News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

I don't see how one person expressing their desires for a film has anything to do with what was said.

One person expressing their desires for a film is literally what the whole discussion is about
Yeah but I'm talking about the reply to that. I should rephrase and say I don'e see how one person expressing their desires for a film has anything to do with what was said about DDL. Nobody is saying you can't say I want DDL to be in How To Train Your Dragon 3 or be Darth Vader in the new Star War movies. It's just that it'd be easier to know there's no chance of that happening instead of constant hope for it which addresses the whole can't Marvel just give DDL a call and see.

Guy Ritchie wants DDL for a Sherlock Holmes sequel. I laughed and moved on. Like I said thanks. I did not for one second entertain the idea of DDL doing it or that Guy could convince him. Guy doing that is no different when other directors or writers talk about who they envision playing their protagonist or antagonist. That's why they always have backup plans for when it doesn't work out or the actor turns them down.

Now I could envision DDL playing Moriarity in a serious take on Sherlock Holmes but as of now nobody is doing that. Just modern day versions and a pretty entertaining movie.
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I never really gave much thought to DDL as Moriarty or as Dr. Strange. Everyone is more than welcome to suggest him for it though, just like probably how everybody wants Bryan Cranston in every role ever. I just took exception to yall getting on lamekillas case for suggesting DDL for Dr. Strange. People can't having their acting wishlists anymore? He doesn't understand DDL... like any of us actually do? :lol: I just wanted you to admit that you were hating on lamekilla cause hes lamekilla :lol:
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I just noticed this line too....We all ONLY know DDL in a superficial pop culture way. Unless you're DDL's biographer or something, in which case I'll fall back :lol:

We got two drafts left til we submit it to the publisher. :nerd:

This whole mythologizing of Daniel Day Lewis is too much sometimes

Nah, it's just the way he* said..."he's looking for something new to do since he's mastered his craft."

The mythologizing of DDL is exactly what I'm talking about. DDL is a sacred cow now. He's pop culture. To most people he's famous for being the greatest living actor. Your mom and your little sister know that, even if My Left Foot and The Crucible and The Boxer don't mean anything to them.

But it sounded like dude was talking about him the way a Heat fan who's never heard of Alonzo Mourning would. He's not just a great actor with an OD process of getting into character. From every interview I've ever read or seen for a decade, DDL's been one way. He says no to everyone, even people he's worked with before. He doesn't repeat himself. He'd rather do nothing than something he doesn't really care about. He only works with the best or people he knows and towards roles that challenge him, always.

So just saying...well he's a great actor, bout time for superheroes, is so random and completely missing every way dude has always operated.

I mean, he probably got his rep/mythology by simply just being a supreme pessimist. :lol: But signing on for movies that haven't even been written yet?

Moriarty, from Guy Ritchie with RDJ and Jude Law? Raise your eyebrow and hope DDL reads something he likes. Maybe not impossible, just regular longshot.

I just wanted you to admit that you were hating on lamekilla cause hes lamekilla
*also, just seeing the corpse of the NBA Finals thread that lamekilla helped kill right before reading that post didn't help the cause :smh: :lol:
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Just made a suggestion off of looks, not merit. Didn't know you guys had such a close relationship with Daniel Day-Lewis to speak for him >D

Back to talking about make believe characters guys

I was gonna say idk how everyone knows so much about these celebrities. I dont give a **** about them.

More than half the time I am googling these names because I dont know their names.

To me they are "the girl from x movie" "the guy from x tv show"
Yeah, that's more info than i've ever read about the guy. Sounding like his biographer wrote that.
Some ppl follow movies for the story. Some other ppl follow the movies for the actors and directors.
Well, I knew almost nothing about dude until There Will Be Blood came out, except that he killed it in Gangs of New York. (didn't know that was him in Mohicans) I just figured he was a regular good actor like Russell Crowe and all them, until that whole Oscar run for that movie, when people came out the woodwork...late night...w/e to sing dude's praises (and with good reason, he went in). But all over they broke down his career since My Left Foot, which apparently people called the greatest acting performance ever?

It felt like the final season of BB, where it was a foregone conclusion that whoever didn't know by now, just missed greatness.

And you see his old interviews...hear about how he OD method acts/preps for roles and how he's the pickiest actor in film. You just remember the different ones and he's different.

That's when dude became a folk hero. That was 7 years ago and dude's done 2 movies since? Sam Jackson did 2 movies last week.

One of those movies was Lincoln, and when it came out all they talked about was how he said no for years. You remember the different ones.
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Yeah, I saw There Will Be Blood. Remembered that was also him in Gangs of New York so I watched a bunch of his interviews online. Then I watched My Left Foot. I already thought he was great in There Will be Blood and was a fan but after I looked up his filmography and saw what ppl were saying about him it was easy to catch on to what type of actor he was. In The Name of The Father displays that

It's funny cuz you hear about that type but you don't know where stuff like that starts or who it's based on sometimes. Come to find out it's Daniel Day Lewis
I want to do that I Drink Your Milkshake scene to somebody. Milkshakes are good.
I randomly say to people "I drink your milkshake" and they never get what I'm saying.

Because they're dumb.
I randomly blurt out BASTARD FROM A BASKET to ppl mid convo during a lull.

I'm still waiting for those string of words to be said on Game of Thrones :lol:
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Sentiels that were almost in X2




Someone posted that Constantine was pushed back right? When is the new premiere date?
the sentinels from the past i thought were perfect although they were underused. the future ones were crappy cosmetically, their power to adapt was :smokin tho
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