Its all good kt i love u tho
if it is not the shoes then what is it!!!!

aim: dtrain62285
I went out to the mall today, I didnt know they opened up another clothing store clothing store called Authentiks. They had some ok stuff, nothing to brag about.

got em for $50! :D

im not even gonna lie.. as i'm not a fan of banks more of talib kweli, common, little brother type rappers... but This Banks is not bad. I've had for about 2 weeks now..
Contact Aim: Karkouki
Email: [email protected]
hahah well i guess i would be down sometime just lets not do it on a big release or something like last time and they wonder why i didn't go haha jk
Contact Aim: Karkouki
Email: [email protected]
Im down for a summit anytime, especially now i finally got my car back

hmm im bored.... heres a few pickups now that i have a good cam again

first my melvins, i allready posted these but heres a better pic..


Neptunes, copped from VU after i couldnt get the grapes...



What ya think bout my project i just finished for my graphics design class:

Uh oh... whats this i got??? Yea, be jelous:


Ok well i admit its not completely mine yet... my dads got it but i might be able to get it within the next month.. i want this damned thing bad, maybe if i cant get this i might go buy one haha.
man i had that phone 6 months ago, that aint sh i t. Ima laugh to when you return yours like I returned mine. That thing has major problems and isnt even near worth the price. That phone sucks.

Yea Blow is a classic.. summit it is tomorrow night at the BP in Raleigh.. You guys who plan this get serious with your plans don't try to have one tomorrow night put some effort into it. I know you guys have some hookups to make a summit work and make it worth while.

I can help
Contact Aim: Karkouki
Email: [email protected]
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