Most Trouble You Ever Been In With Your Parents?

In high school a friend let my boy and me spend the night at his house while his family went out of town.
We invited chicks over and around 7am his older sister came over with her kid to check out the house and the kid walked in on us in bed and starting screaming.
I was knocked out so I just lifted my head and went back to sleep. My mom had a fit.
Good times.
In high school a friend let my boy and me spend the night at his house while his family went out of town.
We invited chicks over and around 7am his older sister came over with her kid to check out the house and the kid walked in on us in bed and starting screaming.
I was knocked out so I just lifted my head and went back to sleep. My mom had a fit.
Good times.
Too much stuff

-Kicked outta boarding school in the 9th grade for a "BB" gun, moms was so pissed I had dad (who lived in OH at the time) come pick me up even tho moms had already bought me a plane tix back to Milwaukee. I was freaking shook. Got back and moms pretty much had me on punishment for an entire semester
- Got suspended in 7th grade for bringing pron to school.
- Got caught with unexplainable amounts of cash all the time throughout high school.... Moms never did much but always hit me with the SMH
- Found out I smashed literally like 24hrs after I lost my virginity lol..... Was just happy I used condoms

Thats all the stuff I'm willing to admit for now
Too much stuff

-Kicked outta boarding school in the 9th grade for a "BB" gun, moms was so pissed I had dad (who lived in OH at the time) come pick me up even tho moms had already bought me a plane tix back to Milwaukee. I was freaking shook. Got back and moms pretty much had me on punishment for an entire semester
- Got suspended in 7th grade for bringing pron to school.
- Got caught with unexplainable amounts of cash all the time throughout high school.... Moms never did much but always hit me with the SMH
- Found out I smashed literally like 24hrs after I lost my virginity lol..... Was just happy I used condoms

Thats all the stuff I'm willing to admit for now
When me and my older brother were younger, my dad found pron sites on our computer haha
Our dad had us in the garage with the belt out questioning us like it was a scene from law and order..

Then he used our pokemon cards to fuel the fire on the BBQ pit
When me and my older brother were younger, my dad found pron sites on our computer haha
Our dad had us in the garage with the belt out questioning us like it was a scene from law and order..

Then he used our pokemon cards to fuel the fire on the BBQ pit
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

 I don't even want to say how I ended up in that situation.
Were you adopted?
I really can't remember anytime I was in that big of trouble. 

I just remember when I was younger, my pops was working a couple states away so he would only be home on weekends. So my mom was the main parent in my life when I was younger. All I remember is her beating the $+$@ out of me
And I honestly can't recall anything I did when I was little that warranted the beatings

My junior or senior of HS, my pops got in one of his maniacal states and started getting pissed over Babel
anyways he was getting so ticked at my mom for renting the movie that my bro goes to take out the movie. One thing leads to another and my dad is screaming at the top of his lungs at my lil brother. By now I had escaped to my room with just the
look on my face. Anyways, the screaming at my brother leads to hitting him in the chest and slapping him
and I jump into action and break that $+$@ up real quick and go off on my dad (probably the only time I had ever truly showed anger towards him) and he simmered down a little and starts going off on me for yelling at him. And I refused to back down and he kicked me out, I ended up spending the night at my friends house
I eventually had to go home the next day and my pops straight up gave me the "you're not there/ghost" treatment
We ended up not talking for the next 2-3 weeks, the only words he said to me were "mow the lawn" and "take out the trash" and he took my house key and car keys away, my bro had to open the door and drive me to work
Eventually my mom convinces me to be the bigger man and apologize first and my dad buys it. To this day, I still know that I had nothing to apologize for, but whatev; my mom did actually teach me a good lesson on just apologizing to defuse stupid situations.  And I ask him if there is anything he would like to apologize, and all he does is shout out "I'm sorry" to my little brother who is down the hallway, and that was that
and he went on to lecture me on how I am not supposed to yell at my elders and just completely flipped the situation on to me and made it my fault, god damn my family is a mess
by now it was like a month after this had happened, and I was just happy I got my car back and my mom and brother didn't have to suffer anymore.

Having a bi-polar parent is wild man, the highs and lows are unbearable. Also, the fact that he refused to get treatment is even worse. I have no idea what to do.

On a brighter note, a few weeks after this I was chillin in my bro's room and we were talking about how we used to jump on beds... me being the dumber one, decides to jump on his bed. I take two bounces and the entire bed frame just collapsed
Luckily my pops was on one of his bipolar highs and the entire family just laughed it off

That first story is kind of a repressed memory, wow.... I honestly dunno when the last time that moment popped into my head
It was like 5 years ago
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

 I don't even want to say how I ended up in that situation.
Were you adopted?
I really can't remember anytime I was in that big of trouble. 

I just remember when I was younger, my pops was working a couple states away so he would only be home on weekends. So my mom was the main parent in my life when I was younger. All I remember is her beating the $+$@ out of me
And I honestly can't recall anything I did when I was little that warranted the beatings

My junior or senior of HS, my pops got in one of his maniacal states and started getting pissed over Babel
anyways he was getting so ticked at my mom for renting the movie that my bro goes to take out the movie. One thing leads to another and my dad is screaming at the top of his lungs at my lil brother. By now I had escaped to my room with just the
look on my face. Anyways, the screaming at my brother leads to hitting him in the chest and slapping him
and I jump into action and break that $+$@ up real quick and go off on my dad (probably the only time I had ever truly showed anger towards him) and he simmered down a little and starts going off on me for yelling at him. And I refused to back down and he kicked me out, I ended up spending the night at my friends house
I eventually had to go home the next day and my pops straight up gave me the "you're not there/ghost" treatment
We ended up not talking for the next 2-3 weeks, the only words he said to me were "mow the lawn" and "take out the trash" and he took my house key and car keys away, my bro had to open the door and drive me to work
Eventually my mom convinces me to be the bigger man and apologize first and my dad buys it. To this day, I still know that I had nothing to apologize for, but whatev; my mom did actually teach me a good lesson on just apologizing to defuse stupid situations.  And I ask him if there is anything he would like to apologize, and all he does is shout out "I'm sorry" to my little brother who is down the hallway, and that was that
and he went on to lecture me on how I am not supposed to yell at my elders and just completely flipped the situation on to me and made it my fault, god damn my family is a mess
by now it was like a month after this had happened, and I was just happy I got my car back and my mom and brother didn't have to suffer anymore.

Having a bi-polar parent is wild man, the highs and lows are unbearable. Also, the fact that he refused to get treatment is even worse. I have no idea what to do.

On a brighter note, a few weeks after this I was chillin in my bro's room and we were talking about how we used to jump on beds... me being the dumber one, decides to jump on his bed. I take two bounces and the entire bed frame just collapsed
Luckily my pops was on one of his bipolar highs and the entire family just laughed it off

That first story is kind of a repressed memory, wow.... I honestly dunno when the last time that moment popped into my head
It was like 5 years ago
anybody remember that one dude who posted on here about his dad beating him cause he gave a pizza guy a tip. hahah
anybody remember that one dude who posted on here about his dad beating him cause he gave a pizza guy a tip. hahah
-when i was 14 i got into a fight wit this dude who was a senior at my school. i went to his house after school & beat the dog **$% outta him. the next day at school he was there wit a hoodie on all day tryna cover his face cause it was real messed up. when his friends saw him they asked him wat happened so he said me & sum other dudes jumped him, so when i was at lunch folks was tellin me his friends was gon catch me when i got off the bus after school & jump me. i wasnt really worried cause i aint think they was gon be deep like that. so that afternoon when the bus pulled up to my stop, i seen them at the top of my hill in like 10 cars & i was shook so i went to the next bus stop so i could take the cut to my house & get my strap. well this dumb !!% female i used to mess wit told em wat i was doin so by the time i got off the bus at the other stop, they was already there waitin on me. i was posted wit my ##%$*+ while the dudes was tryna jump me was talkin **$%, it was like 20-30 of them ##%$*+ & they had bats & everything so i was like damn these ##%$*+ gon kill me. i got one of my homeboys to distract em while i snuck off & ran thru the cut to my house. i ran in the crib & got my .40 & started runnin back up the stairs wit it in y hand. my dad happened to be comin in the house right when i was puttin the clip in & cockin it & he saw me. that @$**! tackled me & took the gun & started goin off on me. that was the maddest i ever seen him cause my dad normally calm as hell

-my senior year of school my dad found 2 lbs of weed all in nicks in my room wit a scale & a 9mm. thats when he kicked me out the crib
-when i was 14 i got into a fight wit this dude who was a senior at my school. i went to his house after school & beat the dog **$% outta him. the next day at school he was there wit a hoodie on all day tryna cover his face cause it was real messed up. when his friends saw him they asked him wat happened so he said me & sum other dudes jumped him, so when i was at lunch folks was tellin me his friends was gon catch me when i got off the bus after school & jump me. i wasnt really worried cause i aint think they was gon be deep like that. so that afternoon when the bus pulled up to my stop, i seen them at the top of my hill in like 10 cars & i was shook so i went to the next bus stop so i could take the cut to my house & get my strap. well this dumb !!% female i used to mess wit told em wat i was doin so by the time i got off the bus at the other stop, they was already there waitin on me. i was posted wit my ##%$*+ while the dudes was tryna jump me was talkin **$%, it was like 20-30 of them ##%$*+ & they had bats & everything so i was like damn these ##%$*+ gon kill me. i got one of my homeboys to distract em while i snuck off & ran thru the cut to my house. i ran in the crib & got my .40 & started runnin back up the stairs wit it in y hand. my dad happened to be comin in the house right when i was puttin the clip in & cockin it & he saw me. that @$**! tackled me & took the gun & started goin off on me. that was the maddest i ever seen him cause my dad normally calm as hell

-my senior year of school my dad found 2 lbs of weed all in nicks in my room wit a scale & a 9mm. thats when he kicked me out the crib
third grade, i brought my dads wedding ring to school and lost it. he always threatened me with this wooden stick he had by our kitchen door, and that always had me shooook. good thing tho, cuz he just whipped me regular with some solid slaps to the face

my g-ma worked at a liquor store in downtown LA, and this was the time when sprite was doing promotions with prizes under each cap and whatnot. so i was like 11 and i started opening all the bottles of sprite looking for a damn winner 
anway, my gma found out and beat me something new...but i got to take all the sprite home(like30) in a trash bag since she couldnt sell them anymore 

my pops has to have some super smell or some #%*@, because he can smell anything on me, even hours after and from across the house. i got caught like twice after burning with the boys, and once smelling like alch. (in the morning, after a shower 
 i thought i was in the clear after my shower, but no shot) i was in my late teens at the time, so he just hit me with the "more disappointed than mad" deal  
third grade, i brought my dads wedding ring to school and lost it. he always threatened me with this wooden stick he had by our kitchen door, and that always had me shooook. good thing tho, cuz he just whipped me regular with some solid slaps to the face

my g-ma worked at a liquor store in downtown LA, and this was the time when sprite was doing promotions with prizes under each cap and whatnot. so i was like 11 and i started opening all the bottles of sprite looking for a damn winner 
anway, my gma found out and beat me something new...but i got to take all the sprite home(like30) in a trash bag since she couldnt sell them anymore 

my pops has to have some super smell or some #%*@, because he can smell anything on me, even hours after and from across the house. i got caught like twice after burning with the boys, and once smelling like alch. (in the morning, after a shower 
 i thought i was in the clear after my shower, but no shot) i was in my late teens at the time, so he just hit me with the "more disappointed than mad" deal  
haven't really been in big trouble with my parents.. (knock on wood) but I  came close this one time

- I came home at like 3am from a party and after me and my boys left the party, we smoked an L then called it a night.
When I got home and was about to go into my room, my stepmom was in the hallway, up for some damn reason
, and saw that my eyes were blood shot. So she starts questioning me asking if i chief'd that night and what not but I just kept denying and went into my room, it was obvious I did. Fast forward to the next morning, my pops comes in my room ( which is rare) and grabs my phone looking for numbers.. why? idk.. so he asks who i was with last night and if I was smoking weed. I told him I was with this one dude who is on good terms with my pops, but I really wasnt with him that night. so he's like call him and I did, and when my friend picked up I was like "Yo dude, my pops wants to talk to you.." Luckily, even though my friend had no idea what the hell was going on, he covered for me and I got lucky as $+!# that night. My pops was like if I have anymore suspicions from now on.. im gonna drug test you. I was shook but got so lucky that night.. damn..
haven't really been in big trouble with my parents.. (knock on wood) but I  came close this one time

- I came home at like 3am from a party and after me and my boys left the party, we smoked an L then called it a night.
When I got home and was about to go into my room, my stepmom was in the hallway, up for some damn reason
, and saw that my eyes were blood shot. So she starts questioning me asking if i chief'd that night and what not but I just kept denying and went into my room, it was obvious I did. Fast forward to the next morning, my pops comes in my room ( which is rare) and grabs my phone looking for numbers.. why? idk.. so he asks who i was with last night and if I was smoking weed. I told him I was with this one dude who is on good terms with my pops, but I really wasnt with him that night. so he's like call him and I did, and when my friend picked up I was like "Yo dude, my pops wants to talk to you.." Luckily, even though my friend had no idea what the hell was going on, he covered for me and I got lucky as $+!# that night. My pops was like if I have anymore suspicions from now on.. im gonna drug test you. I was shook but got so lucky that night.. damn..
Originally Posted by IheartDrums

anybody remember that one dude who posted on here about his dad beating him cause he gave a pizza guy a tip. hahah
I vaguely remember that, yes
Originally Posted by IheartDrums

anybody remember that one dude who posted on here about his dad beating him cause he gave a pizza guy a tip. hahah
I vaguely remember that, yes
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