Netflix Mini-Series When They See Us


Just finished the 1st ep... man :smh: :angry:

Honestly dont know if i can finish this. Real talk, between "American Crime" and now this 1st episode, Felicity Hoffman plays this damn character all too well. Seems like she out here "acting" how she really feels
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Watched the Oprah interview. Korey and especially Antron are really struggling with it at least outwardly. Ava even alluded to there being certain things that happened to Korey that they left out of the series. Crazy ****.
Finished watching last night.

Wow :pimp:

Episode 4 was real tough to watch.

Loved the Coney island scene.
I'm on episode 1 and I'm already pissed off. I already read and heard interviews from the men who was framed but seeing it acted out is different. Just shows how racism is a game to these white folks in the legal. Destroying black peoples lives is something they wake up in the morning to do. It's their job, it furthers their career because a lot of white society loves the storyline of "getting rid of the black thugs".

This whole thing was a made up white racist fantasy. They love pushing this BS of black men/boys raping white women so that's why we have to lock them up or murder them. The original movie birth of a nation was about the Klan "saving" white women from the "bad black men". This whole case was the real life version of that movie with the cops, the DA, everybody as the Klan. Emmit Til is another real life situation. They manipulated and played mind games with these kids to get fake confessions, even though the evidence and timeline was trash. What's worse is there's MANY cases like this that wasn't publicized. America for you...
I finished it earlier today. I will say I understand why people don't wanna watch it. I been stopped watching slave movies and those Civil Rights movies where they got us getting beat and taking the "high road" and not doing anything about it. The last movie I watched like that was Nate Parker's Birth Of A Nation because that's the Nat Turner story and he gave white folks hell.

With that said for me it got a lil easier to watch after pt 1. Part 2 was rough but pt 1 just had me HEATED. Overall as a mini series it was great. The dude that played Cory like everybody been saying was great. He needs to win an award. That was some of the best in prison acting ever. The dude that played grown up Raymond was great too.
i usually can watch anything but i couldnt finish the first episode.... probably will not watch the rest

Trying to stomach my way thru the first episode right now and man this joint is wildly painful and upsetting to watch. This is my second attempt because first time around I couldnt watch it all. nonetheless, linda fairstein getting dragged thru the mud makes this docuseries worth it on that simple fact alone

i know folk earlier were discussing the relevance and purpose of producing films like this if it doesn’t change the views of people on the other side of the table (conservatives, republicans, red states, etc) but we cant be myopic. As tough as it is to watch, this stuff is a necessary story to tell and include in narrative of us history, especially if policy will change in the future. nothing will change if their stories are buried and we stay blindfolded. Yall ever see the documentary on Deborah Peagler, “Crime After Crime”?
Everyone who watched this series should watch the documentary The Central Park Five. It came out years ago, but sort of flew under the radar. Had it come out within the past couple of years, it would have been highly praised. It's excellent. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. The way they convey how NYC was and how NYers were in the 80's is done masterfully. Give it a look if you get a chance.

It didn't really fly under the radar at all, it's what brought the story back to life enough for there to be a series. It's a Ken Burns doc that won multiple awards.
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