News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Peyton Reed is just as bad as Edgar Wright :smh:

Just cancel this **** and give us Inhumans and Black Panther

At least the directing style in Bring it On was decent.
You don't know how the business of making movies work do you?

You don't just cancel a multi-million movie project due to release next year and start up a new one in it's place. That's how you quickly go out of business.
Peyton Reed? Not too familiar with his work, though I've seen Bring it On.

I hate Scott Lang. Why couldn't Paul Rudd be douchebag Pym instead :smh:
Cuz Pym is a douchebag. Nobody wants that wife beating baggage. Also apparently it's been revealed he's always been bi-polar (which explains a lot).

If Marvel gets Tom Hardy for Dr. Strange they won. Flat out period.

If they get Cumberbatch, it's a stellar choice and continues their consistency of getting the best actors for their movies.

:smh: marvel is trying to hard now. Neither Hardy nor cumberbatch look like a Dr. Strange.

It's like everyone is trying their hardest to not give Depp the role.

I still say give Daniel Day-Lewis a call as well
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Hardy, harder to imagine as Doc Strange but Cumberbatch is pretty close, you just haven't seen him with a stashe.
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I still say give Daniel Day-Lewis a call as well

Do you even know 1 thing about Daniel Day-Lewis? :nerd: :lol:

Peyton Reed is just as bad as Edgar Wright :smh:

:lol: There's something not right with you.

If Marvel gets Tom Hardy for Dr. Strange they won. Flat out period.

If they get Cumberbatch, it's a stellar choice and continues their consistency of getting the best actors for their movies.


I figured after TDKR and with the Mad Max films, endless indies and prestige pics on deck, dude wouldn't be up for that MCU commitment.

But if they got him :wow: Game over.

If Marvel gets Tom Hardy for Dr. Strange they won. Flat out period.

If they get Cumberbatch, it's a stellar choice and continues their consistency of getting the best actors for their movies.

:smh: marvel is trying to hard now. Neither Hardy nor cumberbatch look like a Dr. Strange.

It's like everyone is trying they're trying their hardest to not give Depp the role.

I still say give Daniel Day-Lewis a call as well
DDL is too old and he won't do it. For all we know they called and he laughed. He isn't the type to do these kin of movies.

Depp getting older too and it's kinda clear Marvel wants to go in a younger direction. Aint like this'd be a guarantee for Depp. I'd like to see it but he aint the clear choice.

Don't really matter what they look like imo. Depp don't look like Strange either. All it takes is makeup and costume for any actor to fit the style of Strange.
Do you even know 1 thing about Daniel Day-Lewis? :nerd: :lol:

No, I'm just the only person to mention his name in this thread as Dr. Strange :rolleyes

Yeah he has a ton of oscars but maybe he's looking for something new to do since he's mastered his craft. Do you think he'd be a bad Dr. Strange?
Do you even know 1 thing about Daniel Day-Lewis? :nerd: :lol:

No, I'm just the only person to mention his name in this thread as Dr. Strange :rolleyes

Yeah he has a ton of oscars but maybe he's looking for something new to do since he's mastered his craft. Do you think he'd be a bad Dr. Strange?
So you only know about him in a superficial pop culture way?

DDL says no to everything and everyone all the time, every time, all the time.

He doesn't care who it is. Kubrick could rise from the grave and he'd politely say no thanks.

When he's done doing a film, you don't know that he's gonna act again this decade. He doesn't care about money. He doesn't reprise roles or do sequels. He doesn't ever want to repeat himself. He has to be convinced that its a singular role from a singular perspective that's gonna be a unique experience for him in his process to make the film. And he's gotta have ridiculous confidence in every part of the production.

You know he's only taken 5 roles in the last 15 years? 2 he won Oscars for. 1 nominated. 1 he could've been if the movie wasn't a mess. The other was directed by his wife.

On no planet would he ever do an MCU movie, ever. That's just talking just to talk. :lol:

There's longshots like Bale or Hardy or MM or w/e, and then there's DDL.

I can do that too. They should cast 70's Burt Reynolds, and get Scorsese to direct Avengers 3.
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So you only know about him in a superficial pop culture way?

DDL says no to everything and everyone all the time, every time, all the time.

He doesn't care who it is. Kubrick could rise from the grave and he'd politely say no thanks.

When he's done doing a film, you don't know that he's gonna act again this decade. He doesn't care about money. He doesn't reprise roles or do sequels. He doesn't ever want to repeat himself. He has to be convinced that its a singular role from a singular perspective that's gonna be a unique experience for him in his process to make the film. And he's gotta have ridiculous confidence in every part of the production.

You know he's only taken 5 roles in the last 15 years? 2 he won Oscars for. 1 nominated. 1 he could've been if the movie wasn't a mess. The other was directed by his wife.

On no planet would he ever do an MCU movie, ever. That's just talking just to talk. :lol:

There's longshots like Bale or Hardy or MM or w/e, and then there's DDL.

I can do that too. They should cast 70's Burt Reynolds, and get Scorsese to direct Avengers 3.

:lol: so asking him is a sin? Got it.
Whats so bad about talking just to talk though? Imma call you out every time you make a non-substantial post from now on Mr. O
Do you even know 1 thing about Daniel Day-Lewis? :nerd: :lol:

No, I'm just the only person to mention his name in this thread as Dr. Strange :rolleyes

Yeah he has a ton of oscars but maybe he's looking for something new to do since he's mastered his craft. Do you think he'd be a bad Dr. Strange?
It's not even bout the Oscars.

NVM Mr.ONeg already said it :lol:

:lol: so asking him is a sin? Got it.
Nah but saying to ask him like you know Marvel did it when it'd be a waste of time anyway kinda shows the lack of knowledge on the dude.

If we going that way then we could just do with what he mocked you with and just start suggesting all time greats to be in the movies and make them.

Contrary to popular belief comic book movies were pretty much frowned upon and only until they started making hundred of millions did it get fully accepted by Hollywood studios where they make an effort to make more of them. Actors and directors who do this more as artists don't really want much to do with it though.

Like I'm sure Marlon Brando in his prime would make the best Kingpin but if he was alive I'm pretty sure he'd say **** no. Same way I wouldn't expect Leo to do a superhero movie anytime soon (unless he had full creative control so it came off more Oscar worthy than action flick).
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^ inb4 Brando did Superman inb4 he was out his prime already

And didnt Guy Ritchie announce he wanted to cast DDL as Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes sequel? brb going to tell him now he was wasting his time and doesnt understand anything about the god actor DDL
Just made a suggestion off of looks, not merit. Didn't know you guys had such a close relationship with Daniel Day-Lewis to speak for him >D

Back to talking about make believe characters guys
Also, never count out the influencing power of these actor's kids :lol:

ex. Kate Winslet doing Divergent and Cate Blanchett doing Cinderella
His kids are probably only fans of poetry and classic literature. Maybe cave wall paintings.
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^ inb4 Brando did Superman inb4 he was out his prime already

And didnt Guy Ritchie announce he wanted to cast DDL as Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes sequel? brb going to tell him now he was wasting his time and doesnt understand anything about the god actor DDL
Yeah he probably is wasting his time.

I don't see how one person expressing their desires for a film has anything to do with what was said.

Plus the Sherlock movies? With RDJR? DDL recast as Moriarity? :lol: Thanks for at least telling me so I could laugh.
Just made a suggestion off of looks, not merit. Didn't know you guys had such a close relationship with Daniel Day-Lewis to speak for him >D

Back to talking about make believe characters guys
I don't know why this is hurting you so much.

I mean we've seen the names rumored for Strange for a while now. Seen more names mentioned the past few weeks. Before even getting in to DDL specifically I quoted you last pg that if any of these rumors are true it's pretty clear Marvel is going for a younger Dr. Strange. Hence, all the rumors for Depp dying down but if we just throwing out names it's w/e.

Not to mention DDL cast as anybody in any of these Marvel movies has been a running joke on NT since Avengers :lol:
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Well if it was for like an Anthony Hopkins in Thor...that's at least something, even if it's probably a never.

Getting him to sign on to do Strange with sequels and crossovers? Like he's not an actor, he's something else.

He'd literally rather do nothing than any role that isn't challenging enough. And he doesn't seem to care about money. Hopkins even said, he did Thor cuz work is work and that's that. DDL isn't a working actor. He just crawls outta whatever cave he's been living in once every half decade for the role by *insert great director.*

He's the only name you coulda said where I'd have that reaction. :lol: The only one.

DiCaprio...Joaquin...Streep...Sean Connery out of retirement. Everyone else is a maybe. DDL's the easiest no possible.

His kids are probably only fans of poetry and classic literature. Maybe cave wall paintings.

They been writing sonnets and lucid dreaming since pre-school.
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I don't see how one person expressing their desires for a film has anything to do with what was said.

One person expressing their desires for a film is literally what the whole discussion is about

So you only know about him in a superficial pop culture way?

I just noticed this line too....We all ONLY know DDL in a superficial pop culture way. Unless you're DDL's biographer or something, in which case I'll fall back :lol:

This whole mythologizing of Daniel Day Lewis is too much sometimes
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