for you UNC fans, saw this shirt on k.loop

Is that new sidekick any good? I know they finally switched SunCom over to T-mobile. Im still hesitant on switching from vzw to t-mobile though. nice 95s
only trouble im having is texting...only text im receiving is from other tmobile users. i talked to tech support and they said its the sim card so hopefully igotta go today to get a fresh one to allow the other text messages from the other phone carries to go through. other than that i love it.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

for you UNC fans, saw this shirt on k.loop


i haven't given karmaloop any money in years
might have to go for it
who needs subtlety
Originally Posted by NCSneakerSummit

Originally Posted by AJ27526

you don't need that one so much

Go Pack by the way

we can only pray that their football and bball team does NOT get over hyped as years past.
sorry for the confusion.... Go Pack[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]ers[/color]
Dang..havent been on here in f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
Saw a couple of ya'll are at GTCC. Graduating in May!
Ready to get out of here.
Just saw I havent posted since
But lol Ant..what are you talking about?

I have been crazy busy lately though. Working 3 jobs and going to school full time..
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