Nike 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign.

Time ****ing out.

I just stayed up til 1:38 in the morning having a discussion with you about all of the stuff you've been piping, feeding you facts, references and links to show where your beliefs are misguided or based on pure fallacy, and now you're saying "let's close the thread - it's not going anywhere"?!?!?

You hijack the damn thing and then have the balls to call the mods to close it down because you may actually *GASP* learn something or have your worldview challenged?


Whatever respect I was trying to have for you was just thrown out the window with that post, and I'm actually disgusted with myself for engaging with you tonight. You're a clown.

You can G.T.F.O.H. if you don't wanna be in it, and we can continue to discuss the impact of Kaep's protests, and the Nike campaign without you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...
Bruh I appreciate your post, I got al your links bookmarked and I’ll read them and take time to digest them. Unless you want me to skim over them and lazy read them. I got what you were saying now I got to reflect on it. Your one of maybe 2 that we’re trying to show me what’s up while others are resorted to racial name calling right away. Trust bro imma look over it, I want to be more knowledgeable if anything. Again name calling seems to be the go to when your on libs bad side, but I thought they were so tolerant.
Idk. Mods I think it’s seriously time to lock this thread. Their’s no more meaningful discussion anymore, and we have gotten way off topic imo. Thread has probably caused more division than anything. Pls no more threads about race, religion, or politics this ain’t the place for it. Just keep NT for sneakers.
You were just crying about a guy being thread banned bc that was censorship but now you want the thread locked?
In what way is this thread been productive. If anything it has gotten us to be more divided exactly what these higher powers want. Us bickering over stuff that doesn’t mean anything in the end.

Son, do you know where you are?

This site is called NIKE TALK DOT COM.

The thread is about a Nike Ad Campaign. You bringing your love for Trump here in an effort to derail is your prerogative. But the thread is on topic and you have no say so whatsoever in getting it deleted to satisfy your desire to silence things to your liking.
You were just crying about a guy being thread banned bc that was censorship but now you want the thread locked?
I wanted it to be locked bc it has caused way more division than anything. I am the 1% that came on here with differing opinions and actually stayed to see the other side and potentially have my mind changed. Even though I was willing to listen I was greeted with racial terms from the get go.
Son, do you know where you are?

This site is called NIKE TALK DOT COM.

The thread is about a Nike Ad Campaign. You bringing your love for Trump here in an effort to derail is your prerogative. But the thread is on topic and you have no say so whatsoever in getting it deleted to satisfy your desire to silence things to your liking.
Didn’t want it deleted just locked. People were becoming more devided that anything. I was the only one from the other side who even stayed to listen. I merely attempted to to defend trump where some said he was a racist thats all. Not sure if your white but if you are, being called a racist should be your biggest fear. Dudes out here losing jobs and careers off of allegations alone. I simply want proof of he/she did before we just call people that. Aren’t people still innocent until proven guilty.
Got dudes in my inbox saying they been banned and not allowed to have any input which is crazy.
Didn’t want it deleted just locked. People were becoming more devided that anything. I was the only one from the other side who even stayed to listen. I merely attempted to to defend trump where some said he was a racist thats all. Not sure if your white but if you are, being called a racist should be your biggest fear. Dudes out here losing jobs and careers off of allegations alone. I simply want proof that he/she before we just call people that. Aren’t people still innocent until proven guilty.

Your Daddy Tr*mp is a known racist.

His supporters are complicit with his racist behavior whether you want to admit it or not.

Nobody has to prove he’s a racist to counter your intentionally obtuse denial.

Now move along with that BS.

Nothing is getting locked.
Got dudes in my inbox saying they been banned and not allowed to have any input which is crazy.

Screenshot it or it’s fake news!

If they did banned it was because they were violating the terms of the site.

There’s no secret effort here to censor trump supporters.
Your Daddy Tr*mp is a known racist.

His supporters are complicit with his racist behavior whether you want to admit it or not.

Nobody has to prove he’s a racist to counter your intentionally obtuse denial.

Now move along with that BS.

Nothing is getting locked.
Alright since your calling out racist, you willing to call out the racist on this thread who through derogatory racial terms at me. Or is it only trump supporters who are racist?
Alright since your calling out racist, you willing to call out the racist on this thread who through derogatory racial terms at me. Or is it only trump supporters who are racist?

Whoever you’re referring to (I’m not scrolling back for you) I’m fairly confident that your cried and called foul about it already.

I think it might be best for you to exit the thread.
Alright since your calling out racist, you willing to call out the racist on this thread who through derogatory racial terms at me. Or is it only trump supporters who are racist?

Can you please rewrite this in English? Not all of us speak/read inbred languages.
Dude pmed me the very first day saying mods banned him for talking about the same stuff I was. Their ain’t no trump supporters in here cause there being banned. Literally fighting a battle by myself cause I ain’t a snowflake.


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Dude pmed me the very first day saying mods banned him for talking about the same stuff I was. Their ain’t no trump supporters in here cause there being banned. Literally fighting a battle by myself cause I ain’t a snowflake.

Screen shot the actual message showing the message content.
Can you please rewrite this in English? Not all of us speak/read inbred languages.
Do you not like Ebonics?? Sorry I know us black people talk a little different but you don’t have to point it out. I said since your calling out racist, are you going to call out the racist who threw out the derogatory racial terms at me? Or only trump supporters racist.
TylerDurdenLives TylerDurdenLives
This thread is actually more tame than the majority of race threads here on NT. There's civil discourse from opposing sides without getting too nasty. (And compared to a lot of places on the internet regarding this topic, this thread looks like paradise. We have all seen way worse.)

Sure, some users got a bit chippy, but its slightly understandable given your stances. Throughout the thread you've been speaking from a place of your opinion instead of facts, opinions that a lot of racist and bigots share (not calling you one). And when speaking on topics like these without being comes off as ignorant ...and its frustrating.

dblplay1212 dblplay1212 and @snkrfollower (and myself in one post) have been presenting you with FACTUAL information debunking your "opinions" and false information throughout the entire thread. Each time you've either back peddled, danced around it, or ignored it. I respect you for being mature and hearing the other side, but you're not exactly innocent here.

All white people aren't evil racists, and if you want to support Trump, that's your Ameircan right. But for future references, if you want to have conversations like this, PLEASE educate yourself a little more on topics you wish to discuss. (Like defending Trump ...make sure he doesn't make you look stupid, before saying he's not "XYZ".)
TylerDurdenLives TylerDurdenLives

Also post a clear, unobstructed picture of your face while holding up 3 fingers to confirm.

I suspect that you're lying and misrepresenting yourself as a black person in order to stifle some of the claims that you're a racist Tr*mp supporter.
Whoever you’re referring to (I’m not scrolling back for you) I’m fairly confident that your cried and called foul about it already.

I think it might be best for you to exit the thread.
Didn’t cry at all because I ain’t a snowflake. I just pointing out how hypocritical you are. Your quick to call rw racist but when they are on your side it’s all good.
Do you not like Ebonics?? Sorry I know us black people talk a little different but you don’t have to point it out. I said since your calling out racist, are you going to call out the racist who threw out the derogatory racial terms at me? Or only trump supporters racist.

Ebonics has nothing to do with "your" , "through" , and the countless other incorrect words you've been using in all your posts. Some scholar you are :lol: Inbred families must have low standards for their children's education if this is what's considered intelligent wherever you come from.

And no, you're not black.
Didn’t cry at all because I ain’t a snowflake. I just pointing out how hypocritical you are. Your quick to call rw racist but when they are on your side it’s all good.

Nobody said it's all good.

I said I'm sure that you already cried and called them out yourself.

You're in here looking for people to agree with your wildness and it's looking like that's not going to happen.
TylerDurdenLives TylerDurdenLives
This thread is actually more tame than the majority of race threads here on NT. There's civil discourse from opposing sides without getting too nasty. (And compared to a lot of places on the internet regarding this topic, this thread looks like paradise. We have all seen way worse.)

Sure, some users got a bit chippy, but its slightly understandable given your stances. Throughout the thread you've been speaking from a place of your opinion instead of facts, opinions that a lot of racist and bigots share (not calling you one). And when speaking on topics like these without being comes off as ignorant ...and its frustrating.

dblplay1212 dblplay1212 and @snkrfollower (and myself in one post) have been presenting you with FACTUAL information debunking your "opinions" and false information throughout the entire thread. Each time you've either back peddled, danced around it, or ignored it. I respect you for being mature and hearing the other side, but you're not exactly innocent here.

All white people aren't evil racists, and if you want to support Trump, that's your Ameircan right. But for future references, if you want to have conversations like this, PLEASE educate yourself a little more on topics you wish to discuss. (Like defending Trump ...make sure he doesn't make you look stupid, before saying he's not "XYZ".)
You guys keep calling me racist, but how can I be racist towards myself. I’m black and white, I have a privilege that almost none of you have, and that is to see both sides of the coin. I don’t even care about the trump stuff bc going in that argument is an uphill battle with anyone. It’s like I say what is going on in the black community near me and what we think and then they say I’m not black and a secret racist bc it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Nobody said it's all good.

I said I'm sure that you already cried and called them out yourself.

You're in here looking for people to agree with your wildness and it's looking like that's not going to happen.
No didn’t call them out because I thought the sjws would collectivly shame they, which one guy did so thanks. I’m honestly not, I came on here with the initial premise that cops weren’t just slaughtering innocent black people in the street, and it complete spiraled out of control by one straw man argument to another.
No didn’t call them out because I thought the sjws would collectivly shame they, which one guy did so thanks. I’m honestly not, I came on here with the initial premise that cops weren’t just slaughtering innocent black people in the street, and it complete spiraled out of control by one straw man argument to another.

Ok well you came here with a disingenuous premise. When you do that and demand that people engage with you, things will usually "spiral out of control".

I'm convinced that you are misrepresenting yourself as a "half black person".

Until you provide irrefutable evidence, you're a liar as far as I'm concerned because people come on here all the time with the lame angle that you're trying to take.

It is weak, it is annoying and it's tantamount to trolling.
Ebonics has nothing to do with "your" , "through" , and the countless other incorrect words you've been using in all your posts. Some scholar you are :lol: Inbred families must have low standards for their children's education if this is what's considered intelligent wherever you come from.

And no, you're not black.
Typing on mobile with autocorrect while trying to get to everyone’s reply. So no I’m not proof reading or sending of proofs to proof readers to have them checked twice over. And please tell me why I’m not black.
Look I’m going to say this one time and one time only, the arrogance and condascending coming from a lot of you who I’m going to presume are white sjws is exactly what we black people don’t like about you. You can think your on the right side fighting a good cause, but that arrogance is what we hate, and it is what we talk about when you leave the room. Down to the tiny grin we don’t like it. So please just because your down for the cause and have black friends don’t think your cool cause your not. I’ve lived in the hood and been around the projects where there isn’t a single drop of hope, I’m telling that cockiness and self righteous arrogance will get you messed up eventually.
Ok well you came here with a disingenuous premise. When you do that and demand that people engage with you, things will usually "spiral out of control".

I'm convinced that you are misrepresenting yourself as a "half black person".

Until you provide irrefutable evidence, you're a liar as far as I'm concerned because people come on here all the time with the lame angle that you're trying to take.

It is weak, it is annoying and it's tantamount to trolling.

Man are you white? Why is it that mixed kids always got to prove their blackness. It’s like we’re to black for white kids and not black enough for black kids. Like wtf else we got to do. Is Kanye not black cause he thinks this way either? If your on the internet pretending to be something your not your just lame af. Like honestly I hope you keep this same energy when you out in the streets.
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