***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

YO crag just accepted a trade with jehlers approve it will ya. yo jehlers you should get better on the boards now with al jeff and dalembert

Im hoping, thats why i did the trade.
Im gonna miss monta though.

Seeing how its been goin though i got nothing to lose.
me too. i need a player like monta to get those mid range shots
do you want to trade monta for someone on my team!
anyone but lebron
LOL let me get a couple games of burn in with him and see how it complements iggy and d12. if anything i might let him go for a pure shooter .stay tuned
Can anyone, CallHimAR or Crag approve the trade of Hedo for Maggette. It's been 2 days and that trade hasn't been approved by one of the admins yet.
OMG!!!! MONTA AND IGGY = the most dangerous backcourt in the league!! d12 + monta + iggy were throwing up olly's to eachother all game ...wowwww .. oh yeahshaq and d12 downlow = hell for you lol
Can anyone, CallHimAR or Crag approve the trade of Hedo for Maggette. It's been 2 days and that trade hasn't been approved by one of the admins yet.
He offered Maggette to another team and they accepted as well, so who do you want Nets?

OMG!!!! MONTA AND IGGY = the most dangerous backcourt in the league!! d12 + monta + iggy were throwing up olly's to eachother all game ...wowwww .. oh yeah shaq and d12 downlow = hell for you lol
I can't even do anything but laugh at you. You're a cheeser, and you're proud.

You scored 17 points outside of the paint. You had 80 in the paint. 80. What a joke.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Can anyone, CallHimAR or Crag approve the trade of Hedo for Maggette. It's been 2 days and that trade hasn't been approved by one of the admins yet.
He offered Maggette to another team and they accepted as well, so who do you want Nets?

OMG!!!! MONTA AND IGGY = the most dangerous backcourt in the league!! d12 + monta + iggy were throwing up olly's to eachother all game ...wowwww .. oh yeah shaq and d12 downlow = hell for you lol
I can't even do anything but laugh at you. You're a cheeser, and you're proud.

You scored 17 points outside of the paint. You had 80 in the paint. 80. What a joke.


lol is it my fault your zone was too slow to shift and there were wide open lanes to the basket
oh yeah dont fall for the pump fake or you will get drove on .....
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Can anyone, CallHimAR or Crag approve the trade of Hedo for Maggette. It's been 2 days and that trade hasn't been approved by one of the admins yet.
He offered Maggette to another team and they accepted as well, so who do you want Nets?

OMG!!!! MONTA AND IGGY = the most dangerous backcourt in the league!! d12 + monta + iggy were throwing up olly's to eachother all game ...wowwww .. oh yeah shaq and d12 downlow = hell for you lol
I can't even do anything but laugh at you. You're a cheeser, and you're proud.

You scored 17 points outside of the paint. You had 80 in the paint. 80. What a joke.


Oh ok. Damn, 80 out of 97 points in the paint. Damn.

I remember only having 27 out of 90 in the 2nd to last game I played.
lol is it my fault your zone was too slow to shift and there were wide open lanes to the basket
oh yeah dont fall for the pump fake or you will get drove on .....

Ok, how about you pump fake, move up and take a jumper? Oh right, because you can't shoot at all.

You missed about 85% of the shots you took outside of the paint. If you didn't cheese in the paint I really don't think you'd ever win a game. Imean, you have Monta now, at least attempt a shot with him. Also you met me half court all game when you were already up and you barely played on ball D.


oh yeah look at the scoring on my team. im spreading it out more and NOT scoring 50+ with one person .... now that would be OD
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

lol is it my fault your zone was too slow to shift and there were wide open lanes to the basket
oh yeah dont fall for the pump fake or you will get drove on .....

Ok, how about you pump fake, move up and take a jumper? Oh right, because you can't shoot at all.

You missed about 85% of the shots you took outside of the paint. If you didn't cheese in the paint I really don't think you'd ever win a game. I mean, you have Monta now, at least attempt a shot with him. Also you met me half court all game when you were already up and you barely played on ball D.



lol i play zone . i cant switch up EVERY time you pass it. but i did get over 3/4 of all blocks as USER blocks than k you very much
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I posted in here multiple times asking you to respond if you planned on playing man. I hadn't heard from you in days. I don't want this league to fail like the previous one, sorry man.
it's cool. it was just with classes, it turned out that this week ive been bogged down with work and i could only play thurs-friday. i wasgonna get my games in man

but its cool, i understand. i woulda kicked me out too.
lol i play zone . i cant switch up EVERY time you pass it. but i did get over 3/4 of all blocks as USER blocks than k you very much

Cool, I understand that, but meeting me half court every time I came up? Blatant cheesing in the paint? Are you just going to ignore these issues and continue?I see you already have 10 out of 15 in the paint against the Hawks.
oh yeah i dont hear people on here yelling CHEESING when they hit 20/30 3pters in a game .. give me a break. youre giving me grief for having alot of PIP wheni have 2 99 dunk players, shaq and monta? pleaseeeee
No dude, all you do is dunk. IF you wanted to try shooting 3's that'd be fine. You don't have a 99.9 percent success rate of making a 3. You cheeseand you know it man.

If all you wanted to do is dunk, you shoulda bought NBA live
thats fine. look at my stats for the current game. im actually TRYING to make long shots even if i have open men downlow . smh
ok so i got 38 out of 77 pip this game with 6/15 from 3pt. a lil more sim for you lol. you can ask capital bc how i played if you like but i really tried NOTto 'cheese'

thats fine. you can give me one more strike. i'll force myself to play more sim because i honestly dont want to get kicked out. oh yeah airmaxin hold yourhorses lol

hey lakers if you want you can ask the admin to erase our last game and we can run it back.
Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

FYI dude with the hawks shot 6 shots in a row with granger . cheese? lol

lol stop hatin and put a hand up maybe he will miss j/k ....he aint cheese at all actually this game
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