Nike Air 180 OG

This is what i found in regards to the Avia vs. Nike lawsuit..
and that is what a cantilever is. As for sneakers, I am not 100% sure of what that means. Howerver, I think it means that it gives you specific arch/overall foot support.
late to this thread... i'm 37 and was in 6th grade when the 180 dropped and it was a big deal. do not recall "max" being anywhere in the name. i also remember avia and cantilever well. it was basically just a concave sole
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Nike needs to start releasing 180's . A top 5 Nike shoe of all time .

wholeheartedly agree.

I've been wearing my 180s a bit lately, they're true dirt magnets haha. Got a bit of paint chipping so far as well. Definitely a bit snug compared to other 11.5s I've owned a 12 would have been better but even with the snugness my feet are still pretty happy, comfortable shoe for a retro. If the utlramarines retro next year as per rumor I'll pass but I'd be excited to see some collabs (non CDG) or other retro colorways.
Glad to see but I'm not mad. Got my 2013s for only about $70, retail will probably be $110-120?
Got damn, I was looking to slow down early next year. Kinda glad i passed on the last retro, the vintage treatment didn't work well on uppers that were primarily white. I'm looking at you white/red AM1s and laser blue AM90s.
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