Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Man, my long term memory is still on point but short term is all but gone.

I'll call someone on Sunday to talk about something and when they bring it up on Tuesday, ill just pretend like i remember what we talked about. Luckily, my opinion on said matter wont change within 2 days, so my response is always in line with what i said beforehand.

Yeah, mine is garbage too. I have problems remembering how people I meet look like now. I still know the faces of old classmates (that I havent seen in forever) from when they were young, but now when I meet new people it takes a while before I could remember their description.
I got diagnosed with RA.

At 30...

But hey, I mean if anything it’s made me go harder than ever in the gym. Made me really change my diet for good and it’s been the thing that drives me to prove people wrong when they say I can’t do this or that because of my disease.

Still washed AF tho :lol:.
When you go to the park in slippers, cuz your *** isn’t running and just babysitting

When your mom’s social media is more poppin than yours
Just tweaked my back something awful playing with my nephew. I was swinging him around then my back just suddenly gives out and I almost dropped lil man. Crap hurts...
Just tweaked my back something awful playing with my nephew. I was swinging him around then my back just suddenly gives out and I almost dropped lil man. Crap hurts...
Injuries while playing with kids sucks.

My niece was play fighting with me and as I'm letting her hit me pretending she's winning my knee gave out. Had to yell at her to stop before I was seriously injured :smh: :lol:
Injuries while playing with kids sucks.

My niece was play fighting with me and as I'm letting her hit me pretending she's winning my knee gave out. Had to yell at her to stop before I was seriously injured :smh: :lol:

Any story that includes the line “that’s when my knee gave out.” Is the penultimate level of washed-ness :lol: :lol: :lol:

My condolences brother |l
You’re not washed until you learn how to prepare yourself to avoid that situation.


i just pop some pre-advil/tylenol/motrim before i start drinking and im good

Glutathione works great for heavy drinking and it doesn't effect your liver like aspirin. I swear by the stuff.

Also a good tip for anybody with back pain or reoccurring back problems, little kids from 3-5 are great for walking on your back and getting all those kinks out.

So you got beat up by a girl?

Nah, I was still standing on one leg. Just seriously in pain for a hot min.

Gotta be one of the best washed stories on here. Lil girl actually thought she was doing damage.
:lol: Even she was shocked cuz I dont yell at her.
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