Most embarrassing thing thats happened to you vol. w/e

Originally Posted by chuck67

when your with a fat chick and your jimmy wont get hard. talk about a mood killer. literally

SON....I feel you....this !#*!# got up and left on me how a fat chick gone get up and leave on you...Im supposed to leave out on her
Ah %@%+ I totally forgot about the time I fell down an entire flight of stairs with a broken ankle.

I already shared my @#$$@%%$ myself stories, but basically there are two embarassing parts to this story. First, my friend literally broke my ankles on the basketball court. He started left and then went right and dribbled past me and as I turned to try to swipe at the ball my right foot stayed planted and I fell down and just heard a loud pop. I got up to try to run after him and just had this crazy sharp pain in my right foot, and could barely walk on it. Was wearing VIII Chromes. Hate those %!*+%%% shoes.

So anyway, that's part one. After that, I couldn't work, and I dropped out of summer school because I wasn't about to crutch a halfmile across campus between lecture and discussion sections. All I did was go to the gym and work out my upper body (got swole). My basic routine for getting up and down the stairs was to hold both crutches in one hand and then just the railing with one arm and hop on my good foot. Coming down the main concrete stairs I somehow lost balance and just lost it down the entire set of stairs and this chick came running up saying OMG OMG are you okay?! Did you break your other foot? I shot straight up, grabbed my crutches, said I was fine, and hauled %!* out of there. Felt like such a %+!$*%+.
Ah %@%+ I totally forgot about the time I fell down an entire flight of stairs with a broken ankle.

I already shared my @#$$@%%$ myself stories, but basically there are two embarassing parts to this story. First, my friend literally broke my ankles on the basketball court. He started left and then went right and dribbled past me and as I turned to try to swipe at the ball my right foot stayed planted and I fell down and just heard a loud pop. I got up to try to run after him and just had this crazy sharp pain in my right foot, and could barely walk on it. Was wearing VIII Chromes. Hate those %!*+%%% shoes.

So anyway, that's part one. After that, I couldn't work, and I dropped out of summer school because I wasn't about to crutch a halfmile across campus between lecture and discussion sections. All I did was go to the gym and work out my upper body (got swole). My basic routine for getting up and down the stairs was to hold both crutches in one hand and then just the railing with one arm and hop on my good foot. Coming down the main concrete stairs I somehow lost balance and just lost it down the entire set of stairs and this chick came running up saying OMG OMG are you okay?! Did you break your other foot? I shot straight up, grabbed my crutches, said I was fine, and hauled %!* out of there. Felt like such a %+!$*%+.
At my best friends house for a huge bbq, with large amount of people.Well after Im done eating I realize that some of the food did not agree
so well with my stomach. I run to the closest bathroom and drop the biggest deuce of my life. Well afterward feeling
i come to realize that
I used the bathroom where the toilet was broken. Wouldn't flush to save my life. Making matters worse this was the bathroom closest to the kitchen.
 Ended up telling my best friend to and this fool going to go and tell the whole world how I broke the toilet. Well for the rest of that night all everyone
was talking about is how bad the house smells. Who is this kid who broke the toilet? Does he have stomach problems?
At my best friends house for a huge bbq, with large amount of people.Well after Im done eating I realize that some of the food did not agree
so well with my stomach. I run to the closest bathroom and drop the biggest deuce of my life. Well afterward feeling
i come to realize that
I used the bathroom where the toilet was broken. Wouldn't flush to save my life. Making matters worse this was the bathroom closest to the kitchen.
 Ended up telling my best friend to and this fool going to go and tell the whole world how I broke the toilet. Well for the rest of that night all everyone
was talking about is how bad the house smells. Who is this kid who broke the toilet? Does he have stomach problems?
First game of junior year of varsity basketball, I check in and within the first minute of the game I'm running on a fast break and slip on some water that was left on the court while having the ball passed at me at the same exact time. I get hit in the head by the bounce pass and end up spraining my shooting wrist from trying to break the fail. I was out for the rest of the season but the craziest thing was the crowd looking at me like I had got shot.

Senior year of varsity basketball, I'm trying to check in but I'm not able to rip off my warm up pants at the table. Must of the held up the game for a minute trying to tear them away and coach just told me to sit back down and try from sitting down.

Running on a treadmill at the gym while watching Anchorman on the screen = me falling down from laughing and being thrown into the wall. Couldn't even just leave the room either since my headphone were still attached the the machine.

Girl I was messing with in college decided to period all over my hand and bed while I was fingering her. I walked out to clean up my hands and throw her and my sheet out and 2 of my roommates looked at me liked I killed a guy. Still love to bring up that I got caught red handed that night.
First game of junior year of varsity basketball, I check in and within the first minute of the game I'm running on a fast break and slip on some water that was left on the court while having the ball passed at me at the same exact time. I get hit in the head by the bounce pass and end up spraining my shooting wrist from trying to break the fail. I was out for the rest of the season but the craziest thing was the crowd looking at me like I had got shot.

Senior year of varsity basketball, I'm trying to check in but I'm not able to rip off my warm up pants at the table. Must of the held up the game for a minute trying to tear them away and coach just told me to sit back down and try from sitting down.

Running on a treadmill at the gym while watching Anchorman on the screen = me falling down from laughing and being thrown into the wall. Couldn't even just leave the room either since my headphone were still attached the the machine.

Girl I was messing with in college decided to period all over my hand and bed while I was fingering her. I walked out to clean up my hands and throw her and my sheet out and 2 of my roommates looked at me liked I killed a guy. Still love to bring up that I got caught red handed that night.
i had a raging boner in middle school gym class one day

i dont remember why, i just did

so i stood up and apparently didnt realize i had said boner and a bunch of people saw me sporting a massive wood

this one Dominican kid would call me 'Boner' for the rest of the year
i had a raging boner in middle school gym class one day

i dont remember why, i just did

so i stood up and apparently didnt realize i had said boner and a bunch of people saw me sporting a massive wood

this one Dominican kid would call me 'Boner' for the rest of the year
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Still aint got no bress tho.

Spoiler [+]

First "we get it, you're a girl, give it up"
then "you still ain't got no bress tho"

I ain't even mad, do your thing

I thought of another one involving me fat childhood:

So one summer my parents decided I had to go to fat camp because my weight was getting out of control. I put up a huge fight for months and finally on the day the bus left they packed my bags for me, loaded me full of nyquil and dropped me off

One day we went on a 4 day trip to the wonderland amusement park in Canada...
THERE WAS FOOD EVERYWHERE it was heaven, so i stuff my face and still wasn't content, I wanted to bring some back with me but they check your bags when you get on the bus.
So I put a pack of starbursts in my shoe and pretend I hurt my ankle running to get on a ride and that's why I was walking funny
The head of the trip INSISTS on checking out my ankle I'm like no no no it's okay I can deal with it no pain no gain right?
She takes off my shoe, out fall the starbursts with everyone staring at me, I get kicked out of fat camp for essentially being too fat
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Still aint got no bress tho.

Spoiler [+]

First "we get it, you're a girl, give it up"
then "you still ain't got no bress tho"

I ain't even mad, do your thing

I thought of another one involving me fat childhood:

So one summer my parents decided I had to go to fat camp because my weight was getting out of control. I put up a huge fight for months and finally on the day the bus left they packed my bags for me, loaded me full of nyquil and dropped me off

One day we went on a 4 day trip to the wonderland amusement park in Canada...
THERE WAS FOOD EVERYWHERE it was heaven, so i stuff my face and still wasn't content, I wanted to bring some back with me but they check your bags when you get on the bus.
So I put a pack of starbursts in my shoe and pretend I hurt my ankle running to get on a ride and that's why I was walking funny
The head of the trip INSISTS on checking out my ankle I'm like no no no it's okay I can deal with it no pain no gain right?
She takes off my shoe, out fall the starbursts with everyone staring at me, I get kicked out of fat camp for essentially being too fat
went to a theme party thrown by a frat last night
it was suppose to be a toga party but then 2 hours before the party they decided that it wouldn't be a toga party because some other frat just had one the week before
they sent out a message on fb to everyone not to get dressed up and just come casually
i didn't check my fb at the time and i was literally the ONLY guy that showed up in a toga, felt so dam embarrassed when i walked in and saw everyone in jeans and stuff

still went hard in the paint tho
went to a theme party thrown by a frat last night
it was suppose to be a toga party but then 2 hours before the party they decided that it wouldn't be a toga party because some other frat just had one the week before
they sent out a message on fb to everyone not to get dressed up and just come casually
i didn't check my fb at the time and i was literally the ONLY guy that showed up in a toga, felt so dam embarrassed when i walked in and saw everyone in jeans and stuff

still went hard in the paint tho
Originally Posted by Dwadefan

I made varsity this year only because I was best friends with so many people on our team, and the coach & I go way back (6+ years I've known dude.) Talent wise I'm not playing on the girls team, but coach put me on as kind of like a glue guy for team chemistry. Last 4 minutes we were blowing out our opponents by like 30+ so I get subbed in. Not only did I attempt to pass the ball in when it was THEIR BALL, I did this. I still hear about it from players on other school's my team, etc.
that %+%@ is classic, its funny cus I see me doing the SAME thing.

I sworn I was champ bailey of all corner backs when I was in Jr. High......
Originally Posted by Dwadefan

I made varsity this year only because I was best friends with so many people on our team, and the coach & I go way back (6+ years I've known dude.) Talent wise I'm not playing on the girls team, but coach put me on as kind of like a glue guy for team chemistry. Last 4 minutes we were blowing out our opponents by like 30+ so I get subbed in. Not only did I attempt to pass the ball in when it was THEIR BALL, I did this. I still hear about it from players on other school's my team, etc.
that %+%@ is classic, its funny cus I see me doing the SAME thing.

I sworn I was champ bailey of all corner backs when I was in Jr. High......
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

this isn't the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me, but its the most recent so I'll share this story. last semester I was headin to my math class. when I walked in the building that my class is in, I decided to stop by the restroom to take a quick leak before I went to class. I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I noticed was that there were no urinals in it. it just had a bunch of stalls. I thought it was weird because I've never seen a mens bathroom at my school that didn't have urinals. it was my first time using the restroom in that building so I just figured that was the only mens room on campus that didn't have urinals. I didn't really give it too much thought. only thing on my mind was taking that leak. so I just go in one of the stalls and handle my business, and then I go to wash my hands. I must also add the the bathroom was completely empty. so right as I finish up washin my hands and start headin towards the door, the door opens and a girl walks in and holds the door open for me as I'm leaving. I was just like "thanks" and in my head I was like "does this dumb chick realize that she just went in the mens room?". so I walk out the bathroom and started walking down the hall towards my classroom and then it wasn't til I was like halfway down the hall when finally hit me. I was using the GIRLS room. I had to turn around and walk back to double check, and yep the door clearly said it was the women's room. I felt so ******ed. I didn't bother reading the sign at first, I just wanted to pee and somehow I assumed it was the mens room. good thing it was empty tho, cuz it coulda been a lot worse 
and not a single *$*@ was given that day.
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

this isn't the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me, but its the most recent so I'll share this story. last semester I was headin to my math class. when I walked in the building that my class is in, I decided to stop by the restroom to take a quick leak before I went to class. I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I noticed was that there were no urinals in it. it just had a bunch of stalls. I thought it was weird because I've never seen a mens bathroom at my school that didn't have urinals. it was my first time using the restroom in that building so I just figured that was the only mens room on campus that didn't have urinals. I didn't really give it too much thought. only thing on my mind was taking that leak. so I just go in one of the stalls and handle my business, and then I go to wash my hands. I must also add the the bathroom was completely empty. so right as I finish up washin my hands and start headin towards the door, the door opens and a girl walks in and holds the door open for me as I'm leaving. I was just like "thanks" and in my head I was like "does this dumb chick realize that she just went in the mens room?". so I walk out the bathroom and started walking down the hall towards my classroom and then it wasn't til I was like halfway down the hall when finally hit me. I was using the GIRLS room. I had to turn around and walk back to double check, and yep the door clearly said it was the women's room. I felt so ******ed. I didn't bother reading the sign at first, I just wanted to pee and somehow I assumed it was the mens room. good thing it was empty tho, cuz it coulda been a lot worse 
and not a single *$*@ was given that day.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

My junior year on the ball team i was on that bench like a champ so when my boy popped his shorts string i switched shorts wit him so im saggin on the bench and we start spankin these %$%%$&# and so my coach puts me in for garbage time and im wearing 2x shorts wit no string and im like 5'6" 110 lbs then my teammate passes me the ball like a ^%$& so i try and lay the ball up and my shorts start droppin but I scooped them up before they fully dropped wit mayweather hand speed (i blew the lay up too
) longest minute of my life in front of cheerleaders and all too
i played it of pretty cool tho so it coulda been worse

reading your sn makes this story even funnier.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

My junior year on the ball team i was on that bench like a champ so when my boy popped his shorts string i switched shorts wit him so im saggin on the bench and we start spankin these %$%%$&# and so my coach puts me in for garbage time and im wearing 2x shorts wit no string and im like 5'6" 110 lbs then my teammate passes me the ball like a ^%$& so i try and lay the ball up and my shorts start droppin but I scooped them up before they fully dropped wit mayweather hand speed (i blew the lay up too
) longest minute of my life in front of cheerleaders and all too
i played it of pretty cool tho so it coulda been worse

reading your sn makes this story even funnier.
when I was little, my parents would set the sprinkler on the front lawn for my friends and I to jump through

Well, one day I had to unload a monumental #2, but my mom was a freak about anyone coming into the house before they were "bone dry"
So as an alternative to drying off and using a bathroom, I just start releasing turds right in the middle of the front yard (I think it's because I saw how my dog poops outside)

All the neighbors and kids were outside ...  half of them were appalled, the other half were dying from laughter.  
I was punished and I was "poop kid" for a while 
when I was little, my parents would set the sprinkler on the front lawn for my friends and I to jump through

Well, one day I had to unload a monumental #2, but my mom was a freak about anyone coming into the house before they were "bone dry"
So as an alternative to drying off and using a bathroom, I just start releasing turds right in the middle of the front yard (I think it's because I saw how my dog poops outside)

All the neighbors and kids were outside ...  half of them were appalled, the other half were dying from laughter.  
I was punished and I was "poop kid" for a while 
Junior high parent teacher conference, swag to the minimal cuz mom dukes was around. Seen shorty i was feelin with her mom which forced me to turn the swag to the max, moms peeped the swagger increase and gave me a tyson right hook in front of everyone and told me "worry bout yo damn school work and not these fast %*# lil girls!" Ill never forget that day.
Junior high parent teacher conference, swag to the minimal cuz mom dukes was around. Seen shorty i was feelin with her mom which forced me to turn the swag to the max, moms peeped the swagger increase and gave me a tyson right hook in front of everyone and told me "worry bout yo damn school work and not these fast %*# lil girls!" Ill never forget that day.
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