NBA H.O.R.S.E. participants released

billy hoyle

Feb 1, 2010
[h2]Omri Casspi to Compete in NBA's All-Star H.O.R.S.E. Contest [/h2]
by Ziller on Feb 8, 2010 1:23 PM PST in News

Omri Casspi will be in TNT's three-man field for the NBA H.O.R.S.E. content on All-Star Saturday. He'll face reigning champ Kevin Durant and Celtics beast Rajon Rondo. Casspi's also in the Rookie-Sophomore game Friday. Tyreke Evans has a spot on Sacramento's Shooting Stars contest on Saturday night.
I hope it isn't nearly as underwhelming as it was last year.

Celtics "beast"? Wow who wrote this....
Why in the world is Rondo allowed to participate in the H.O.R.S.E. contest (when there's only 3 participants)?!

If he has to follow Durant, he'll be out after 5 shots...
Durant could shoot FTs the whole time and win this in 10 minutes.
Looking forward to it...

There's a lot of players in the league who would dominate this competition too.
Durant in warm-ups, channeling Larry Bird:

"alright fellas, who's finishing second?"
Two 6'9" guys vs. a 6'1" guard? Come on now. This is gonna be a brick fest with dudes taking boring jumpers. I don't care about Durant's range, gimme some interesting and unique shot attempts instead of just chucking up 30 footers.
outta all the people Rondo was chose?!
. That dudes jumper is horrible let alone he's going against Durant who can shoot his lights out
Durant: "For my next shot, I'm gonna take a bite of this pulled pork sandwich and then sink a FT."

where is it gonna be at???indoors or outdoors like last yr...ima try to go...sinc ei live in dallas
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

where is it gonna be at???indoors or outdoors like last yr...ima try to go...sinc ei live in dallas

depends on the weather, not sure if its hot or cold in dallas right now. If its 60+ then its outdoors but any cooler than that its gonna be indoors.
Missed out on this last year. Wanted to watch it this year, but rondo?

These guys better search up youtube some nice shots and ideas.
Rondo is easily one of the worst shooters in the NBA, and this cat is going to be in the HORSE game?

The horse game doesn't have to be all jump shots right?
I mean if Rondo gets a chance and he can do some nice but somewhat difficult layups like back in the day, then he could win.... maybe.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Rondo is easily one of the worst shooters in the NBA, and this cat is going to be in the HORSE game?


Its all about trick shots man, if Rondo can pull some crazy stuff off then good for him but id Durant starts pulling those 40ft jumpshots then he has no chance.
right now in dallas, its raining and in the high 30 mid 40 .. this thursday its like 50% of snow...but on fri it gonna be sunny..
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