Middle School Janitor fired for leaving school 8 minutes early

Thats not how you speak to people though. It's very simple write him up or fire him but you speakin to him like he a student that **** uncalled for
That's the problem with people who work with children, they treat everyone else like children.

"Jonathan, stop talking."

I would go ballistic if my boss said some **** like that to me.
I would have pulled me d out and took a piss on her desk.
they were clearly looking for a reason to can him

I don't even need to watch the video
they probably were tight he was clocking more bread than da teachers & needed a fallback.

This too lol

She a ******* talking to him like that
Yea she wildin, but you cant let ppl talk to u like that tho...they only gon get away with what u let them, I woulda shut it down early when she kept asking me the same question like im 5 or sometihng

"Plz sop yelling at me" when he just talking regular :lol: :smh:
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He was wrong.

But she made him tell her who was his boss :rofl:

She was flexin hard!

But at jobs like that, he probably was dippin out at that time everyday.

Just so happened they needed him at the last minute.

Don't think he should be fired if that was his first time though.
couldn't even finish watching that woman talk to dude like a bad dog who could vocalize its regret for peeing on the carpet.

that type of person has no power or prerogative in their real life, so they pull **** like this on people vulnerable to their job title.

sad. this is exactly why.
She clearly had it out for that dude, but on the bright side it's probably for the best that he doesn't work there anymore.  I would never want to work for a boss that thinks it's okay to talk to their employees like that.  What a condescending *****.

The dry-snitching on everyone else was pretty lame though.
Reminds me of my old boss (Principal) at the charter school I worked at. Always wanted to flex for no damb reason. So glad I left and found something better.
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Employers dont play when it comes to being on time/leaving early..but she has no personality at all
Employers dont play when it comes to being on time/leaving early..but she has no personality at all

You're right but it really depends who you work for/under. I leave early all the time to beat traffic and my boss is cool with it. Communication is everything *shrugs*

But If I was that guy, I'd already start the search for a new gig
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Employers dont play when it comes to being on time/leaving early..but she has no personality at all

if you are a good worker and bring value they won't generally care but if you are a numskull it will be the #1 reason you get fired and the easiest to justify
A lot of things could be going on.

Lets not act like there aren't crappy bosses and employees all-around. Some people are so miserable it doesn't matter how good you are to them.
I have a supervisor that tries to flex like that pretty much every damn day.  Buddy used to come at me like that until I asked him who he thought he was talking to like that.  Asked him if he was my pops and dude choked up real quick. 
  No more problems since.

Folks like this generally are all bark and no bite.  Gotta let them know one good time what time it is (respectfully, of course) and they fall back in line. 
F--- that lady and F--- Donald Trump.

I hope Jonathan hits a lottery ticket.
You're right but it really depends who you work for/under. I leave early all the time to beat traffic and my boss is cool with it. Communication is everything *shrugs*

But If I was that guy, I'd already start the search for a new gig

This lady obviously sucks..he should hav known not to do something like that with her

if you are a good worker and bring value they won't generally care but if you are a numskull it will be the #1 reason you get fired and the easiest to justify

True..and we don't kno anything else other than this 6 min video..there is always two sides to a story..he could have had disciplinary problems in the past ..but where I work..leaving early is a huge huge no no

I could write a book about all the slackers or ppl whom I worked with or got fired
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