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This is why I never invest my all into a female. You care about her more than she does about you. She sounds too young to be put into a serious relationshipanyway...and honestly...

You need to get out the house. If she out here running around with her ex and !+$ KNOWING you @ home, she's gonna do it the most she can. Have you lookinglike a ****old..

Alos sounds like you want the challenge of changing her...I highly doubt she's a virgin...she prolly knew that was your ideal and played to it...females dothat !+$ a lot...

Basically, she wants her cake and to eat it too. Dating and Relationships are like bargaining. If people know you have no other options, they'll put amonopoly on you.
Don't do it cuz

She sound mad confused how she gon leave you out to dry and come back like it all good

Let her know what she's missing
OP is dumb for staying with this broad.

by his story,

i can tell she has no future and is bound to fail

a woman who is willing to sacrifice everything in the hopes of succeeding on american idol = not very likely
I don't know about you but I have too much pride to deal with girls who act like that.

You should have ended things back when she was catching feelings for the first guy.
Viewtiful Mik3 wrote:
OP is dumb for staying with this broad.

by his story,

i can tell she has no future and is bound to fail

a woman who is willing to sacrifice everything in the hopes of succeeding on american idol = not very likely
the girl is 18 what is everything she's sacrificing? chances are even if they stay together now they won't get married...
Time to vacate.

Shorty got dreams that you don't fit in. Ok.

Shorty sought a replacement for yo

Look at how she plays the game. You're just her best option ATM. That's not the way the game should go.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Time to vacate.

Shorty got dreams that you don't fit in. Ok.

Shorty sought a replacement for yo

Look at how she plays the game. You're just her best option ATM. That's not the way the game should go.
Um I don't give her money for if ever unless we go out and I pay for her movie ticket but that goes both ways from time to time.

OP is dumb for staying with this broad.

by his story,

i can tell she has no future and is bound to fail

a woman who is willing to sacrifice everything in the hopes of succeeding on american idol = not very likely

We're not together.

But I decided to post all this for advice and if others were going through something like this they can post here as well. I more so wanted to see whaty'all had to say because NT is a melting pot for different ideas and you all have been in different situations you have learned from and others can learnfrom. Thanks for the advice guys.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Time to vacate.

Shorty got dreams that you don't fit in. Ok.

Shorty sought a replacement for yo

Look at how she plays the game. You're just her best option ATM. That's not the way the game should go.
Um I don't give her money for if ever unless we go out and I pay for her movie ticket but that goes both ways from time to time. option AT THE MOMENT. Not ATM like, cash dispenser.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack


A medical career while doing music/acting on the side?

At the time I didn't know she wanted to be like Beyonce or just a entertainer in general. I was thinking you could just buy a studio.
You're going to look back on this time you spent worrying over her and laugh. How people allow their significant others to play with their emotions thatregularly over the same issues is beyond me.
All you can do is learn from it.

Though I don't see what the big deal is if she has male friends, who happen to be her exes.

Joking, joking...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack


A medical career while doing music/acting on the side?

At the time I didn't know she wanted to be like Boyonce or just a entertainer in general. I was thinking you could just buy a studio.
@ Boyonce, that should tip you off right there to leave.

But seriously you gettin back with her will not end well. It might not be a week from now, maybe not even years from now but when your different perspectiveson life together and individual life reach a breaking point you both are gonna go your seperate ways. Just think of how much time you will waste on herinstead of spending it with someone that your compatible with.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Time to vacate.

Shorty got dreams that you don't fit in. Ok.

Shorty sought a replacement for yo

Look at how she plays the game. You're just her best option ATM. That's not the way the game should go.
Um I don't give her money for if ever unless we go out and I pay for her movie ticket but that goes both ways from time to time.

OP is dumb for staying with this broad.

by his story,

i can tell she has no future and is bound to fail

a woman who is willing to sacrifice everything in the hopes of succeeding on american idol = not very likely

We're not together.

But I decided to post all this for advice and if others were going through something like this they can post here as well. I more so wanted to see what y'all had to say because NT is a melting pot for different ideas and you all have been in different situations you have learned from and others can learn from. Thanks for the advice guys.

you really shouldnt get back with her if she cant understand where you are coming from with this. because in her mind she still wont have doneanything wrong, so she will most likely do it again. But thas just my opinion about this.
OP, fam, my guy. I've experienced somewhat of what you're going through. My last ex, she played the crap outta me. Three times! The 3rd time she brokeup with me, i found out so much bs about her and what she was doing behind my back and how she was tryna get at 1 of my friends. Dumb of her to do that tho, myfriend told me. She tried to lie about it, but she didn't know that my friend had already told me. So i caught her in the act of lying.

My advice tho, go on vacation or something. A month after my break up with her, i went to SoCal for my vacation, and was living the good life! Everything wasperfect, but then she called. Said she still loved me blah blah and wanted me back. Her saying this and me knowing all the crap she did to me. At this point,she didn't know that i had found out about everything. So i basically went off on her, and stopped talking to her completely. She tried multiple times toshare "her side of the story" which was some bs that i wasn't having.
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