Nike Air Foamposite One "Polarized Pink" Release 11/21/2012

From the actual pictures I saw.. I like them a lot! Here ya'll go with the "trash, weak, blah blah blah" talk, and come release date youre in line for a pair. I dont know whats more feminine, wearing pink Foamposites.. or changing your mind about shoes back and forth every release..:smh:
They ALWAYS sell out. No matter what

Not necessarily true.

But, I've said this before and I'll say it again - I'm not necessarily copping, but there is really nothing more "feminine" about this shoe than the Electrolimes or the yellow joints or whatever. These are just "highlighter" pack shoes. Get over the whole "pink is for girls" thing. ...It's quite ironic that a board dedicated to (mostly men) COLLECTING SHOES will then turn around and call something girly, or make homophobic comments. Do you understand that you engage in the activity that is the archetypal punchline for gay or anti-woman jokes? So, it's a little late to then try to project your manhood after the fact.

Collecting shoes is not feminine or - heaven forbid - gay. Liking a pink shoe is not feminine - or heaven forbid - gay.

They're just colors. Various wavelengths of are light that picked up by your eyes and processed to appear a certain way in your brain. "Color" actually is a concept that doesn't exist to many species, as tons of species are colorblind. There is nothing inherently masculine or feminine about a specific wavelength of light. Free your minds, people. And, grow up.

Getting off my soapbox, I will say that I think this is actually one of the nicer colors among the recent releases. Will likely still not be copping though.
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They ALWAYS sell out. No matter what

Not necessarily true.

But, I've said this before and I'll say it again - I'm not necessarily copping, but there is really nothing more "feminine" about this shoe than the Electrolimes or the yellow joints or whatever. These are just "highlighter" pack shoes. Get over the whole "pink is for girls" thing. ...It's quite ironic that a board dedicated to (mostly men) COLLECTING SHOES will then turn around and call something girly, or make homophobic comments. Do you understand that you engage in the activity that is the archetypal punchline for gay or anti-woman jokes? So, it's a little late to then try to project your manhood after the fact.

Collecting shoes is not feminine or - heaven forbid - gay. Liking a pink shoe is not feminine - or heaven forbid - gay.

They're just colors. Various wavelengths of are light that picked up by your eyes and processed to appear a certain way in your brain. "Color" actually is a concept that doesn't exist to many species, as tons of species are colorblind. There is nothing inherently masculine or feminine about a specific wavelength of light. Free your minds, people. And, grow up.

Getting off my soapbox, I will say that I think this is actually one of the nicer colors among the recent releases. Will likely still not be copping though.

I feel like that for nike not to make these a kay yow release is just selfish....a 220$ shoe could definitely raise alotta money for the foundation. but who knows how much of that money would actually get donated
Pretty soon dudes will be saying, wearing a dress doesn't make me gay. They wear kilts in Scotland. They wore dresses in Rome. Kanye and Cudi have worn dresses. As long as you're secure in your masculinity, that's all that matters. If you don't like my dress, you're homophobic.

Meanwhile, with each generation, the men become more and more feminine and women are becoming more masculine, to the point gender lines are starting to blur. I can't imagine how it will be in 50..100 years.

There's supposed to be differences in the sexes in the way we act, think, dress. There's nothing wrong with that. Certain things and activities are considered masculine, feminine. Am I homophobic because I prefer football to figure skating?

If you have a son, are you going to dress him up in pink? Paint his room pink?

Expressing your masculinity doesn't make you homophobic, it's makes you a man. Now young dudes are more feminine, gossipy and ***** made than women. A lot of dudes don't even know how to be a man, don't have male role models and figures in their lives so they subconsciously take on the traits of those they're around.
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Pretty soon dudes will be saying, wearing a dress doesn't make me gay. They wear kilts in Scotland. They wore dresses in Rome. Kanye and Cudi have worn dresses. As long as you're secure in your masculinity, that's all that matters. If you don't like my dress, you're homophobic.
Meanwhile, with each generation, the men become more and more feminine and women are becoming more masculine, to the point gender lines are starting to blur. I can't imagine how it will be in 50..100 years.
There's supposed to be differences in the sexes in the way we act, think, dress. There's nothing wrong with that. Certain things and activities are considered masculine, feminine. Am I homophobic because I prefer football to figure skating?
If you have a son, are you going to dress him up in pink? Paint his room pink?
Expressing your masculinity doesn't make you homophobic, it's makes you a man. Now young dudes are more feminine, gossipy and ***** made than women. A lot of dudes don't even know how to be a man, don't have male role models and figures in their lives so they subconsciously take on the traits of those they're around.
It's amazing how much the massess will take no matter how far you shove it inside them. Pink foams?? Sure! we bought vomit green foams before :D, please give us more! $220 price with lesser quality foam? Here take this! We'll buy it even if it's pink! Give us more Nike please!

This colorway here is just the opposite of what the foams used to be, a real ballers shoe. Now it's just a crappy casual shoe. No one would be caught dead wearing a pink foam on court (outside of breast cancer awareness, which is it's current initiative is still new). This is just ridiculous.

Actually, wearing a dress doesn't make you gay. You know what makes you gay? Having sex with other humans of the same sex. There's one criterion for homosexuality, and it has nothing to do with what you wear. It's an open and shut case. This is not opinion; it is a fact. You can enroll in remedial level biology if you don't believe me.

As far as difference between sexes - SEXES, not GENDERS (for this, you'll have to leave intro to biology and audit 100-level sociology, anthropology, or women's studies) - there are clearly biological differences. One day, you might even be lucky enough to find that out first hand. However, the extent to which there are social or cultural differences between sex - what we call "gender roles" varies widely across cultures and eras.

If I have a son, will I paint his room pink? I'll paint his room whatever color he wants his room painted. I probably wouldn't choose pink off the bat, but neither would I choose blue. And, I wouldn't choose pink for a girl either. ...You should watch this movie, though there are no explosions, or boobs, while there are subtitles -

How about this - if you had a son whose favorite color turned out to be pink - what would YOU do? Not love him? Feel like a failure? Kill yourself?

BTW, the man who invented the concepts behind modern computing - Alan Turing - was gay. So, if you're really that adverse to these things, perhaps you should log off and continue this discussion with me via carrier pigeon.

AGAIN, might also reiterate - YOU COLLECT SHOES! You have no - "hey, other people are doing 'gay' things" card to play, my dude.

I got no more use for this guyCousin Vinny voice>
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I feel like that for nike not to make these a kay yow release is just selfish....a 220$ shoe could definitely raise alotta money for the foundation. but who knows how much of that money would actually get donated

You obiously don't know how Nike moves my friend
This Magic dude is a clown.

You don't like pink shoes, kool. You can't pull off the look, kool.

But to call another man gay, based off the color of his shoes, shows just how much of a clown you really are.

And as far as changing my Kotex, you gotta do better than that slim. :smh:
Actually, wearing a dress doesn't make you gay. You know what makes you gay? Having sex with other humans of the same sex. There's one criterion for homosexuality, and it has nothing to do with what you wear. It's an open and shut case. This is not opinion; it is a fact. You can enroll in remedial level biology if you don't believe me.
As far as difference between sexes - SEXES, not GENDERS (for this, you'll have to leave intro to biology and audit 100-level sociology, anthropology, or women's studies) - there are clearly biological differences. One day, you might even be lucky enough to find that out first hand. However, the extent to which there are social or cultural differences between sex - what we call "gender roles" varies widely across cultures and eras.
If I have a son, will I paint his room pink? I'll paint his room whatever color he wants his room painted. I probably wouldn't choose pink off the bat, but neither would I choose blue. And, I wouldn't choose pink for a girl either. ...You should watch this movie, though there are no explosions, or boobs, while there are subtitles -
How about this - if you had a son whose favorite color turned out to be pink - what would YOU do? Not love him? Feel like a failure? Kill yourself?
BTW, the man who invented the concepts behind modern computing - Alan Turing - was gay. So, if you're really that adverse to these things, perhaps you should log off and continue this discussion with me via carrier pigeon.
AGAIN, might also reiterate - YOU COLLECT SHOES! You have no - "hey, other people are doing 'gay' things" card to play, my dude.
I got no more use for this guyCousin Vinny voice>

I didn't mention being gay, I mentioned men being feminine and the gender lines blurring. You do know there's a difference? Not sure what your rant was about and agenda is.

I'm not talking about gay men wearing pink, I'm talking about straight men wearing pink.

Now saying you don't want to wear pink is homophobic, funny stuff :lol:
This Magic dude is a clown.
You don't like pink shoes, kool. You can't pull off the look, kool.
But to call another man gay, based off the color of his shoes, shows just how much of a clown you really are.
And as far as changing my Kotex, you gotta do better than that slim. :smh:

Pull off the look :lol:

Did I call another man gay, or are you just not intelligent enough to understand my point.
BTW, these same freaking dudes were probably walking around buying Dip Set mixtapes a few years ago.
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