Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

there is some truth to the "hustling culture" but it's just not as extreme or glamorous as they make it out to be
work hard, save, invest in assets and limit liabilities.

a foundation on good monetary principles will take you a long way. it still baffles me that out country is built on money and there is no education for it.
if there are art classes, there should be money classes.
it's actually shocking how many people are money illiterate and myself included. i had to go out and really educate myself about how to earn, save, and invest. and i still feel like im missing half of the equation

there's a sweet spot i'm trying to find where i make more money but live like i don't and still have ample time for my family. i know a lot of very rich people who work a lot, make a lot, spend a lot, live a lavish lifestyle, but still owe a lot. i don't envy them or their "status" at all.
Yall ever look up the definition or meaning of the "American Dream"?

the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved.

That **** aint got nothing to do with owning anything. I'm not saying you shouldn't own anything, but I think its amazing how consumerism as leaked into to the meaning of the "American Dream" and now it's all about having enough money to be able to give money to someone who already has it in order to look like you have money.
Members of this thread: our Oppenheimer comes out soon
speaking of hustle culture, this is what my dumb ***, washed self gets for thinking i was strong and coordinated enough to bring in all my groceries from costco on one trip from the car


it was a humbling moment watching two dozen eggs just roll down my driveway
Washed is getting legit mad at yourself for forgetting to put the reusable grocery bags back in the car after the last grocery trip…
if youre using bags for costco hauls, you already lost

i always box my stuff up
So I grew up shopping at I know the box it up game. But it ain't dawned one me not 1 time to do this at Costco...

They don't have the boxes on the floor waiting for us to take them. They don't offer that counter after checkout to box your **** up the way Aldi does. And them receipt checkers just gonna dig through your **** anyway. But still, this intrigues me.
So I grew up shopping at I know the box it up game. But it ain't dawned one me not 1 time to do this at Costco...

They don't have the boxes on the floor waiting for us to take them. They don't offer that counter after checkout to box your **** up the way Aldi does. And them receipt checkers just gonna dig through your **** anyway. But still, this intrigues me.
they do at all my local costcos

and theres usually a lane of boxes to pick up in the frozen foods section

heres what i do: as i do my shopping, i will pull a product out of a decent sized box if theres only one more left in it.
juice / detergent boxes are my go to's
Washed is getting legit mad at yourself for forgetting to put the reusable grocery bags back in the car after the last grocery trip…
happens all the time to me... or even just put 1-2 extras in the car just in case.

I sometimes stop at the grocery store on the way home from work to pick up "we need this or more of this" for dinner or lunch tomorrow type items. I go in there with the intention I can just carry it in my hands and every time I leave I'm trying to juggle items back to the car. lol
Yall ever look up the definition or meaning of the "American Dream"?

That **** aint got nothing to do with owning anything. I'm not saying you shouldn't own anything, but I think its amazing how consumerism as leaked into to the meaning of the "American Dream" and now it's all about having enough money to be able to give money to someone who already has it in order to look like you have money.

Consumerism will eat up all your guap man and have you slaving away at work for what? 100k suv? F all that.
speaking of hustle culture, this is what my dumb ***, washed self gets for thinking i was strong and coordinated enough to bring in all my groceries from costco on one trip from the car


it was a humbling moment watching two dozen eggs just roll down my driveway
Here you go bro.


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We had perfect weather this weekend, so Im in the car, with the windows down jamming "Get it How U Live!!", when it hit me. This was the equivalent of the old head in the car bumping LL Cool J "Im bad" in 2000. All I was missing was the convertible Corvette. :lol:
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