NBA Casual Wear Thread

Michelle Rodriguez
talk about GROCE
 the two of them looking like trash with a wig on 
:lol: @ calling lebrons chick who is also a mother of 2, below average.

Gotta see some of #NT girlfriends

mother of 2? what the hell do I CARE?

look at her face, her body is NOTHING special AT ALL

her face is nothing

overall, shes aint worth mentioning.

everyone got diff tastes but yea
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lmaooo this dude oden is ******ed. all those mills they gave him just for being tall, and doing absolutely nothing else lolll
Not gonna lie, something about Michelle Rodriguez's sloppiness with ol girl has me aroused. When you try to have a threesome M. Rod is the kind of girl you need to take things to the next level lol. On her own it's bleh but in tandom with another chick it works.
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