NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

things are looking MUCH better!! what a difference a few wins can do for a teams confidence. there are issues that worry me though.

Francoeur is back to swinging at everything, 0-17 now.

Wright is MIA.

Bay is DOA.

still gonna enjoy this win tho
3-5 are all cold, but that just means they'll pick it up at the same time.

"I was given more than enough ample opportunity to play well there last year," Murphy said about left field. "I didn't, and it was costing us ballgames. So they made a decision to go with someone else, which I think was right. I think eventually if I have to do so, I can play a good outfield or another position. That's going to be something that's always going to be up to Jerry's discretion."
I hope the opportunity to play at 2nd base presents itself again in the minors so he can have a spot here down the line (We DO have Havens, and Valdespin who will be either SS's or 2nd basemen so IDK, but we have a 30 year old played 2nd in AAA so *cough). He played 3rd base initially so the infield is more natural for him, get rid of Castillo after this season if he does well there.
Pelf was dealing tonight. Wright and Bay will turn things around, that'll only help Frenchy too (as long as he shows some of the patience he was earlier).

Good to see Reyes start to look like his old self too. It'd be awesome to see Beltran at some point but I'll predict that it won't be before the All-Star break and who knows when he'd be in good form.
Murphy is so humble. Gotta love this guy.. He had 38 doubles last season. That's pretty good..
Yea, I'm a Murphy fan.

It's unfortunate that he always seems to be getting dealt a bad hand.

I hope he somehow finds a way to stick here.
Ollie P tonight, who's showing up? Jekyll or Hyde? Your guess is as good as mine.

Nice W last night though, and the way the Phils lost was awesome to watch(although it was to the Braves)
Anyone else feel weird when K-Rod is pitching...For some reason he looks really off too
I STILL love Sori's game.

If he wasn't so expensive, I'd seriously want him on the team.
I'm tired not knowing what kind of ollie is going to show up.  Nieve to the starting rotation I say.
Yeah, I'm losing hope with Ollie too. Kid has talent. But he's one of those guys who seems to not have the mental makeup to pitch in the Big Apple.

@ this offense of ours. 1 hit so far?
Ollie didn't look terrible. Part of his problem was falling victim to his ADD, lazy bull +@!!. I was a little busy when I was watching but I remember in like the 3rd or 4th inning he walked Silva with 2 outs (terrible) then gave up a hit, faced another 1 or 2 batters and ended up throwing about 20 pitches more than if he had just focused and gotten Silva out. I mean, they didn't get any more runs that inning but he's already throwing a lot of pitches, walking dudes and making things worse for himself.

I couldn't get excited after his last start because this is just Ollie and what I expect at this point. Tonight wasn't all his fault, the offense did nothing but you can get a gem out of Ollie and then two losses. He's a #5 to me (and worth about 1/4 of his salary)....but so is Maine right now.
Johan tonight 
 lets win our first series!

Btw, everytime Johan pitches I really get amped up hoping the Mets can get him a W, anyone else feel the same? 
I understand that the draft is tonight... And I guess playoff basketball.

But Citi is EMPTY.

And that's with Johan pitching.

Citi's been empty all season so far, fans are making it obviously clear they were unhappy with the off-season.

I can't even watch this game my cable is out o_O

[h2]David Wright and Jason Bay are Scuffling[/h2]
April 22, 2010 at 9:14 am · 101 comments

by Matthew Cerrone
“Jerry Manuel is contemplating changes in the order, reassignments designed to improve the odds that Jason Bay will see more fastballs, including putting fleet runners in front of him in the lineup.  The manager said he has three potential batting orders on his desk, each with Jose Reyes in the third position.  He has talked of batting Angel Pagan third.
Man, that looked scary as hell.

Johan's knee nearly got wiped out trying to cover home.
We are getting ZERO production out of the middle of the lineup right now which sucks. David and Bay are striking out a rapid pace and Franc can't even make contact.

David is trying too hard to hit HR's I can't stand that uppercut swing of his, he used to smash everything to the gaps with that level swing he used to have.
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