My Social Life Sucks.

op should get a job, you'll meet new people & new experiences. I've been workin since I was 16 n I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything.
mine sucks to and its a combination of a lot of things...I don't wanna force myself out of my shell so I just focus and obsess on the things that wake me up every morning.
My friend buses everywhere so don't even use having no car as an excuse because if he can do it ALL OVER DOWNTOWN TORONTO, then I'm sure you can...
Eh, I'm the same way. I'm a social outcast. Ppl know me but dudes won't hit me up if the party's poppin but if didn't have a ride it'd be "Yo Black u tryna go out" That's why I work on my music, school, and takin care of my daughter. I grew up, the ppl I used to hang w/ didn't so oh well. Social Networkin dont help either OP. U ever post somethin u felt was important only to not get quoted or get it commented on? Become Crank Lucas then u'll have all the e-friends in the world
Originally Posted by GucciMane

Originally Posted by Phat

Well, then have your life over the internetz
.. You seem to be doing pretty well so far with 150 posts in 6 days.

But yeah, having no car sucks

And while you're too busy collecting shoes and wearin skinny jeanz im smashing left and right.
wait, what? ur smashing from left to right, but dont have a single friend that want's to chill? damn dude I'll rather have ur social life if ur smashing like that
Dont even trip about high school. I talk to like 2 people that I use to chill with from high school

It seems like such a big deal when your in HS but it's really not.

Just get good grades and go to a dope college!

The people at your church... Do you know from talking to them that you share no interests or are you judging them? If it's the latter, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them.

Since your friends drive I'm going to assume you're in either your junior or senior year...all I can advise is meet some new people if your current friends don't like hanging out with you, try to befriend or date girls, or just tough the next 1-2 years out, get strong grades and go to a good college. I didn't meet the group of friends I hang with now until my senior year but we're still mad close even after a couple of years of college.
Originally Posted by onetwothreewick

The people at your church... Do you know from talking to them that you share no interests or are you judging them? If it's the latter, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them.

Since your friends drive I'm going to assume you're in either your junior or senior year...all I can advise is meet some new people if your current friends don't like hanging out with you, try to befriend or date girls, or just tough the next 1-2 years out, get strong grades and go to a good college. I didn't meet the group of friends I hang with now until my senior year but we're still mad close even after a couple of years of college.
None of my friends drive

They just get on the school bus and go home.

And you NT'ers are too gullible....

And whoever asked, im from Bowie.
Originally Posted by GucciMane

Originally Posted by onetwothreewick

The people at your church... Do you know from talking to them that you share no interests or are you judging them? If it's the latter, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them.

Since your friends drive I'm going to assume you're in either your junior or senior year...all I can advise is meet some new people if your current friends don't like hanging out with you, try to befriend or date girls, or just tough the next 1-2 years out, get strong grades and go to a good college. I didn't meet the group of friends I hang with now until my senior year but we're still mad close even after a couple of years of college.
None of my friends drive

They just get on the school bus and go home.

And you NT'ers are too gullible....

And whoever asked, im from Bowie.
Oh son, thats a very nice urban area. Honestly for the time being, focus on school and your hobbies. Your social life won't start until you get to college or get a job. That is what happened to me. You do way better when you forget what others think of you. Thats when you become fine with yourself and socializing becomes easy. People from high school dont even recognize me cause I've changed so much into my true self. I was locked in my shell in high school, but now I'm good. Just be patient bro and things will get better. I know its prob some crap right now, but it won't matter in a few years. And with all your free time, I'm sure you can go get a youngin over in bowie. Bammas over there always getting girls. GL OP
I dont really know what to tell you. I mean, you live in MD right? The bus system cant be that bad there. If I could get it in down here im damn sure you could up there. I feel like you're leaving something out.
Originally Posted by GucciMane

Before yall flame me, i'm still in HS and i dont got a car.
Real talk, every time i tell me boys to hang out after school or catch something to eat (No Bromo)
they always say they cant
We only hung out like twice last year.
When we're in school though, we be goofing off and ***+ and talking talking

Now i rarely ask them since i have to catch the bus home since my mom cant drive.
so i can only go if my sister is willing to pick me up (which is rare since shes busy in college)
So basically, from Mon - Fri, i catch the bus home. Grub. TV. Computer. Dinner. And lastly, HW.

On Sat and Sun. i go to church and theres kids my age over there, but they're the type i dont usually hang around with since we share nothing in common.

I hate high school. Hopefully, college will be better.

I plan on going to a school in NY and dorm.

Had to vent.

You mean school in NY, like NYC? Been listening to some J.Cole or osmething??

I cant say that you sound like the Columbia or NYU type...unless you a CUNY kind of dude.

And social life "sucks" because you're not living one. I enjoyed being home in highschool personally...theres always college. highschool really is nothing...
I kinda know where you're coming from. In high school I only had a few close friends (even tho I "knew" a lot of people I didn't know them well sort of thing), and even in the beginning of college I didn't open up to anyone besides my suitemates, so after my suitemate backstabbed me in a housing situation before junior year, I was left all alone with NO one to hang out with, I knew nobody in my classes, it was a really tough time for me. So, I started opening up to people in my classes; since people in the same major always take the same classes usually, I eventually started knowing more people and now, I have a social life and also a very good school life as I know a good number of people now. I guess the message is just talk to people, even if you act real nervous around people at first they'll be glad you approached them and unless they're total a-holes (like some NTers
) you'll make acquaintances, and you'll get into a social circle with quality people.
damn flee.. just be more outgoing.. you're still young but that's no excuse.. and i don't know how you can hate high school, but whatever.. and if you ain't smashing in high school, you're probably going to follow the same pattern in college.. i wish you luck though..
Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by GucciMane

Before yall flame me, i'm still in HS and i dont got a car.
Real talk, every time i tell me boys to hang out after school or catch something to eat (No Bromo)
they always say they cant
We only hung out like twice last year.
When we're in school though, we be goofing off and ***+ and talking talking

Now i rarely ask them since i have to catch the bus home since my mom cant drive.
so i can only go if my sister is willing to pick me up (which is rare since shes busy in college)
So basically, from Mon - Fri, i catch the bus home. Grub. TV. Computer. Dinner. And lastly, HW.

On Sat and Sun. i go to church and theres kids my age over there, but they're the type i dont usually hang around with since we share nothing in common.

I hate high school. Hopefully, college will be better.

I plan on going to a school in NY and dorm.

Had to vent.

You mean school in NY, like NYC? Been listening to some J.Cole or osmething??

I cant say that you sound like the Columbia or NYU type...unless you a CUNY kind of dude.

And social life "sucks" because you're not living one. I enjoyed being home in highschool personally...theres always college. highschool really is nothing...

This.  Please realize this.  True words right here.
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