Nike Air Yeezy 2 Authentic/Fake Comparison

need a legit check on a pair of plats if anyone who is an expert can help me out i would really appreciate it! PM me
need a legit check on a pair of plats if anyone who is an expert can help me out i would really appreciate it! PM me

why don't you post pics or pose your questions here that's what this thread is for right, we are not at your service
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Hey there, can anyone let me know if these are fake or not? Wanted to ask prior to purchase. Any help would be very much appreciated. I am fairly sure they are fake, but wanted to make sure. THe tag looks so weird.
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somebody with the super perfects on YouTube did a toe box fix and got em looking good, but said he's not gonna tell what he did until he gets more comments and subs lol. smh #newn***as I just want you guys to see what they look like tho. fast forward to 6:00

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You ordered super perfect fakes, you know that right? 
Hehe, yes I do. Sorry I forgot to mention that. The super perfects have been out of stock for a while. That site finally got them back in.

I'm against fake stuff myself, but 2k for a nike? Naah...
^^^I think yeezybay took them down. They have pics on their IG showing they fixed the box label "cm", and comparing their liner sample to an authentic pair. Also showing off the raw materials they're gonna use for the sides and toebox suede for new pairs to come out in October.
^^^I think yeezybay took them down. They have pics on their IG showing they fixed the box label "cm", and comparing their liner sample to an authentic pair. Also showing off the raw materials they're gonna use for the sides and toebox suede for new pairs to come out in October.
they're still on IG... no pics of the toebox though.
Yea, they posted a few of the toebox and then took them down. I was hoping someone saved them real quick before they did though.
I don't think the pics was a YB pair as I think they're constructing new samples. They are reverse engineering from a legit pair apparently so they might have just posted pics of the legits maybe thats why they took them down. i dunno.
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I don't think the pics was a YB pair as I think they're constructing new samples. They are reverse engineering from a legit pair apparently so they might have just posted pics of the legits maybe thats why they took them down. i dunno.

They told me it was one of theirs, just not the final which is why it was taken down. People were already getting scammed by the old ones on eBay. Best of luck to those who are hunting when these drop, if there any even people out there still looking to acquire them at this point with how the authentics are priced (ridiculously) and how many scammers out there right now.
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