NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

I agree that Heilman was mismanaged. I wasn't a fan of him getting jerked around like that either.

And believe it or not, I still think Lastings has it in him to turn into a real player. Whether he actually taps into his potential or not is another story altogether.
Unless Omar was running the medical and conditional staff I can't blame him fully. How does what was pronounced as a strain hamstring turn into something else worst. Beltran have surgery with no one permission at the start of training camp
Yeah Edge is not too good, doesn't seem like he has 100% focus on baseball at times.
You can't use Omar as a scapegoat, he is a middle of the pack GM with good moves and bad ones, but he made us relevant again but aggressively going after guys like Pedro, TRON, and Wagner.

Yeah its been tough after 2006, but in 2007 the pen was atrocious, and in 2008 they played some damn good baseball for Jerry (best record in the 2nd half).....until Wagner went out and we had no closer, the rest was history. Last year was just a nightmare, and this year we played fine until the cancer's came back and took play time away from the hungry guys. 

2011 will be a transition year.

Maine will be non-tendered, and Jeff Wilpon said today they would eat Ollie and Castillo's contracts if they can't get traded.

Thank god, about time he feels the pulse of the fans.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As long as they let the kids continue to develop I'm all for it.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But besides all of that, here are some photos (paying my last respects).....[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]** I am trying to add spoilers but it won't work....RIP if you're using a phone.**[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LOL. [/font]

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awesome pictures man, thanks for sharing. I like the idea of Pagan staying in center and Beltran in right field. Bay better produce damnit. And I think we really need to pursue Cliff Lee, seriously. We need a studd, Santana isnt that anymore, Santanas more of a solid#2 and this season showed that we have alot of pitchers who can be #3, 4 starters in the rotation.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Torre isn't the answer for you guys. He is an old school manager who is use to having vets...not young kids.

I don't think Valentine is coming nor do I think Wally Backman is the answer either.

Backman isn't ready for this kind of a job and while yea he maybe a crowd favorite because he played for the 86 Mets, he just isn't going to get it done.

The Mets were dumb not to even talk to Showalter when they had the chance...SMH at them.

All I know is that this is a huge decision and it could set the Mets back even further if they make the wrong hire
A far as I'm concerned the Mets F'd up by waiting till after the season to make these "changes".

Everybody knew this was coming...hell announcers and analysts from every channel were calling for their heads once they started losing post all star break.

And what kills me is that every other team who was doing worse than the Mets made changes before the season was over.

I believe that the biggest impact wouldve been made with a Kevin Towers/Buck Showalter combo. Thats why whatever they do from here on out will not phase me...the best moves to make have come and gone for this franchise year in and year out...Now whoever comes in will be responsible for a lot of cleaning up..They said this year was supposed to be a transitional year, well it looks like we're going to be stuck in that mode for a while folks..
They need to work on hiring Sandy Alderson, his resume is golden. I'll believe the Wilpons are serious about changing things if they hire this guy, because he's the epitome of everything they've avoided up until now. From all accounts, he's a guy who won't be pushed around or imtimidated, and he won't accept having to be a puppet or mouthpiece for the Wilpons' agenda. He's had a lot of success in Oakland and even had the Pads make the post season a few times (he is meeting with the team this Thurs or Fri).

Let him hire his personnel and run the whole operation from the top down, give a whole new face and respectability to the franchise.
JayPesoz wrote:
Ruxxx wrote:
Well I mean the Yankees fitted is a +@%+%@# classic though.Heads from the Bronx to Bogota wear those so I mean...

I've been a Mets fan from birth til' I die, but the only fitted I ever wear is the Yankees one
.......unless I go to Mets games
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Yankee fitted is very nice but I refuse to buy/wear it.
I love the Yankee fitted. It's clean as +#+@ and matches with just about any outfit you throw on.

I don't own one. But I'd consider copping.
bijald0331 wrote: I've been a Mets fan from birth til' I die, but the only fitted I ever wear is the Yankees one

BTW: Lets all give a hand to Jeff Franceour for making it to the World Series...
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They need to work on hiring Sandy Alderson, his resume is golden. I'll believe the Wilpons are serious about changing things if they hire this guy, because he's the epitome of everything they've avoided up until now. From all accounts, he's a guy who won't be pushed around or imtimidated, and he won't accept having to be a puppet or mouthpiece for the Wilpons' agenda. He's had a lot of success in Oakland and even had the Pads make the post season a few times (he is meeting with the team this Thurs or Fri).

Let him hire his personnel and run the whole operation from the top down, give a whole new face and respectability to the franchise.

So far is looks like the Mets are leaning towards hiring him, and this is EXCELLENT NEWS.
Now he can bring in all of his people and run baseball operations, Wilpon can go rot.

First order, time to release the dead weights
thank god hojo is out never liked him. but im more excited about the JP hiring than anything. this will be huge.
I am so happy that HoJo is out. Never liked him as a hitting coach. Ricciardi is a great pick-up by the way.
this is begining to be a VERY productive offseason. I like that we are starting from the top and working downward with the club.Alderson is educated, disciplined, determined and successful. And the fact that J.P. and his family are actual mets fans shows me they are serious about their desire to win.
Famly Guy scene was hilarious.

Anyone's thoughts on this clubhouse manager taking bets? 

Doesn't look like it's going to bode well for the organization
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