NETFLIX-Narcos '17- Season 3 trailer up

That idiot deserved it. You don't roll up on drug bosses thinking you have any sort of leverage.
And moreso you don't roll up cocky talking side slick. Be to the point and about business not some silly clown. He got treated like a clown because he was treating David like David was the clown. I could have walked in and walked out with bribe money, but I wouldn't have been smiley and pissy about it like that fool was.
nah the minute he said he was in love with the wife instead of just knowing her location he was dead

because the cartel wasnt going to kill pallomino and leave her alive to live happy with him anyway
3rd szn estaba Lit!

Da fuq Gabriel Iglesias dumb *** doin in a barbershop in da middle of Queens...

Can't front David had a real punchable face but still held it down..

Iono guise Maria was da truth but Judy Moncada , Da reporter , Tata >> *

Overall love a show...body is ready for da Juarez szn 4 joint
This show can only be fully appreciated if you are how they translated the accents and dialect on screen, that felt real AF.
No one can capture the "charm" Pablo had for the first 2 seasons. S3 was good though, best characters were Salcedo and Pacho. Runner ups are Pena and Chepe, Enrique gets a wild card for me, dude was real. I didnt like the 2 other DEA agents, they didnt really feel like main characters or had an impact like Pena and Murphy did in S1/2. Btw what happened to Murphy?
Every show has a Gay guy now.
Doesn't matter the content or subject matter, they have a Gay guy.
Every. Single. Show.
pretty much man lol, gotta up the representation. netflix might be the biggest proponent of it because of their platform. nothing wrong with it though. but it's kinda annoying if it's purposely forced without adding to the story. just my opinion.
This was based on a real person who was gay though. Should they not try to represent a large group of viewers?
This was based on a real person who was gay though. Should they not try to represent a large group of viewers?
already said there's nothing wrong with it lol. wasn't directly speaking to this show since i don't know if he was gay IRL or not. if he was, then that's great on them for staying true to details. i'm more generally speaking and answering the question that was originally posed, where the poster mentioned "doesn't matter the content or subject matter."
This was based on a real person who was gay though. Should they not try to represent a large group of viewers?
That wasn't the question.
Sure he was gay, that's accepted cool.
Script is completely flipped now.
25years ago Pacho was still gay but if NarcS3 was made then, TV would not show his "Gay" side.
Today, they highlight it, force it) but to my point most importantly, or to my question, I believe they cast for it and write it in as a requirement, to every show.
Not even saying I have a problem with it being shown on TV, I do take issue with the agenda though. And I do believe there's an agenda.
And I do believe it's being forced down my throat.

The question was whether it was a requirement for a show.
I believe it is and I believe that is f*ed up.
I probably hated the David character the most

Same here, when he was unexpectedly clapped my reaction was...

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