New Niketalk logo- happy 9 years!

Originally Posted by Lazy B

In Soviet Russia car drives you.

Actually, the 9 year anniversary is December 10th. The new banner went up in advance of the anniversary as part of the NT store relaunch:

Nobody tried clicking on the banner? We're taking preorders on two new shirts - from now until December 17th.
After that, the 9th anniversary shirt is gone for good and it'd take a lot of convincing to do another run of the NT¢. Don't sleep.

Kind of sad to see the new banner went over so many people's heads, though. I remember the days when every NT member possessed an encyclopedic knowledgeof sneakers. Oh well, if you don't get it, don't sweat it - it's just not for you.
The source material is what it is, some people love that shoe, others hate it. Personally, I fall somewhere in between - but Rajah, aka mrplump, always doesan incredible job incorporating a project inspiration in deft, clever ways.

Classic sneakers have always been polarizing. Plenty of people used to call the XI's and XIII's "moon boots" back in the day. As adesigner, you take love/hate reactions over indifference, because both love and hatred are passions.

the good old MLK jr logo will be up next month anyway

so it wont be communist messageboard for long

Tell that to J. Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO.

... more people will get the banner than that reference, I'd wager.
Looks like it was put together in about 3 minutes in MS Paint.

The effort that went into the new shirts should have gone into the board logo.
I'm indifferent to the logo, I'm likin' what NT staff/design is doing (but I was never a big jordan head)

but what's the deal with the Serif Font for the banner? am I missing something?
Um it's ok I guess.
So why is it that we axed out the "i" from Nike and the "a" from talk again with the last logo?
The new logo/banner is ugly. The globe reminds me of Captain Planet. And that's just too much red.
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