Name a better film/action film than TDK

Sep 21, 2012
It's always made me 
when I see ppl view this as being the "standard" for film/comic film here and elsewhere...

Please tell me there are a handful of you who acknowledge a movie that's come out at least in the last 15 years that's better than TDK. 

I'd just like to hear some titles, but if it turns into a discussion (and please lets not turn this into a TDK>___ type post there are enough of those) that's okay too. 

for the slow: TDK= The Dark Knight
It's always made me :rofl: when I see ppl view this as being the "standard" for film/comic film here and elsewhere...

Please tell me there are a handful of you who acknowledge a movie that's come out at least in the last 15 years that's better than TDK. 

I'd just like to hear some titles, but if it turns into a discussion (and please lets not turn this into a TDK>___ type post there are enough of those) that's okay too. 

for the slow: TDK= The Dark Knight

But it will turn into that kinda thread cuz you want people to name a movie better.
The Dark Knight is a great film, but in all honesty...Ledger's performance made that film what it is. In my opinion, there have been better films in the last 15 years. That being said, I can see the trilogy as a standard for dramatic comic films. Not films in general.
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if your talking about action films, and the point of the film being action then expendables 2 is > :lol:
i liked tdk but its def not at the top of my fav movies
I'm confused. 

Like they said.....theres literally hundreds of movies that are better.

Yes, of superhero movies this trilogy gotta take it....but theres even other action movies out there that were better.

Brb when I think of some haha.
Off the top of my head
Kill Bill 1 and 2 and ingluorious basterds but I'm a Tarantino fanboy.
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