Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Learning Korean right now and my head hurts after 30 min. Can’t even understand how I learned English and Spanish when I was younger. That washed life crazy

I forget why but learning another language gets exponentially more difficult as you get older. Its part of why foreign people dont lose their accent after a certain age.
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What brought you to live in Korea? Why do you plan on going back?

One of my goals is to live overseas for an extended period of time, 1-3 years (South Korea or Japan). Likely after I retire though...
Went into Publix earlier tonight and encountered a minimum of 8 different people, in different aisles, singing along to the song playing in the store.

It was clearly a newer song b/c these were mostly 20-somethings singing along. I pride myself on keeping up with new music and I tried my damndest to decipher the track. But I legit had never heard the song that apparently the entire store knew word for word.

Def washed. :smh: :smh:
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the stupidity of male bravado. I remembered decades ago when we went to fix some electrical equipment inside a naval ship. we were about to test the equipment and about to shut down the circuit breaker when all of a sudden this ensign came in and said he got this and insisted on holding the wires. guy just wouldn't budge so we let him and maybe trying to look cool infront of us maintenance guys. guy got the jolt and hit my co-worker who was so mad as he could have his safety compromised. still trying to look cool while seeing that the ensign was in clear distress like he was Marv in home alone. of course we weren't impressed but were annoyed. we just raised our eyebrows, shrugged and gave that sarcastic smile. guess the ensign would have learned his lesson not to interfere with other people's specialty. nothing to do with being washed but common sense.

Again: Under 30, men do things with their balls. Over 30, men do things with their brains :lol:
Went into Publix earlier tonight and encountered a minimum of 8 different people, in different aisles, singing along to the song playing in the store.

It was clearly a newer song b/c these were mostly 20-somethings singing along. I pride myself on keeping up with new music and I tried my damndest to decipher the track. But I legit had never heard the song that apparently the entire store knew word for word.

Def washed. :smh: :smh:
Was probably this
What brought you to live in Korea? Why do you plan on going back?

One of my goals is to live overseas for an extended period of time, 1-3 years (South Korea or Japan). Likely after I retire though...
mine would be Japan. I did consider decades ago of settling in and possibly marrying a japanese lady. still fascinated with their culture except for their workaholic behavior. fascinating thing is how the kids are trained to become independent at a very young age.
I dont know if this qualifies as washed but my wife keeps bringing me home minor viral infections from the urgent care clinics she works at. I do most of my work from home and im not used to this much exposure to germs anymore. She gets minor sniffles and im here with a full blown cough, fever and nonstop running nose. :smh:
Age is so humbling.

I’ve never had a twisted ankle hurt more than a day.

2 MAX!

This thing been hurting for the last 5 days!

Ain’t no walking this **** out no more 🤦🏽‍♂️

Do I really need to see a doctor?
while you are about to see a doc, might as well do R-I-C-E. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation as much as possible.
What brought you to live in Korea? Why do you plan on going back?

One of my goals is to live overseas for an extended period of time, 1-3 years (South Korea or Japan). Likely after I retire though...

Was at a fork in the road with jobs and a friend was living out there. Suggested to come teach English there for a year while I figured things out. Was a great time ended up being there for about 4.5 years (met my now wife in my 2nd year there).

Want to go back at some point when we have kids and spend majority of time there. It’s a lot more enjoyable to me to live (or raise kids) in a country designed around public transportation instead of cars. Everything feels more connected. US and cars suburbia is not really enjoyable to me except for a few months at a time / visiting people / going to national parks.
practically my nephew and I playing 1 on 1 basketball last december. physical body attributes and gameplay is pretty much spot on .

Young heathen life aint for your boy. For context ill be 41 Sunday and my daughter is 16 lm almost free 🤣. I was wildin last night. Had unprotected sex with a 26 year old female predator. She put it on me, i was dumb and didnt protect myself at all times word to Judge Mills Lane. Immediately after i washed up in the sink and left and ive been stressing about getting a pregnancy text in a few weeks 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️. Im bout to go stock up on plan b and leave it in my car 🤷🏾‍♂️
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