NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Yeah.... no hits so far again.

Franc is looking abysmal at the plate.

Keith - "I enjoy my Cracker Jacks and digging for my nuts".

Nice 3 outta 4. I went to Tuesday's game and had an opportunity to go to tonight's game. Passed by Citi on the 7 around 8pm and the parking lot was over two-thirds empty :/
Just heard that Jerry is going to attempt again to bat Reyes at third in the lineup against the braves.  I really don't know about this but the way everyone is slumping maybe a change has to happen. 
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Good God is Jerry stupid.
I think you put too much on him when the fact of the matter is the bats are just cold dude, I don't disagree with changes here and there especially when the middle of the lineup has done nothing. And its not like they are not playing hard or making the same fundamental mistakes that were frustrating to watch last year, its just the bats are cold for now.

Show's how different the lineup is without Beltran in there.
Jose Reyes get another triple this season. Sweet.. I wish he had his old legs back..
this is why Reyes is so important to this lineup! 

and Bay looks like he will get it together soon, I can live with Bay hitting extra basehits all day if he does not match his HR numbers that he usually does.

Ike Davis 
Mets are leading right now.. 5 to 2.. What's going on with David Wright's batting stance? He changes his batting stance every year and it's getting worse..
David doesn't swing level anymore he dips his shoulder so he can uppercut everything, he misses the fastball too much.
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