Mo Williams an All-Star???

mo will probably end up going, but he aint no damn all-star.

cavs fans pulling stats outta their %@% talking about "intangibles"

i remember when they aired that interview about him not making the ASG, mo was like "this is the story of my career"

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by belle155

for real, mo is the reason the cavs are .804 LeBron of course is the centerpiece but Mo is the sidekick LeBrons waited 6 years for. It wasnt DMiles, it wasnt Gooden, it wasnt Hughes, Snow, DJones, Donyell Mashall...I haven't watched a game yet where when its over I thought Mo didnt bring it and have an impact.
So let me get this straight. You are essentially arguing Mo is deserving because he is the best player LeBron has ever played with? OF COURSE LeBron is going to have better stats with a good player playing with him for once. OF COURSE the Cavs are going to have a better record when you are replacing a starting shouldnt be starting point guard with a good point guard.

Dont get it twisted. LeBron is the reason the Cavs are .804....not Mo. Mo is nice. He is helping the Cavs for sure. But he is no all star.
damn i thought belle took off his homer glasses and moved out of ohio. then i realized u just wrote stuff in his quote.

Yeah im still not too good with html. Stupid mistake.
Originally Posted by belle155

how is PER not a legit stat, look at the top 5 its not like theres garbage up here. its pretty much team USA. if you had brian scalabrine up here id understand but its a legit stat and a lot of people do look at it.

RNK Player GP Min FG% FT% TS% Ast TO Usg ORR DRR RebR PER
1 LeBron James, CLE 46 37.5 .491 .763 .580 20.5 8.9 32.2 4.8 18.4 11.9 31.52
2 Chris Paul, NOR 45 37.4 .498 .864 .608 34.5 9.7 27.3 3.1 14.7 8.9 30.34
3 Dwyane Wade, MIA 47 37.9 .484 .746 .559 19.5 9.9 33.6 3.2 12.3 7.7 28.78
4 Dwight Howard, ORL 45 36.2 .569 .593 .597 6.2 13.4 22.5 14.2 28.6 21.6 25.92
5 Kobe Bryant, LAL 47 36.4 .480 .868 .575 16.3 8.7 30.0 3.5 13.3 8.5 25.37
Paul Millsap and Andris Biedrins are ranked 25 and 26, respectively, on Hollinger's PER, above guys like Chauncy, Bynum, Calderon, Deron,etc.. Other basketball statisticians question the validity of the PER. It's not a great stat to rely on.

The only thing you can say about LeBron is that he's playing at a more efficient clip than last year.
His minutes are down and, logically, so are his total numbers.
I would say that this year is his best year though, because he's improved his weakest part of his game enough where it's become a talking point.
at the idea of Rafer Alston (of the Houston Rockets) replacing aninjured all-star on the Eastern Conference team

Personally, I think it would be kinda insulting to know you're only being asked to play in the all-star game because a player that was originally selectedinstead of you got injured... it's like telling a broad "I'm gonna ask this other girl to prom, but if she says no I'll go with you."

If the NBA is going to continue replacing injured all-stars, they should formally name all-star alternates (2-3 per conference should suffice) when theyannounce the all-star reserves.
how dare you celebrate the injury of MeerCat

I'm gonna laugh when Stern picks Turk to go instead of Mo Will
Ray needs to be there. He's been the Celtics' most consistent player this year.
I wonder how Ray's PEs will look like this year if he makes it. I think his best ASG PEs were the 20s.
mo should have made it anyways so good for him. the Cavs would still be really good, but not as good as they are without him.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

You guys are talking about "flashy" players should make it...then come up with Ray Allen? And how the hell do you know what Mo is going to do in the game? Some of you people

What do you mean by "you people?"
You guys are talking about "flashy" players should make it...then come up with Ray Allen? And how the hell do you know what Mo is going to do in the game? Some of you people

You are misinformed. There's more to Ray-Ray's game than a sweet jumper. YouTube is your friend.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Mo Williams... an all-star?

These dudes talking about Hughes, Snow, DJones, Donyell Marshall... just because Mo is better than those steaming piles of crap doesn't mean he's an all-star. 75% of the league are better than those bums. Ya'll finally get someone that doesn't completely suck or belong on the d-league and he's an all-star?

17 and 4 and people talking about intangibles. This is the ALL-STAR game, Mo Williams ain't no damn star. A pure PG with 4 dimes in 34 minutes... get the %!%+ outta here.

Mo Williams.
hes not doin anything when it counts. playin SORRY. throw Z and DWest in there too

bron cant do it alone

#%%#+ shouldnt even be a WNBA all star

the heat is on and dude has been MIA with wide open shots
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