Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Ray Allen was perfect for that role. If for nothing else but his height. Marbury or Iverson are too short to have you thinking that the dude is the run away, consensus best high school player in the country. If it were a young seven footer, you'd think "dude's a stiff, he'll be alright in the College game but he'd get killed in the NBA if he even got drafted." Ray Allen was perfect, he played a six foot six, athletic, pure shooter high school senior who'd be 6'8 by the time he was in the NBA.

Basketball, generally, has me feeling washed because my baseline assumptions about the sport really solidified between 1997 and 2000. Pippen's defense, Duncan' post play and defense and finally in-shape Shaq and my Lakers' defensive based championship run in 99-00 taught me how to both watch and play the sport. Combine that with the Lakers' getting owned from '97 to '99 by older by better disciplined teams who were conditioned and executed an offensive system better than the offensively talented by free wheeling young Lakers, my whole basketball consciousness was shaped by that trauma and the eventual triumph.

I see the playoffs today and damn, it's a different sport. I'm not hating but damn the game changed. The I realize, 1999-2000 was about 20 years ago and 1979-1980 gave us a very different NBA from that of 1999-2000 so it makes sense that 2019 would give us different style from that of two decades ago.

Basketball and music, both remind me that, yeah I'm in my mid 30's and therefore I was in my mid teens 20 years ago, the age at which assumptions about sports and music are beginning to harden. The lads who said that "Still Dre" is "old school" are not even wrong. Any song that came out before I was born is old school so those kids weren't wront, theye were born in the 2000's and "Still Dre" dropped in 1999. hat song is old school and we're just getting old.
They had ferns on sale for 2 dollars.

From 19.99

I was at home depot the other day for 1hour looking at plants for inside and outside and IT brought me so much joy.
I was at home depot the other day for 1hour looking at plants for inside and outside and IT brought me so much joy.
Why you going to Home Depot, I am super washed because wife and I hit up nurseries plants supposedly last longer and are better quality. We have some boxwoods we bought 10 years ago still flourishing. Hell just trimmed them back because they are so large.
Anytime I go to a hotel, I abuse the free ice.

Ice my knees any chance I get
Why are you icing your knees on vacation? Do you still have those health problems?
You know you’re washed when you get drunk and wash the dishes
What in the world? What were you drinking, ain't never got so drunk I wanted to do cleaning.

I ice my knees at hotels simply because the ice is there.

More of a maintenance thing.

If I have to be sitting in the room before bed, I just ice.

Nah, no knee issues other than typical soreness every now and then
During our weekly satuday pickup game a couple weeks ago, attempted a tomahawk Lebron style. Ended up in the ER with a sprained wrist.

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