NBA Casual Wear Thread

:lol: Lebron has to be so embarrassed by his mom. This is the only aspect of his life where I feel sorry for him. Also, how much does "Da Real Lambo" look like Gloria james? :lol:

I gotta hand it to Lebron accepting that dude as part of the family though :lol:

D Wade and Bosh too :lol:
What exactly is so embarrassing about his mother finding someone that makes her happy? Yeah, ol boy comes off as a mid 30's cornball wannabe rapper. But at the end of the day, is he a good and genuine guy? That's all that matters.
What exactly is so embarrassing about his mother finding someone that makes her happy? Yeah, ol boy comes off as a mid 30's cornball wannabe rapper. But at the end of the day, is he a good and genuine guy? That's all that matters.


Yeah, you know Gloria James, always looking for those good and genuine guys.

Bron growing up to be a pretty decent dude and good father from all accounts with the single mother crack sloot he had for parent(s) is almost, if not as impressive as the basketball accomplishments to me.
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Wade's kid extra cocky with the Melo head knock. 

Dudes not bad, if he keeps it up he could def play college ball at the least.
Karl Malone still looks like he's in game shape...didn't know he was that tall

John Wall doesn't really dress well to me...just dresses like a regular cat from Raleigh, but I'm a little biased because I know some of his friends, and they all dress the same way
Bron growing up to be a pretty decent dude and good father from all accounts with the single mother crack sloot he had for parent(s) is almost, if not as impressive as the basketball accomplishments to me.
I've been trying to tell people this but all they ever focus on was how he went to a team with superstars because he's a ***** 
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