Missing Girl From Monster Massive Rave Found! Real Story on Page 15

Why was an underage girl at a rave in the first place? That's on her. Popping pills
. Stay in a child's place
^ she was 18..

but yeah. that's what I'm thinking saved her. the fact she was on her period

n rhythmentality the girl (from the valley) was at the rave too.
anyways who the hell are you. how did you know i was @ the mister cartoon thing?!? were you the peter griffen looking dude wearing glasses and a brown jacket?i remember someone saying "i hate mecks" n i looked over ur group was staring at me... i ws about to smash NH o_O
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Is she heavy in the rave scene? 4 stacks is ridiculous, and she didn't OD.

And hold up. A girl from the valley found her @ Hoover and Martin Luther?

I had a gut feeling she was still straight and alive, getting separated from your squad and ending up elsewhere happens often after a major rave.

Peeps from the valley and other parts come down specially for raves.

She was on her period??

I don't know if thats even credible. I bet she said that in order to take away the idea that she was out getting her guts pushed in the whole time.
thytkerjobs wrote:
430AM wrote:
She was on her period ya'll...
or so she says....you can see from her stories that she's not the most credible.

"Period" is a well known cop out.

SideNote: What happened to all the caring and sensitivitiy in this thread?
i dont feel bad for this **@!%... she think it was chill to pop 4 pills or what?! she got what she deserved to get "f'd up"
Originally Posted by gberdin

i dont feel bad for this **@!%... she think it was chill to pop 4 pills or what?! she got what she deserved to get "f'd up"

Now that I think about it..... it kinda sucks

Never really done E before but if she did indeed get f'd all night would she remember any of it? I would have the
face for a while if I didn't remember what happened to me over an extendedamount of time, wake up all sore from the vag and stuff.

Why was an underage girl at a rave in the first place? That's on her. Popping pills
. Stay in a child's place
Even if shes 18, stay in a childs place.
Peeps from the valley and other parts come down specially for raves.

She was on her period??

I don't know if thats even credible. I bet she said that in order to take away the idea that she was out getting her guts pushed in the whole time.
Not credible, her story is fake.
Glad she was found but wow her story makes no sense.

and for that whole period thing saving her from dudes smashin? That aint gonna stop no one. Shoot i stay smashin periods all day.

But all in all its good she made it back alive.
Originally Posted by MECKS

n rhythmentality the girl (from the valley) was at the rave too.
anyways who the hell are you. how did you know i was @ the mister cartoon thing?!? were you the peter griffen looking dude wearing glasses and a brown jacket? i remember someone saying "i hate mecks" n i looked over ur group was staring at me... i ws about to smash NH o_O
1.) You declared you were going in the thread? Giving updates on how many dudes were in line.

2.) You had a tee that said MECKS across the back. How the hell can anyone miss you?

This fooo, already saying "ur group" like that was 100% me, like I belong in the overweight pizza-faced NTer category.

Trust, if I don't like you, I wouldn't yell it up in the air then hide my face in a smedium Diamond tee. Not too many dudes can crush on a chick with 1hand.

I arrived too late @ the shop, past the point where they ran outta tees.

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Peeps from the valley and other parts come down specially for raves.
The way the story was told sounded like ol' valley chick was strollin' down the street by herself. I just read it outta context.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Great to hear she's in once piece. I don't know how pills are today, but when I was dropping, 4 pills at one time, would probably kill you. I mean that's what probably got her to feel so down. Her mind must have been racing. She's a very lucky girl nothing happened.

taking 4 pills at once won't kill you
Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

now that she is home, tell her she has holes in her brain

QFT the hell is with all these kids doing this nonsense??? whatever happened to just having a few beers and acting like a civilized human being? drugs areoutta control these days! and
@ the kid saying "lol" to his 12 year old buddy doing that junk!
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Great to hear she's in once piece. I don't know how pills are today, but when I was dropping, 4 pills at one time, would probably kill you. I mean that's what probably got her to feel so down. Her mind must have been racing. She's a very lucky girl nothing happened.

taking 4 pills at once won't kill you
word lol

Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

now that she is home, tell her she has holes in her brain

stop believing these dumb lies
The story definitely sounds suspect. But hell, the good thing is she's ok. And that's all that matters ultimately.
NT assembled for this mess...

MECKS, slap that broad in the nose for me when you see her...
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

FromThaTown wrote:

Great to hear she's in once piece. I don't know how pills are today, but when I was dropping, 4 pills at one time, would probably kill you. I mean
that's what probably got her to feel so down. Her mind must have been racing. She's a very lucky girl nothing happened.

taking 4 pills at once won't kill you
word lol

Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

now that she is home, tell her she has holes in her brain

stop believing these dumb lies

How is that a lie? you need to go google and research on effect of E's
Originally Posted by freshKRN

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

FromThaTown wrote:

Great to hear she's in once piece. I don't know how pills are today, but when I was dropping, 4 pills at one time, would probably kill you. I mean
that's what probably got her to feel so down. Her mind must have been racing. She's a very lucky girl nothing happened.

taking 4 pills at once won't kill you
word lol

Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

now that she is home, tell her she has holes in her brain

stop believing these dumb lies

How is that a lie? you need to go google and research on effect of E's
hahahaha if you didn't know already...

drug users are typically anti-establishment and believe that anything written/published that does not jive with their beliefs is propaganda from the MAN and is100% lies. They press upon others to stop being closed minded, when in reality it is they who are closed minded enough to believe that everything in thisworld is a conspiracy against them. They fail to realize that the world is bigger than that, and there isnt some secret society or conspiracy out to get themor their like-minded friends. This stems from the belief that they themselves are important enough to garner such attention when in reality, NO ONE GIVES AN FABOUT SOME STUPID DRUGGIES.

for what its worth, there was a South Park episode about it. Druggie hippies who come into town believing they are smarter and better than everyone elsebecause of their 1 year of college experience.

Furthermore, I'm not just hating for the sake of hating (although I am quite the hater). I feel that I have a tad bit of personal experience on the topic.

Between 1997-2002 give or take, I probably dropped upwards of 500 pills easy. The heavier use came in the early years when I would regularly drop 2-3 times aweek, anywhere from 2-5 pills a night. The drugs were cheap and always available since inevitably my high levels of consumption led to slanging. When I hadanywhere from 50-1000 pills on any given day at my place, it really was no big thang to take 1-2 on a random tuesday... sometimes out of sheer boredom.

Now Chris Bosh Neck got a point. Droppin 4 in a night aint necesarily gonna kill you, as I knew many people who did this regularly (me and a lot of myfriends). That being said, me and a lot of my dudes were like 6' 180lb guys, not no 110lb chick. Still... its not an automatic death wish (but I wouldntrecommend that people do it on a regular basis.

As far as the repurcussions the drug use has, that is very real. I was always a very bright kid and it kills me to imagine how much sharper I would be if Inever did no drugs. My memory these days is completely shot. I am definitely a step slower (brain computing wise) than I was prior to all my drug use. WouldI take it all back? No chance. I made my bed, and now I lie in it. I dont regret it as I feel that I learned a lot from those experiences and it helpedshape me to be the person I am today. I wouldnt recommend others to follow in my footsteps but hey, some people just gotta learn by making their own mistakes. I was one of those people. By no means am I anti-drug or anti-E (well maybe anti-E) and from time to time I will still partake on special occassions(although pushin on 30 I probably need to ease up as my body doesnt bounce back like it used to).

In conclusion.

- some drugs are bad and do have lasting permanent effects. E is one of them. Dont assume you are superman and immune to it. Its a give and take.
- E is a womans drug. Its fun the first few times, but after that its just a waste of money and brain cells.
- If you insist on doing drugs, ditch the E. Like I said, that stuff is for the birds. LSD is the grown folks stuff. Now THAT I would recommend thateveryone try atleast once.
- Lastly. The myth that "if you do acid 7 times you are legally crazy" is utter BS. I've taken hundreds and hundreds of doses over the last 10+years and I am no crazier than I ever was. Also, depending on who you ask, the permanant detrimental effects of LSD compared to E is noticably less.
Are there pics of this girl?

And no lie if it was me and I saw her I would smash with the might of four horsemen and a gorilla
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