Nike Lebron 17

He has a brand to protect and an Empire to protect as well. The endorsements he receives are from playing basketball. As one of, if not the most recognizable player currently, it’s only fitting for him to try and do some “damage” control.. He has just as much to gain with the Chinese/Asian market as the NBA and Nike.. I wouldn’t say he’s a puppet, but more of a “company man”. You’re going to have those out there. You don’t get to the position he’s in by not knowing how to be diplomatic.. His son isn’t too far behind him and I would think he would want him coming into the best situation possible with all the ground work he has laid..
He’s the first one “standing up for rights and equality” but because this stance may affect his bank account, he’s going to ignore standing up for human rights? Fraud bro
Same thing I was wondering plus we won't be getting them good deals on sitting retros
Not necessarily. Like I said in another post, if Nike sells direct then even if they disco heavy it's still better for them than selling to a retailer for half msrp.

Mom and Pops already got cut...I’m thinking more of the boutiques will be next...Places like Undefeated will probably hang around but the smaller ones are more than likely gone...At some point it will be just the giant chain stores and Nike...
Please consider who you support with your shoe purchases. Lebron has come out against Morey's tweet, calling Morey uneducated and selfish and not thinking about the ramifications ($$$$) before morey tweeted his support for freedom of speech and democracy.
Lmao. LeBron exposed himself tonight. He is a hypocrite. Unfortunately there are a lot of young ignorant people that don’t understand that this man showed his true colors tonight. He’s a puppet and everyone knows 100% now.

Lebron should’ve said nothing. Why speak in another country when they don’t speak on your issues?

China nor Hong Kong is speaking out on any issues related to Black people so in the immortal words of Lavar...
Mom and pops got slashed few years back. I'm thinking they pull from a major retailer. Otherwise it's just noise.
More in depth article. Independent retailers so prolly no major chains but I would think a lot of the smaller stores we shop online that disco heavy.
Lebron should’ve said nothing. Why speak in another country when they don’t speak on your issues?

China nor Hong Kong is speaking out on any issues related to Black people so in the immortal words of Lavar...

You mean how Darryl Morey shouldn’t have said anything either? Wouldn’t have all this all going on if he (in the words of Herm Edwards) didn’t press send.
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Just saw these on the local store. Definitely the best one so far except for the Futures. Will probably get them, just that I have a discount on NDC so I guess I should wait.

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Like the colorway but if that outsole is like the Jordan 31 All Star was after they "addressed" the traction situation with a different compound -- going to stay away from these.
I'd be cool if Lebron gave a "I'm not overly educated on the things going on in China so I'm not going to give a comment at this time." Even if that's a way to skip the issue bc of his money, I get it. But to say someone else should not speak up? Na, I can't support that. What he said last night was the equivalent of Fox News telling him to "Shut up and dribble." It was ****** up when Fox News said that and it's ****** up when Lebron said it. If Morey wants to speak his mind, he should do so and Lebron should support his right to do that.
Yep, no need to speak about the water purity issues in Greece or smog in France. Not your business.

lol what? You probably have no idea, about the situation in Hong Kong. You’re sounding like “America first”:lol:

Lebron criticises Morey, while Lebron himself is committed to social affairs, free values and against discrimination in the USA.
And then he tells Morey not to speak about it? Just because it’s in a different country?
It’s political and he’s siding with silver due to economic loss in the nba. Guess that’s just how it is sometimes and I wouldn’t be surprised if silver asked lebron to maybe say something as a favor to him
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