New Ontario Law: Cell Phones banned while driving

Jan 4, 2009
Ontario's new law banning hand-held devices in vehicles is a "good first step" in ensuring safety on the road, says an official with the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Robert Tremblay, the research director at IBC, said Monday the legislation addresses some important factors to help avoid driver distraction on the road.

Under the province-wide ban, drivers are forbidden from talking, texting or emailing on their portable phones while behind the wheel of their vehicle. The law, which came into affect Monday, is aimed at protecting drivers from distractions that take their eyes off the road for a long period of time.

"From experiment and research, we have a good idea that (this new law) has the potential to reduce (the risk of an accident) from four times to 1.1 times," he said.

Tremblay said all two-way communication devices are a cognitive and visual distraction that delay a driver's response time to changing traffic situations. He said research has concluded that drivers are four times more at risk of getting into an accident if they are holding a cell phone.

He cited texting and emailing as the most dangerous tasks drivers do on their mobile devices, as research shows that motorists are 23 times more likely to get into an accident when they're typing behind the wheel.

The new law also forbids drivers from operating entertainment products such as portable DVD players and laptops.

However, iPods and GPS units are still permitted as long as they are mounted to a dashboard or "another accessible place in the vehicle," Ontario's Ministry of Transportation states on its website.

Other exceptions to the rules are:
  • Drivers can use cell phones to dial 911 if they have an emergency
  • Phones can be used behind the wheel if the driver safely pulls off the road or is parked
  • Hands-free devices, such as headsets and phones plugged into the vehicle's sound system, can also be used
  • Emergency workers like paramedics will be able to use hand-held phones for the next three years for work purposes
Drivers are not permitted to use hand-held devices while they are stopped in traffic, either at a stop light or stop sign.


Drivers who violate the new law won't be given a ticket just yet, according to the Ontario Provincial Police.

For the next few months, drivers who are caught on their cell phones will be given a stern warning by police. On February 1, authorities will start ticketing drivers with fines of up to $500.

In addition to fines, police may lay charges of careless driving or dangerous driving, depending on the circumstances. Demerit points will also be deducted.

Tremblay said the legislation is a key step in getting drivers to be more aware of the dangers around distractions.

"This goes beyond fines and enforcement," he said. "It's about raising awareness. When you're behind the wheel you have to focus strictly on driving.

"One would hope we wouldn't need to go through this route but unfortunately common sense might not be as common as what we thought," he added.

Tremblay said depending on the impact the new law has on drivers, the government may have to take the legislation a step further and ban phones all together.

Other jurisdictions with similar bans include Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, California and New York, according to the Ontario government.

"This new legislation will enhance traffic safety by creating a specific offence for driving behaviour which is known to distract drivers from driving safely," the OPP said in a news release Sunday.

"Distracted drivers are a safety risk to themselves and others. The OPP is committed to ensuring the safety of all motorists in Ontario."

How do u guys feel about this new law?
CTV Article
I rarely used my Cell on the road anyway for that reasons this law is put into place. It's just too dangerous.

I didn't see the Article mention it but from today until Feb 1st you'll just be given a warning/educatedon the new law if caught. After Feb 1st them boys are coming after you.

edit: nevermind I see it was mentioned.
"Under the province-wide ban, drivers are forbidden from talking, texting or emailing on their portable phones while behind thewheel of their vehicle. The law, which came into affect Monday, is aimed at protecting drivers from distractions that take their eyes off the road for a longperiod of time"

in quebec...they did the same but let us use a blutooth and such...when they should have banned the whole thing....

what an error to have said it was ok to use blutooth...

this law in quebec isn't usefull at all ahaaa!!!
u can use bluetooth in ontario as well, i dont think thats wrong, its no different from talkin to the person beside u when ur driving, its texting and nothaving ur hands free i find to be ******ed amongst drivers
the whole purpose was to have your concentration into driving...

hands on wheels please!!!
ya but ur hands are on the wheels when u use bluetooth... im pretty sure what you highlighted is meant by talkin on the phone like holding it to your ear

i only see bluetooth systems these days which is good, no ones holding a phone to their ear
Originally Posted by chaplip

"Under the province-wide ban, drivers are forbidden from talking, texting or emailing on their portable phones while behind the wheel of their vehicle. The law, which came into affect Monday, is aimed at protecting drivers from distractions that take their eyes off the road for a long period of time"

in quebec...they did the same but let us use a blutooth and such...when they should have banned the whole thing....

what an error to have said it was ok to use blutooth...

this law in quebec isn't usefull at all ahaaa!!!
most of these drivings laws are just being DUPLICATED now with stiffer and heavier fines.

and as for bluetooth, I still think it should be banned. That's like having a drunk driving law that says "we'll allow to be intoxicated byTequila but not Vodka"
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