Need to gain 40 pounds....Help Wanted

- Eat frequently so about 3 large meals and 2-3 good snacks every day. Don't go any longer than 3 hours without eating and try to eat a large meal right before you go to sleep. So stuff yourself and knockout if you can.
- Eat larger than normal portions at meals.
- Eat higher calorie foods like nuts and peanut butter. They are easy to overeat and they will really help you gain weight while still eating healthy. No joke eating 2 PB&Js everyday as your snacks without going easy on the PB and J will help out a lot.
- Add extras to every food you eat. Don’t eat anything plain. Make sure you really OD on the sauces.
- Add healthy unsaturated fats: olive and canola oil, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados. ( Try to eat 1 whole large avocado everyday if you can.)
- Drink shakes, whole milk, juice,etc. instead of water, coffee, tea, and diet sodas.
- Keep lifting weights and cut back on cardio as much as you can.

What I would do for my 3 snacks is:
Snack 1: PB&J Sandwich with a glass of whole milk.
Snack 2: Whole Avocado cut up into cubes and you dip them in sugar.
Snack 3: Eat another PB&J Sandwich with a glass of whole milk.
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

You're not gaining 40 pounds by that time

At least not while being healthy.
Consume more calories than you use up during the day. It's that simple. Eat, eat, eat, and when you feel full, eat some more.
not true at all man. I gained 30 pounds of muscle in 3 monthsish. went from 150-180 at 6'2". Basically i made an excel sheet of everything that I ate, looked up its contents and tweaked my diet accordingly. I was averaging about 4500-5000 calories a day (including protein shakes). I was also lifting 2.5hrs a day, bball 1.5hrs a day, 4 days a week and running a timed mile each day. its definitely possible while still being healthy. it was one of the toughest things ive had to do though. lottttt of naps. i was like tired all the time.  did it for basketball. i wanted to move from a light shooting guard to a built small forward. just keep goin for it man. writing out what you eat really helps
Man, you cant expect to put that much weight on that fast. Its not gonna be the good kind of weight... You'll just get fat. 1 lb a week is a realistic good goal. You are gonna have to eat all the time (if you ever feel hungry you are doing it wrong) and obviously work out lots.

Unless you use creatine or something but you will most likely loose a lot of that weight when you stop using it. But still gaining as much weight as you want in that period of time is not a health goal.

I was a 6'2 185lbs pg my last yr of college.

Outta high school was 6'2 165lbs soaking wet.
i put on 40 pounds during high school...went from 165 to 205...if you gain 40lbs in 5 months, you WONT get the results you want...if you want to do it the right way, it's gonna take time
Originally Posted by Luong1209

How are you 6'0 and 140?

Sit, eat, NT, eat, sleep and repeat.
its not that bad. i was 6'0 and hovering around the low 140s around a year ago.

now after consuming 2500+ calories a day and working out constantly i am hovering around the low 150s. im trying to hit 165 by september.

just have a consistent diet with a balanced amount of protein, carbs etc. etc. and build a solid compound workout plan.
I've never been one to call Ducktales, but squatting 325x10 at 140 LBS sounds implausible at your height. Either your form is terrible or you've got Arnold strength in those little muscles.
Word. I'm 5"10 and I weigh almost 210, so I'm more than willing to donate you 40 pounds.

I'm fat, but I'm trying to diet right now. Let's hope I slim down to at least 180.

Good luck on gaining wait, homie.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I've never been one to call Ducktales, but squatting 325x10 at 140 LBS sounds implausible at your height. Either your form is terrible or you've got Arnold strength in those little muscles.
why would you think im lying?...obviously im not if i brung that up out of nowhere...and yeah i can do what i know people around my weight who can do almost as much....oh and here is the breakdown of 325lbs....  it a 45 pound bar...3 45's on each side....and a 5 added on each side...

Anyone know how I can increase my max to about 205 or 225 by november?...cuz i can only do 180 right now and thats kinda weak...i think personally 

Originally Posted by 45Nique15

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I've never been one to call Ducktales, but squatting 325x10 at 140 LBS sounds implausible at your height. Either your form is terrible or you've got Arnold strength in those little muscles.
why would you think im lying?...obviously im not if i brung that up out of nowhere...and yeah i can do what i know people around my weight who can do almost as much....oh and here is the breakdown of 325lbs....  it a 45 pound bar...3 45's on each side....and a 5 added on each side...

Anyone know how I can increase my max to about 205 or 225 by november?...cuz i can only do 180 right now and thats kinda weak...i think personally 

you squatting with a free bar?
is your femur dropping to below oyur knees when you squat?

im sorry, there's no way that's true.
you squatting 325 at 140??....... You a mutant or some %*%*??

i know there's people out there that can do 2x their body weight +... but i cant fathom you being able to do that with very little/ no muscle.
son i told you...that i workout in the gym 4-5x a really not that week...and yeah i can squat that much...WHY PEOPLE GOTTA HATE
Platinum Funk yeah a free bar...and i know how to squat the right way......and to Smedroc just because you might be weak dont hate on me
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

4 months to put on 40 pounds?

a drastic amount like that in a such a small period of time is more about eating than anything else, theres no way your putting on 40 lean pounds in that amount of time, better off shooting for 30 and even thats drastic

you sure you want to put on that kind of weight in such a small period of time?  you may be "bulkier" in doing so but youll probably be out of shape from doing it

that sad part is that all the actual basketball training youre doing pretty much prevents you from adding a drastic amount of weight, with all the eating and lifting youll be lucky to put on 10-15 lbs
Dominos has this 2 medium 2-topping pizza deal for 5.99 each.  Get that with cinnastix really often.  Eat a chipotle burrito with everything on it right before sleeping.  Slow your metabolism by waiting to eat until you're really hungry then eating everything in sight.  Always get dessert and soda.  Go to graduate school where all you'll do is sit and study for about 14 hours a day and do close to 0 cardio.  To be honest though, this is an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle and I do not under any circumstances recommend it.  But it works.  I used to think gaining weight was hard.
Im calling Bs on that squat number, you probably not even close to hitting parallel. most athletes i know say they squat big but when it comes time to squat they barely get depth. If you can post a vid of you doing 325x10 hitting at least parallel, i will paypal you $100.
Originally Posted by gberdin

youre too late 4 months is too little span of time. get ready to get bucked in college hoops

cosign, I mean if you do achieve your goal then congrats but more than likely THIS will happen
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