Netflix Mini-Series When They See Us

Is any new info presented about the case? Or do they play on a new angle? If not I doubt I'll watch. Not a huge fan of dramatizations. If it gets more people invested in this issue though, I suppose that's a good thing.

Learning about the kids and their experiences firsthand is more valuable IMO. The Central Park 5 doc was really well made. NYC in the 80's was sh*t show. What a tragedy for those kids.
One of the best hour plus of television I've ever seen. Jharrel Jerome killed it, man. I had to pause it at work, or I woulda broke down a few times.

Give that man all the awards, dudes portrayal brought out all types of emotions out of me, his hug with CO Roberts, his plead to his mom while holding on to her hands, his “what if” moment with his shorty...seriously the most emotionally taxing hour of television I’ve watched in a while, I’m legit exhausted and I had to pause it at least 4 times...
Is any new info presented about the case? Or do they play on a new angle? If not I doubt I'll watch. Not a huge fan of dramatizations. If it gets more people invested in this issue though, I suppose that's a good thing.

Learning about the kids and their experiences firsthand is more valuable IMO. The Central Park 5 doc was really well made. NYC in the 80's was sh*t show. What a tragedy for those kids.

If we think the NYPD is corrupted now, today’s cops are child’s play when it comes to the cops in the 80’s dudes were legit EVIL.
When dude said "i'm gon bless you" to the guard that was nice to him that hurt, like he was fully conditioned at that point.
Anything to try to save face. This bish, Linda Fairstein, still maintains that boys did it, and felt they were also involved with the robberies and assault that occurred on that same night.

Hell, even the victim, Trisha Meilii, is no better either. This was from July of last year, but I'm very certain her opinions to this day remains unchanged.

Only sympathy I have for her is the sexual assault and mental scarring. However, when it comes to her unwillingness to believe the boys were innocent (even after all the forensic evidence highlighted that Reyes and Reyes ALONE was the SOLE perpetrator), and felt that the Mayor awarding the wrongly accused boys 41 Million was disgusting, disappointing and an attempt to "score points with his liberal base", she can rot...FDB :smh:
Anything to try to save face. This bish, Linda Fairstein, still maintains that boys did it, and felt they were also involved with the robberies and assault that occurred on that same night.

Hell, even the victim, Trisha Meilii, is no better either. This was from July of last year, but I'm very certain her opinions to this day remains unchanged.

Only sympathy I have for her is the sexual assault and mental scarring. However, when it comes to her unwillingness to believe the boys were innocent (even after all the forensic evidence highlighted that Reyes and Reyes ALONE was the SOLE perpetrator), and felt that the Mayor awarding the wrongly accused boys 41 Million was disgusting, disappointing and an attempt to "score points with his liberal base", she can rot...FDB :smh:

If we think white men are racist, we haven’t been paying attention to white women...
Meli is a *****. Sucks she got raped. But to be that stubborn and willfully ignore the facts, she’s a clown for that.

As for Fairstein and Lederer. Both those old raggedy *****es deserve what happened to the jogger to happen to them.
Watching the final episode now. Man.....its intense. A whirlwind of emotions.
Oh, is that my mans Kevin (PAUSE) from Moonlight??

Familiar with the story on a superficial level but after reading the reactions in here, I’ve been avoiding watching this. I haven’t felt like putting myself through those types of emotions.
Watched the first episode last night. Man...

That was some intense television. :smh:

The last scene where 4 of them are all together finally realizing the gravity of what they did and how were they were manipulated into doing it -> Korey being given the perp walk while thinking about what could have been if he stayed eating that chicken with his girl with that haunting score in the background :frown::frown::frown:
Just wanted to touch on something outside of the story that I think was well done and added dimension and background to the film. The wardrobes, music and scenery were ON POINT in this.

Could really feel the transition in times, scored by the changing fashion, scenery, music, urban decay and later gentrification all throughout. It felt like you were feeling the time pass. And it felt like 80s, 90s, early 00s NYC.

Many times in urban set films (usually by white directors)....they take BIG shortcuts in these departments. It could be 1985 and they’d have Thug #1 in a pinwheel fitted and durag with a big white T shirt or some goofy ****. And some platinum era Neptune type generic rap beat blasting in the background. And the actors wouldn’t even try the accents of the place they’re portraying. No attention to that detail.

This felt like they really took the time to capture the settings and essence of that time. When the Puerto Rican cat came home, went to his block and saw the mid-late 90s decay....then copped the fubu, timbs and pager etc when he started hustling...scored by old Hov. Or hearing Umi Says by Most Def at the right moment. It all fit together nicely, and I thought it worked really well for the series.
Just saw the scene when they were talking about papi hustling and “U Don’t Know” starts playing when it transitions to his montage.

So mf’n cold.

EDIT: And OITNB step mom pissing me the duck off :angry:

Such a hating *** *****.
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Nah man, Ava really did the last scene like that.

Korey going back full circle to where it all started. Where it could have all been different if he stayed with his little boo... chewing on some chicken. Their last conversation playing in his head one last time as it transitions to my boy Franky’s version of Moon River.

All of ‘em. Give them all the Emmys!

When They See Us - 8/8 television.
Oprah interview :frown: my heart broke for Antron.

Yeah man. Antron showed that it's not just a TV show and acting. It's not over for them.

He's the face for a lot of people. Yusef is who they want to see.

Antron's like I'm ****** up and I probably need therapy. I'm angry. That's who's getting put back on the street.
I just finished this last night, y’all have said everything I want to say but just want to echo Jharrel Jerome gave such a moving performance man. I was able to keep it together until ep4, and then in the Oprah special when Antron opened up. Damn.

On a lighter note, the actress who played Kevin’s sister, Kylie bunburry is straight up gorgeous
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