They will do with Sanchez what the did with Joba.

Joba needs to start. We will get more use out of him. I would like to see him start sooner then later so we can get the bum Mussina out of there.
Bruney and Farnsworthless need to step it up.

They could be a potent tag-team if there's a fight but they need to keep leads in the 7th and 8th innings.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I love Bruney. I know he's got it in him to be a very dependable relief man.

I really hope your right. We have not had a consistent reliver in forever. I mean Vizcaino did a good job for parts of the year. Bruney showed me thing attimes and other that had me wondering why he was on the roster.

Fede will you put some search tags in, like yankees?
As long as Farnsworth doesn't get burn in a close game, we're good money. That guy is the Kevin Brown of our bullpen.
well guys i dont think farnsy is gonna be a 8th guy....more like latroy hawkins.... i think he'll be the 8th inning setup guy....
amishpimp27 wrote:
Do you think Joba is more valuable as Mo's replacement, or as a starter?...bc I feel like it's a tough decision...

Having a starter like that would be great for us, but not many ppl can come out of the bullpen and shut it down like him, he already proved he can be a closer...

Its the easiest decision you can make and ill put it to you this way: In the first round series who was more valuable to there team Fausto Carmona orMariano Rivera?? Using Joba as a reliever is a huge waste of talent. In basbeall like most sports the object is to get the best players the most oppurtunity tosucced so why have Joba pitch 50 innings when you can have him pitch 200?
Cant wait for the season to start.
i hear the yanks are gonna only pitch joba 130 innings this year. if thats the case leave the dude to set up mo. he'd be more valuable to us that wayrather rather than pitching 5 innings and then pulling him because they wanna baby him. i hope hughes has a big year and andy dos'nt falter to all thescrutiny. this is going to be a hell of a year ...........
i dont mind seeing joba in the bullpen. yanks need all the help they can get in their middle relief.
Cant wait for the season to start.

Hawkins was a good acquisition. Hopefully Bruney comes back strong and Farnsworth does something right.

If Igawa finally gets it together he could be very useful. I think dude really has alot of petential.
Jose Veras could get some innings.
I would like to see more of Jonathan Albaladejo.

Joba would be good wherever he starts the season. Hopefully Sanchez and the others can come up very soon.

I would like to see Joba in the rotation but he might be needed in the pen if people are not ready. But I guess we'll know during spring training if theresguys who can take care of the pen and have the 3 young guns in the rotation.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I love Bruney. I know he's got it in him to be a very dependable relief man.
He said he lost like 15 lbs or something, that he was out of shape last year & that is why he started struggling.And that he is ready to go this year.

Also Abreu showed up to camp in shape & admitted that he came to Spring Training out of shape last year & that is whyhe started off so bad.... and wasn't going to let it happen again.

So good news on those 2 fronts.
Joba will be limited in his innings but that doesn't mean hes going to pitch 5 innings and get pulled. The plan for him is to probably start out in thebullpen and then get stretche out as the season continues and by late July/August become a full time starter. This has been done before hopefully it turns out the same way.

Bullpen doesn't scare me that much. Mo will be Mo. Farnsworth is in a contract year so hopefully we get somethin out of him. Bruneys slimed down hopefullyhe can improve his control. Hawkin might give us something. I think the prospects we have will come up a definetly give us something. Hornes a guy withfrontline stuff his control just isnt that great. Kevin Whelan's coming back from surgery as is Humberto Sanchez so by mid-season they may be able tocontribute same with J. Brent Cox. Jeff Marquez is a grounball machine and would really be able to help us. Ross Ohlendorf came on last year and was reallyimpressive in relief. People in the Yankee orgainization believe Mark Melacon will be Marianos replacment one day. Our biggest problem in the bullpen has alsobeen solved with Girardi replacing Joe Torre. Torre was a horrible bullpen manager falling in love with guys for no reason and not giving rookies a chance.With Girardi guys like Chris Britton and Edwar Ramirez will actually get a chance to contribute and actually see regular time. So just because you dontrecognize the names doesn't meant are bullpen wont be good.
^I still don't understand how you think you're the only Dominican Yankees fan.

C'mon man...there's more of us out there.

But I hope the Yankees get it together this year. Is this year the first in a long time where we AREN'T expected to win the World Series? It's beensuch a long time that it's happened...I mean, we're expected to make the playoffs and all that but with the Red Sox success and other teams getting waybetter (Detroit comes to mind), are the expectations for this year less because we have a rookie manager and some questions on the pitching side? I hopenot...hopefully the team finally breaks through from our World Series slump and captures numero 27 this year.
lol dude almost like every dominican hates the yankees........dominicans used to like the clevelan indians cuz of manny,mesa etc., then they were brief exposfans cuz of pedro, and now they jus riding that red sox bandwagon hard as hell
^that's realk though...i remember when half of the n_'s in the heights were indian fans back in the day...

my grandpops has been strictly a Mets fan for years because the Yankees are "racists"
I know I'm not the only one trying to get tickets right now. F'n 15 minute wait on Ticketmaster? This is freaking crazy.
^^^ lol I came here to see if anybody else was on it. Thats nothing 4wrestling. They toldme I had to wait 1min for opening day tickets. I was waiting andfreaked out and clicked on something and it tookme out of there

Now I've been waiting for 15mins for almost 30mins.
And the worst is, after the 15 minutes, you get a nice:

We couldn't find tickets that matched your request.

lol yeah that happened to me the first time. Then.....................It went through. For 12 Good tickets !!!! They gaveme 2 Mins to complete checkout
I couldnt even right down my adress with 2 f'n minutes.

Anyways I filled out everything and then my it said that there was something wrong with my credit card and the thing expired
Just got like 5 or 6 tickets I dont even know

All for the first Saturday in the Stadium against Tampa Bay.

At least I got something and just tookme an hour.
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