misconceptions about your city

I dont get why people say Boston is so "racist." We dont live in colonial times any more... its segregated a bit, sure, but the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston has every type of person you could ever imagine.
Everyone I've talked to that has lived there in the past says the same thing. Let some people or articles tell it, a lot of Detroit is abandoned/run down, the crime rate is sky high, poverty, and there's very little to do.

I also heard some years ago that the downtown didn't even have a supermarket.
That abandoned house part is true. There are plenty of parts that could double for Baghdad 
, and the supermarket comment was true. There is a place called Eastern Market, but up until about last month when Whole Foods opened there was no major grocery store located in the city of Detroit. All in all still a great city to experience though. 
some ppl not from around the area think that Baltimore is in the DMV..2 totally different places

PPL think that the whole city is like The Wire :smh:
cosign. been to N/O 2x before i turned 21, and still had a blast. haven't traveled in a bit, but its currently at the top of my list to travel to when i get the chance. last time i was there was a month before katrina. i want to see what's changed and what hasn't.

...city haunted as **** tho. i believe it, i took that vampire tour :smh:

one is still too many tho.
:rofl: dude what is your deal with Boston? It seems like you hate everything about it.

i guess i constantly compare it to living in nyc. i feel the same way about philly, which in some ways is worse. but i go there all the time and ive come to realize a bunch of things i don't like about it. i.e. its a confusing area to navigate...getting rejected from buying booze because i have an out of state ID...i appreciate the small things tho, don't get me wrong. the air quality is way better up there, and subways are cleaner.

also the best bbq i've ever had in winthrop, ma.

I dont get why people say Boston is so "racist." We dont live in colonial times any more... its segregated a bit, sure, but the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston has every type of person you could ever imagine.

http://projects.nytimes.com/census/2010/map dorchester is the best example.

it isn't the only city with segregation tho. ive experienced that with philadelphia, as heavy gentrification has changed many neighborhoods close to center city. and im sure LA has it also. hit the link to find out about ur area.

some ppl not from around the area think that Baltimore is in the DMV..2 totally different places

PPL think that the whole city is like The Wire :smh:

my friend went to MICA and said it was pretty bad down there. like every city tho, im sure there are nice neighborhoods.
Hawaii checking in. It's only as magical as you make it here. Better get ya $$ up before even thinking of a visit. Flight is worst eva!
It's straight beach life or die .
Moving to Rhode Island in 4 months tho Im waiting for a RI post ...no nTers in RI???
Yea my mans went out to Hawaii to work for a lil bit and he told me if you dont got your money up then its as ratchet as any other place..he walked through an area with nothing but fiends out chillin in the middle of the afternoon :x
If someone from Westchester, Eastchester, LI or Yonkers/Mt. Vernon tells you they are from NYC. They are not from NYC. Similar to the post about people from South Florida claiming Miami but not living within the county.
If someone from Westchester, Eastchester, LI or Yonkers/Mt. Vernon tells you they are from NYC. They are not from NYC. Similar to the post about people from South Florida claiming Miami but not living within the county.
this is so true im from westchester and people always assume that its in the city and its not its like half hr away so i would never tell anyone im from NYC when im clearly not 
Bmore and DC/DMV kats are completely different. Speak different, dress different, everything different.
Bmore,DC,MD and VA kats are completely different. Speak different, dress different, everything different.


The thing that's somewhat irritating about that "DMV" foolishness (which is actually a misconception) is that DC, Maryland and Virginia are the same. The term "DMV" only makes sense from a geographical standpoint (or an i'm too lazy to actually say DC,Maryland and Virginia standpoint). Culturally? Not so much.
Wait what? Its a geopolitical metropolitan area. We have the same culture, in comparison to bmore or say philly. We speak, dress, and eat the same things. There are small differences, sure but generally the same.
Wait what? Its a geopolitical metropolitan area. We have the same culture, in comparison to bmore or say philly. We speak, dress, and eat the same things. There are small differences, sure but generally the same.
I disagree completely but if that's what you think.....
Umm what? Maybe its perhaps i live 10 minutes outside the city, but DC kats arent much different than folks in moco or PG.

Especially due to the recent gentrification that forced DC dudes to move to the counties.

All the NoVa dudes i have met speak like the rest of the DMV.

The hood is bad yea, but if you chill downtown the crime isn't even a problem

Well I'm on the other side of the bridge, but I work in Philly.
MY city is camden. all we have is the Susquehanna bank center and waterfront , the whole city is by far just as bad if not worse than thr badlands (Philly ) camden has no hotel, no supermarket , no bowling alley, no movie theatre, it's just horrible how a amazing city in the 50s is how it is.
NY native.


That we think we're the best and center of the universe, etc.

We don't think that, we know it.


I won't lie, alot of the misconceptions are true. We are arrogant and we do hate tourists :lol:
I think people try to hype how dirty the city is though, either that or i've gotten use to it :lol:



manhattan is dirty mainly because of population density on a small *** island. dirtiest subways ive ever seen tho. queens is pretty clean, but each boro has its dirty parts. there are cleaner cities tho. boston is def a clean city (subway included), and id imagine san fran a very clean city.

honestly NYers are more aggressive imo than people of other cities. idk y, but im the same way i guess so idc. i get kind of taken back when people are mad nice n **** when im in a diff city. then i realize wow NY really conditioned me.

NY is as expensive as people make it out to be.

idk any misconceptions...we do have parks and trees, its not a literal concrete jungle, tho some areas will have you believing it.

This is SO true :lol:

NYC is just a huge city with so many people, you're taken back when someone whom you've never met before looks you in the eye and says "good morning" It happened to me in North Carolina :lol:

We do hate tourist, we are arrogant and most of all--we're VERY impatient :lol:

Oh, and NYC is very expensive. Don't believe what others tell you, everything here is more expensive. Gas, food, clothes, utilities etc etc. The only other city I know that can compare is San Francisco and MAYBE Paris. Even then, those two cities are slightly less expensive than NYC. If you take a cab ride 6 blocks, it'll cost you almost $7.00 after tip :lol:

Rent for a 1 br apartment averages for about $2600 and this is for an AVERAGE/BASIC apartment. Premium gas is $4.25 for God's sake!!!

Oh, and people do have cars and drive in NYC. There are houses with backyards and the city really never sleeps. You'll ALWAYS find people outside or a store open 24/7.
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Umm what? Maybe its perhaps i live 10 minutes outside the city, but DC kats arent much different than folks in moco or PG.

Especially due to the recent gentrification that forced DC dudes to move to the counties.

All the NoVa dudes i have met speak like the rest of the DMV.
I kno dudes from PG/Moco and DC and its similarities but you can definitely tell the difference between somebody born n rasied in DC vs a dude from like Hyattsville or something
Baltimore is NOT part of the DMV (going off the topic of the thread, not the above conversations)
The wire was a representation of Baltimore in the EARLY 2000's. No we don't still dress like that

All I could think of off top...........................
Manhattan is expensive, but aren't the wages higher there?

not really. depends on your industry honestly. i make 47 but my firm is in the architecture and engineering design biz. and im almost 1.5 yrs.

all of nyc is expensive. not just manhattan anymore, brooklyn is rivaling those prices if not exceeding them. williamsburg is apparently the most expensive. these places put solid restrictions on income. if you and makin bank don't even bother tryin to inquire..

personally, if i had to go for manhattan, my go to spot would be harlem. and not columbia harlem. like west side, north harlem.

or spanish harlem :evil:

bottom line even if u do make money, your cost of living will always be high in nyc. (we pay about 9% tax to buy a car, everywhere else is like...6%)

a high salary in Texas or Mass for example will go way farther than in nyc.
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Manhattan is expensive, but aren't the wages higher there?

Yeah, but it's a slight difference in the wage scale. Unless you're living in the projects or near Inwood/Washington Heights/Hamilton Heights/Morningside Heights and some parts of Harlem etc--A regular job won't be enough to support yourself. Chances are you'd need roommates and would have to budget your money extremely well.

NYC is turning into a place for white-collar professionals to reside. In about 5-10 years, it'll be VERY different. I mean, 75% of the people who live in Manhattan aren't even from NY. Every time I meet someone new, they always give me the "OMG I can't believe you're from NY. You're the first person I've met that's from here" line. It's only going to get worse. Brooklyn is heading there already and Queens is next up.
Err uhh...but isn't the mason-dixon line ABOVE Maryland? so...I guess technically it is the south  
Oakland - lots of crime and thugs

Its not too bad actually, only been robbed at gunpoint once in the last year....
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