’t use the top lace hole
I had a guy that was going to do $600 shipped but I pulled out because af first he was trying to do a gift via PayPal and then agreed to do invoice. I just am going to wait and hope they dip to where I can get a pair for $550 or less

For 97's or Blazers?

didn't you already post up a bunch of pics of you wearing them? :lol: they're un-DS'ed already

Come on, everyone knows carpet isn't un-ds'ing a shoe. This is un-ds'ing 101! lol- In all seriousness, I did try them on. Walked about 10 steps in them, but you'd never know. I even tied the laces back to DS for my own closure. :rofl:

Everything has a price, but for my grails, it would take a $1700-1800 offer to get me interested. Two racks and I'd probably accept, with a clause stating I have overnight to think it over. lol
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Come on, everyone knows carpet isn't un-ds'ing a shoe. This is un-ds'ing 101! lol- In all seriousness, I did try them on. Walked about 10 steps in them, but you'd never know. I even tied the laces back to DS for my own closure. :rofl:

lol didn't you wear them for a whole football game? Them joints broken in by now :lol:
For 97's or Blazers?

Come on, everyone knows carpet isn't un-ds'ing a shoe. This is un-ds'ing 101! lol- In all seriousness, I did try them on. Walked about 10 steps in them, but you'd never know. I even tied the laces back to DS for my own closure. :rofl:

Everything has a price, but for my grails, it would take a $1700-1800 offer to get me interested. Two racks and I'd probably accept, with a clause stating I have overnight to think it over. lol
For black 97s in a size 10.5
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Carpet un-ds’ing my ds shoes this Sundsday :smile:

Nah, if an item can be tried on in store but still be considered new, then why can’t shoes??
i havent had the opportunity to "try on" any of the off-white shoes i've won in store (all Ws at Kith), so i wouldn't know

actually I lie. I got to try on the HD bc that was after the raffle and they had hella left overs. but when i sold them i stated that i tried them on.
I’ve always thought once it’s on feet it’s UnDS. SX and GOAT said the seller is allowed to try on shoes before selling, but I better not see any pebbles, dirt or creases on them or I’ll have them refund me. But for me, if I know I’m selling it...I wouldn’t even put them on. It’s only fair to the buyer esp at these reselling prices. Just like how I’m not about to buy a new car with 1000 miles on them or even 500 miles.
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once your feet is in them, they're worn. For some shoes, once you try to squeeze your feet in, you can begin creasing the heel. Someone selling something that they tried on or wore around in the house as Brand New/deadstock is just being a dishonest seller in my opinion. Flight Club allows you to try on shoes (probably for sizing purposes), but I don't buy shoes from FC but if I did, I'd be pretty mad I'm paying resale prices on a "brand new/deadstock" pair and see dust or carpet residue on the soles/insoles.
If you are trying on shoes in your home in the same manner that you would in footlocker then they are still DS in my opinion. I don’t care if someone briefly tried on a pair of $1000 shoes and that they’re not factory laced. I would care if there were creases, that new shoe smell was gone and perhaps replaced by a less pleasant smell, decals or graphics gone, or other things that wouldn’t happen from me simply trying on a shoe. I don’t want someone parading around their house without socks all day and then claiming they’re DS.
Having said that I will tell people if a shoe has been tried or or isn’t factory laced because some people do freak out. From my experience selling a few pairs here and there, people don’t care as long as the shoes aren’t jacked up and if you tell them
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