NFL Week 1 In Review....

I don't see eye to eye much with Shoes, but damn I love this thread every week.

I feel like I watched the entire Saints/Lions game on the red zone channel.

Does AP run left every single time? He should.

If I was friends with Jay Cutler, I could have a job as a WR too, even though I'm not any good.

If the Packers secondary had any hands whatsoever they woulda had10 picks.

Atlanta impressed the hell out of me. We sucked, but Atlanta looked strong. And that was without Turner adding anything, when he gets going..........

Arizona needs to run the damn ball.


Reggie Wayne likes not having Marvin around.

McGahee, Wayne, Hester, Schokey, all in the end zone.

Calvin got robbed of that touchdown. Stafford too for that matter, they fought. Got killed, but they fought. Good for the Lions.

Dallas looked pretty good. Everyone gettin a chance to score out there.

Can't wait to see LT and Randy tonight.
- Carson Palmer is becoming a joke.

He was looking terrified out there. This is his year to sink or swim IMO.

AP is disgusting

Philly looks dangerous out there the offense was very explosive I don't know if Vick in the Wildcat will hurt chemistry or what. They'll need to keepworking on that.

Gunslinger extraordinaire.

Sanchez very impressive thus far, but we'll need to see more. He can seriously make Pete Carroll look like a %*@+#*@ if he keeps this up.

And Chad OchoCinco is back
Thank you for those who have resisted claiming the "Eagles played the Panthers" nonsense. We played the Panthers, a playoff team with a dynamicbackfield. The most impressive stat from that game was that we held their run game to 70 yards.
Let's just get real for a second. A lot of you were ready to hate on Cutler because you dislike his haircut or whatever it is you're paying attentionto these days, but as far as FOOTBALL goes, he got little protection the entire game, and I counted seven plays where a receiver either dropped the pass, brokeoff his route, or probably ran the wrong route. He made a few bad throws, sure, but it wasn't as bad as it looked.

- Considering all that, along with the fact that the Bears lost three defensive starters during the game, and were starting a sixth-round safety and KevinPayne to begin with, while playing at home, I wouldn't be too excited about that victory as a Packers fan. It took almost everything going their way to getit.

- The Cowboys looked great offensively, but I'm still not satisfied with the reliance on passing. The touchdown that Romo threw to Williams in the slot wasprobably the best throw I've ever seen him make, though.

- Byron Leftwich looked impressive in his first game starting in years.

- Josh McDaniels' decision to punt instead of try a field goal for a two possession lead should have cost them the game.

- Josh Cribbs is the best returner in football. Others have come and gone, but he's been doing it every season since he came into the league.

- Ahmad Bradshaw is still a better back than Brandon Jacobs.

I didn't watch as much football as I would have liked yesterday; I'll probably add to this.
Been waiting for this ...

Game balls to Brees and AP ... that 64 yd run when he just threw son out of bounds
... after the juke to get to the sideline ... this may beblasphemous but that void created when barry sanders retired is starting to be filled ... i'll stop there though ....

Mark Sanchez after that 2nd possession ... its like they took the training wheels off
kid will be special ... and Kris Jenkins was destroying the texans oline that game

Been saying Carson Palmer has never been the same since the ACL ... dude was nearing that manning/brady status too
@ 87 yds in final seconds

Flacco ... didn't see the game but i saw the stats ... i hope he can keep that up .... Matt Ryan w/ Tony Gonzalez ... cats better watch out ...

Cutler / Jake .....................................................................

Reggie Wayne is going to have to play at a Pro Bowl level every snap of every game .... Colts will struggle this year .... peyton needs to be flawless (nostupid ints like yesterday)
@ gonzalez

Eli will have a solid year ... but someone will have to emerge as a #1 and soon or giants will be looking up at eagles and cowboys

McNabb ... what else is new

I dont want to say Stafford will be a bust b/c i can't imagine it w/ a WR like CJ so i ma fallback for now even though i don't think he will be good... hope he proves me wrong

Power Rankings

1. Steelers (that troy injury will hurt a lil and ben needs to step up)
2. Eagles (mcnabb injury hmmm)
3. Vikings (AP/Harvin/insert anyone....) w/ that run D
i dont take much from the panthers/eagles game.

Panthers opened things off with about an 8 minute drive for a TD.

you can't really count on a QB giving the ball over every posession after that. Panthers are better than that game. But Delhomme just sucks
I was impressed with the bengals defense up until the final seconds which was a fluke anyways. Keith Rivers and Maualuga are gonna be great
I agree I'm starting to lose faith in Carson Palmer he has been riding the goodness from the 2005 season and this season is time to get it together.
now I'm done talking about my loser team

Vikings are nothing but SOLID

Bears - not bad but cutler can do better

Saints- Drew Brees makes it look easy

Falcons - are nothing but SOLID as well
9ers gotta pass rush, still waiting on a offense.

Delhomme is gonna get the boot and take john fox w/ him.

Mcnabb's a sucka if he had anything to do w/ Vick coming there ( I still don't believe he lobbied for him)
Im not even trippin...The Giants D-Line maybe just that good

Now if we don't win the next few games then maybe we can be the "Clowns of the WeeK"

Dallas looked good offensively but defensively

The Eagles look scary
I just wonder how McNabb will hold up

The Packers D look scary
or maybe Cutler just doesn't have any WR

at AP

And I really think the Saints can win there division even though they only played the Lions
Philly cant get any props? everyone was sweating carolina before the game, we dominate 38-10 against the best team in the 2nd best division in the league andits only because carolina sucks....and trust mcnabb will be fine.........but I expect you nfc fans to pray for him to be hurt worse cuz if not its a WRAP!
I gotta up my NFL Ticket skills i was strugglin to keep up with all them damn 1pm games

- Greg Jennings is a top 3-5 deep threat WR. And will be approaching top 5 overall status soon.

- Rodgers had NO pass protection in the first half... Allen Barbre got toasted by Ogunlye on almost every play.

- Illegal contact call on Harris almost cost us the game and it was the worst call of the day easily.

- Our defense looked really good for the first time in a while, Capers will be one of the best offseason pickups of 09. We stopped the run and got after theQB for once and continued our already established turnover machine.


- Palmer is scared of getting injured on every play

- Cadillac
Hopefully he doesnt go down again but i wouldnt be surprised at all if he did.

- Moss vs Webster

- Delhomme

- AP

- Favre took some shots... he will wear down quickly... could be a tough situation at QB in the 2nd half of the season.

- I wish there was a hard knocks on this week.
Jets played smart, they'll make mistakes this season - but I think they have a chance to be special.

Miami is a GOOD TEAM, do not get it confused. They sold out to stop the run and it cost them. People will have to realize the Matt Ryan CAN and WILL beat withhis arm. Here's the scary part, he missed 3 wide out recievers for touchdowns (White, Gonzalez and Norwood) our offense is scary.

If the Falcons can replicate that D for the remainder of the season, WATCH OUT.


- Oh so you thought you was doin it by trading for Cutler ha?
- Oh you got a squad now ha?
- Oh you didn't see the DB there ha?
- Oh you didn't see that OTHER DB there ha?
- Oh you STILL didn't see that DB there ha?
- Oh that DB got lucky there too ha?
- Oh Urlacher is all healthy now ha?
- Oh Matt Forte is league MVP ha?
- Oh Greenbay is still over-rated ha?

Thank you Jake Delhomme.

Saints, *checks stats* Oh it was against the Lions... Carry on.Let's see how they do against a real defense.

McNabb was late hit, I hate to see that.

Cowboys, let's see how you do against a team not in rebuilding mode. Good game though.

C'mon Skins...


Vikings will self-destruct no need to panic (Bret Farve is there QB). AD though
- Oh you didn't see the DB there ha?
- Oh you didn't see that OTHER DB there ha?
- Oh you STILL didn't see that DB 330 lb DT there ha?
- Oh that DB got lucky there too ha?
people who said carson palmer overrated, did yall see the game? his WR were dropping passes
, then 2nd half his O-LINE can't even protect him from the blitz ....
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

- Oh you didn't see the DB there ha?
- Oh you didn't see that OTHER DB there ha?
- Oh you STILL didn't see that DB 330 lb DT there ha?
- Oh that DB got lucky there too ha?


Philly cant get any props? everyone was sweating carolina before the game, we dominate 38-10 against the best team in the 2nd best division in the league and its only because carolina sucks....and trust mcnabb will be fine.........but I expect you nfc fans to pray for him to be hurt worse cuz if not its a WRAP!
Smack yourself, Carolina is NOT the best team in our divison. Props for smacking them around though
Originally Posted by i3allistic

people who said carson palmer overrated, did yall see the game? his WR were dropping passes
, then 2nd half his O-LINE can't even protect him from the blitz ....
palmer most likely isn't the problem in cincy
word I just want him to do good but it's hard to do when you have no O-line. anyone who watched Hard Knocks should know. Andre Smith the first rounder whojust recently signed is fat and injured. we tried converting Shirley a DT to an O-line dude I mean we are desperate. Coles was droppin passes. The plays thatwere successful were brought back because of penalties. but that last drive was nice.
-my Ravens put up 501 yds of total offense and Joe Flacco had 307 yds passing
-tony romo shocked the hell outta me with that game he had
-mark sanchez could possibly win Rookie of the Year.... i like matt stafford but he just turns it over too much
-the cardinals looked God awful yesterday
-im starting to think jake delhomme throws picks on purpose 9 INT's in the last 2 games

-drew brees 6 TD's is %%%+!$! bonkers yo single handedly picked apart the Lions
-the ending in the bengals vs. broncos game was crazy
-adrian peterson is a %%%+!$! beast

overall great 1st week. im happy football is back. i was so sick of seeing baseball, golf and tennis highlights on sportscenter
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by i3allistic

people who said carson palmer overrated, did yall see the game? his WR were dropping passes
, then 2nd half his O-LINE can't even protect him from the blitz ....
palmer most likely isn't the problem in cincy

People were dropping passes, but it still wasn't the same CP. He looks timid out there. Hopefully he can turn it around. He was getting great protectionoutside of a few blitzes that Denver sent.

The problem to me was that Chris Henry touched the ball once the whole game. And that was in the first quarter.
Jets played smart, they'll make mistakes this season - but I think they have a chance to be special.

Miami is a GOOD TEAM, do not get it confused. They sold out to stop the run and it cost them. People will have to realize the Matt Ryan CAN and WILL beat with his arm. Here's the scary part, he missed 3 wide out recievers for touchdowns (White, Gonzalez and Norwood) our offense is scary.

If the Falcons can replicate that D for the remainder of the season, WATCH OUT.


- Oh so you thought you was doin it by trading for Cutler ha?
- Oh you got a squad now ha?
- Oh you didn't see the DB there ha?
- Oh you didn't see that OTHER DB there ha?
- Oh you STILL didn't see that DB there ha?
- Oh that DB got lucky there too ha?
- Oh Urlacher is all healthy now ha?
- Oh Matt Forte is league MVP ha?
- Oh Greenbay is still over-rated ha?

Thank you Jake Delhomme.

Saints, *checks stats* Oh it was against the Lions... Carry on. Let's see how they do against a real defense.

McNabb was late hit, I hate to see that.

Cowboys, let's see how you do against a team not in rebuilding mode. Good game though.

C'mon Skins...


Vikings will self-destruct no need to panic (Bret Farve is there QB). AD though

why do you always have to put some kind of asterick next to every prop you give?
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