New York transportation >>

not all stations have transfer compatible lines like Time square or 59th Street.

and if a train is delayed ahead of you and your between stations? you're stuck till da signal waves you thru, aka your ish outta luck.
You can always backtrack to a station.

If I'm determined not to spend another fare I will find a way to make the transfers work.
You can always backtrack to a station.

you're not understanding what I'm saying, if da train you are on is between stations and da train ahead of you is delayed you by da default is also delayed because you're on da same track and cannot move forward until da train ahead of you clears whatever is holding it up.
you're not understanding what I'm saying, if da train you are on is between stations and da train ahead of you is delayed you by da default is also delayed because you're on da same track and cannot move forward until da train ahead of you clears whatever is holding it up.
You mean if you're stuck on the train and a train in front of you is delayed?

Oh then you screwed.

Unless you want to hop out the back of the train, walk on the tracks to the last stop.
what if you in that train? :lol: plenty times people get stuck on the train while an "investigation" or "delay" is happening.
I did give the one drastic option.

The last time this happened to me was cuz some guy got hit by a train ahead of us. Didn't take that long.
bingo, happens all da time.
I haven't experienced this a lot at least for super long periods but I switch up my routes among the 5-7 trains I can take.

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