Nauseous from Video Games?

Feb 10, 2011
I went to play MW3 campaign mode, and I started to feel horrible, I start getting hot, dizzy, and just awful, and it lasted over and hour, it was weird. It actually has happened whenever I play any cod campaign. Anyone have this happen to them when playing video games?
never got that feeling, and i dont get motion sickness or anything like that. OP do you get car sick or anything like that?
It's not that uncommon. That's why there are warning labels all over the box about motion sickness and seizures.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

It's not that uncommon. That's why there are warning labels all over the box about motion sickness and seizures.

Damn, I never read that 

superdude2311 wrote:
never got that feeling, and i dont get motion sickness or anything like that. OP do you get car sick or anything like that?

This made me laugh, but ya I do a lot, only when I'm in a car when other people are driving, not when I drive myself
But it's not like it happens after a while, I feel that way within minutes, guess no more fps for me 
GTA IV is the only game that ever made me this way
I would always get dizzy and get a headache after about 30 min.
What's up vertigo?!

My brother and I first experienced this playing a time that I thought was a FPS called Time Bandits. But I can't find it on the web. But it's claim to fame was how insanely fast it was. After a few levels, we experienced the exact same symptoms.

You just gotta take breaks more frequently and walk around. *Actually moving around should make you feel better.

*Not trolling.
Yo I just copped MW3, my first time playing and like 20 mins in, I though I was going to faint. I been playin video games my whole life, never happened before. I haven't touched it since.
one day i played cod all day and when i went to sleep i had a real bad headache and i had a violent dream about me being a soldier and each gunshot would make my head hurt more..

after that day i played more madden , too much cod is not good and i cant stand to play video games more than an hour without a break
I get motion sickness often so I can't play a FPS game for too long or I feel bad.

Some third person games too if the camera moves around a lot.

I know when I get motion sick in the car, chewing gum helps out.. never tried it while playing games, though.
never.... i could play drunk high in the middle of the night with the lights turned off with sleep deprivation and i feel great...
can't play first person
I remember the old duke nukem and doom use to mess me up bad
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