NBA Comedy 0809 - Kobe thinks Mbenga is Sloth from Goonies

WinstonDon wrote:
Originally Posted by dyyhard


OMG im dying over here at work.. OMG
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

^ you seriously talk trash to people you don't know while playing pickup ball? I hate playing people like you. For a pickup game, you should let your game do the talking, not your mouth.
Gary Payton and Michael Jordan were notorious trash-talkers and they are both HOF players...
Read what I said again. I was talking about pickup ball.
^ what's the difference. basketball is baskteball. and talking junk makes playing 3x as fun. unless you're sensitive.
kg is a selective trash talker. all that bark and no bite as someone mentioned. at least gary, mj, and bird got in the face of other star players. i neversaw kg try to get into it with lebron, kobe because dude would light his team up if he did. but props to calderon for getting back at him
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

^ what's the difference. basketball is baskteball. and talking junk makes playing 3x as fun. unless you're sensitive.

It's not about being sensitive. How about I just wanna play the way I wanna play and not have to deal with trying to strike vengeance on some clown justbecause he decided to talk s*** after scoring 3 points in a game that goes to 11. From my experience in pick-up ball it more often than not leads to stupidfights, bad 1-on-1 basketball and dummies calling cheap fouls because they don't want to look embarassed losing to whoever they've been jawing with.

Trash talking with players you don't even know is one of the most ******ed things I've ever heard.
^absolutely agree. theres these young dudes that always talk trash and trying to pick fights playing pick up. we are all grown up and not trying to fight noteenagers. and besides, nobody is trying to hear f-bombs and all that other stuff at a playground where there young kids in strollers
/\ it has everything to do with being sensitive...only the ones who let it get to their feelings are the ones who have a problem with it. I been playing ballin DC of all places...all my life and dudes just have fun with it...plain and simple. I've seen more fights pop off from hard fouls than dudes talkingtrash.
bigtimejerky wrote:
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

from tonight KG

�at the kg smoking ps pic
...but nahh kg needs to tone it down i mean why to jose?...pick on someone yourown size...i dont see him doing that to big ben...props to jose not backing down
�word to peeLer

at the suns fastbreak...the eager to run suns i guess they thought nashwas on the court at the time
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ it has everything to do with being sensitive...only the ones who let it get to their feelings are the ones who have a problem with it. I been playing ball in DC of all places...all my life and dudes just have fun with it...plain and simple. I've seen more fights pop off from hard fouls than dudes talking trash.

Uh . . no, how about I couldn't give a %$#@ what someone says to me except for the fact that it's just flat-out annoying in istself to be trying toplay and hear someone trying to start something with you. You don't get it, with me it's not WHAT they're saying, it's just the fact thatthey're saying anything at all. I've been silent my entire life on the basketball court, that's just the way I am, but now all of a sudden I'ma () because I don't feel like going along with someone's ******ed game? Cool.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ it has everything to do with being sensitive...only the ones who let it get to their feelings are the ones who have a problem with it. I been playing ball in DC of all places...all my life and dudes just have fun with it...plain and simple. I've seen more fights pop off from hard fouls than dudes talking trash.

Uh . . no, how about I couldn't give a %$#@ what someone says to me except for the fact that it's just flat-out annoying in istself to be trying to play and hear someone trying to start something with you. You don't get it, with me it's not WHAT they're saying, it's just the fact that they're saying anything at all. I've been silent my entire life on the basketball court, that's just the way I am, but now all of a sudden I'm a () because I don't feel like going along with someone's ******ed game? Cool.

No, it's because you seem to get all bent out of shape from it. Which is why people do it.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ it has everything to do with being sensitive...only the ones who let it get to their feelings are the ones who have a problem with it. I been playing ball in DC of all places...all my life and dudes just have fun with it...plain and simple. I've seen more fights pop off from hard fouls than dudes talking trash.

Uh . . no, how about I couldn't give a %$#@ what someone says to me except for the fact that it's just flat-out annoying in istself to be trying to play and hear someone trying to start something with you. You don't get it, with me it's not WHAT they're saying, it's just the fact that they're saying anything at all. I've been silent my entire life on the basketball court, that's just the way I am, but now all of a sudden I'm a () because I don't feel like going along with someone's ******ed game? Cool.

You're contradicting yourself dude...if it's"annoying" you then obviously you DO give a @$*%. It's nothing you have to "go along with". At the end of the day it's justbasketball...keep playing and take that $%$+ in stride. You're making a big deal out of it. I ain't saying you're a {()} but this is a clear caseof sensitivity.
ballhog13 wrote:
dyyhard wrote:

�� Thats really Brook Lopez's voice???

You can't tell me he aint ******ed

Yes, it absolutely is
. And regardless of how his voice can be, dude isridiculously smart. He would've been at Standford regardless of a basketball scholarship.
^that puts things in a little better perspective. but still what KG did was pretty douchey.
I'll admit that the pointing was a little OD. But I wish that vid showed the whole thing.
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