Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

^JamesOnNT ..

The parents knew that , but they kept letting them go over there right ?

The parents are liars . Flat out .

He asked would I let my kids go over MJ's house ... & yes I would . I wouldn't let them sleep in his bed though . No matter if he touched them or not , it still doesn't look right .
you knew EXACTLY what he meant....
You are backpeddling faster than Carmelo at the Garden....

you probably didn't even read the interview w. Bashir...I'm going to post a couple of quotes from Jackson...I would be interested to see how YOU interpret them...

Jackson: "No. But I have slept in a bed with many children. "I slept in a bed with all of them when Macauley Culkin was little: Kieran Culkin would sleep on this side, Macauley Culkin was on this side, his sisters in there...we all would just jam in the bed, you know. "We would wake up like dawn and go in the hot air balloon, you know, we had the footage. I have all that footage."

Jackson: "When you say bed, you're thinking sexual, they make that sexual, it's not sexual." "We're going to sleep, I tuck them in and I put a little like, er, music on and when it's story time I read a book." "We go to sleep with the fireplace on. I give them hot milk, you know, we have cookies, it's very charming, it's very sweet, it's what the whole world should do."


What's not to understand?

I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's pretty easy to see what he means when he makes those statements.

Two people sharing a bed does NOT always have to be sexual. It is most of the time, but there's plenty of exceptions. A father and his son could be oneof them. A child and Michael Jackson is stretching the rules pretty cot damn far, but I can understand why he might think its acceptable.

Personally, after seeing all the evidence about everything, I believe Michael Jackson is not a pedophile, just an idiot (about the children stuff). He wasprobably so successful that he didn't care about his image enough.
You see back when they started with the allegations of michael jackson touching kids etc I didn't believe any of it. me growing up in the late 70'sinto the 80's i idolized jackson then of course jordan.
I remember my mom and dad throwing a moonwalk or "who dances like michael jackson" contest during party's. we dressed like him and tried ourhardest to dance like him. years later, i started looking into the fact that he had an amusement park in his back yard. at first to me it was all about"wow he has billions" then i started looking closer and bang he's accused of molestation.
I finally realized that the amusement park, the clowns, cotton candy, betime storys with hot chocolate for the kids before they went to sleep, meant one thing.It meant that michael never ever had a child hood.
michael never knew what it was to have his first kiss with a girl, get scrapped up falling off a bike, or a skateboard, his first fist fight, trading cardsfrom any sport, reading comics, going to the beach with mom and dad, flirting with girls, kicking a can in the street, etc etc. he never experienced this. sothis is the reason why he had an amusement park built in his back yard. and out of the kidness of his heart, he took to these kids in and made them laugh, andhad a great time. he as well was living his dream of being a child as well, so everybody was happy.
what's sad is how these greedy parents saw that as an oportunity to take money from him. they had it all figured out "heck we'll accuse him ofchild molestation, and he'll pay up. why would he waste time in a court room trying to prove his innocence"? that's exactly what happend, he paidup now that made him look guilty.
the only thing i was againt's him doing was dying his skin. other than that he did so much for kids, and lived his dream of being a kid. he did a good deedand was stomped for doing such thing. in today's world you can't be to nice too people, or do good deeds because they'll have soemthing waiting foryou. it breaks my heart that these people wrongfully accused him of doing such things to these kids, when he him self was trying to be a kid, the kid he neverwas. miek will for ever be my idol, and i am crushed by his death. to those paren't who made there kid's lie about him, SHAME ON YOU!!!! after hisdeath then there going to come out with the fact that they lied. bunch of no good people. i personally think that stress killed mike.

rest in peace mike thank for the wonderful memories that these kids today will never experience. love big ben.
not a reliable source...if i see it on tv (cnn, fox, etc.) then i'll believe...till then he still a chester to me
there are only a handful of ppl who actually know what went down.. MJ, those Kids, and God... those defending him dont know, those accusing him dont know... ifyou are looking at the situation with an open mind, you'll see that there are some things that point to him being innocent to any accusations, and on theother side, you could say MJ put himself in those situations and have no one else to blame but himself for the circumstances....and it definantly looks like hewas quilty of something... Truth be told, no one but those ppl who were there will ever know what really happend.... MJ will answer to God if he did anythingto any of those kids... So for those saying that he's innocent, and he is just being attcked, it really dont matter now, if he is innocent then he isinnocent... for those saying he got a pass because he is famous, trust me, God does not give out passes on sin because you're famous...
to keep it short I think MJ never touched any child. I think he just truley loved kids. sure some of the comments he made and the neverland ranch wasnt helpinghis image but innocent until proven guilty
Originally Posted by kemeticVibes

People forget that the majority of America...Society...The World is on a very very low conscious state of LOVE & Unity

America's Corporate Banner( Not a Flag) waves high against the wind from killing/erasing People, Culture, Science, Knowledge & Love

We divide each other because We don't even know who we really are anymore; Or why we're REALLY here on this living organism called EARTH

Look at how we treat Nature, Children, Ourselves, Animals, & The World ...We're walking batteries for a corrupted system of Living, Thinking, & Being

We're so out of tune with Life that we're KILLING each other at an alarming rate with IGNORANCE

Michael was on a other level of Love Mentally & Spiritually with The World

But due to the Ignorance, Evil, Greedy, Sick, Hatred etc. that has filled up the world

A adult can't even hug a child with love & respect as beings anymore..

We're connected in this universe & our DNA has that information

- Bless/Namaste

You sound incredibly stupid right now. There is nothing ok with a man in a bed with a ton of children, I don't care what level of love he exists upon. Ialso fail to see what corporate America has to do with this. You sound like a hippy. A dirty, dirty hippy.
Originally Posted by TheDudeMT

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Im somewhat relieved the truth is slowing coming to light.

Same here.

Really, such a damn shame on them.

Karma will deal with this.


Come on, it's been over 15 years. If it hasn't happened yet......
its a shame that even though the truth is out

people are still going associate MJ with child molestation
Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white. And becausehe was in the spotlight and was a performer he needed makeup to cover the spots, in the early years they used to put makeup on the white spots to even out hisbrown skin, but then as the years went by the disease spread to much that the makeup artist had to blend in with the white pigmentations by applying makeup onthe dark spots, and he needed extra makeup on him because it would protect him from any overexposure to the sun, which is also why he always carried around andumbrella. As for his nose jobs, as an adolescence his father used to call him big nose, for someone so emotionally frail it obviously took a toll on him,therefore most likely leading to his nose job.

But to top it off, who cares about what he looked like? EVERYONE in the world was bumping his music, regardless of race, creed, color, or religion. He didsomething NO ONE can ever do or even try to replicate. From selling 100 million albums to the extremely care for other people (donated millions to charities,gather the biggest artists in show business and cowrote a song that raised millions for starving kids in Africa, created Neverland ranch so kids with sickness,disabilities, even kids from the inner-city to escape reality and go to a place with no worries about outside life so they can just be children) He was simplythere for everybody, and people (ADULTS) in his life sucked him dry man. What's crazy was that he didn't let that affect his relationship with people,he always was kind and loving no matter how much people betrayed him, which also caused his downfall and his massive debt. And then the media just destroyedhim, tarnished his image and just made him out to be a monster but he was never depressed or sucidal. Michael embraced life because he knew he made adifference to kids around the world by his deeds and people around the world with his music, not to mention his own kids whom he loved dearly. Like Reverend AlSharpton said "Michael's heart was broken way before he died." Rest in Peace Michael.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white. And because he was in the spotlight and was a performer he needed makeup to cover the spots, in the early years they used to put makeup on the white spots to even out his brown skin, but then as the years went by the disease spread to much that the makeup artist had to blend in with the white pigmentations by applying makeup on the dark spots, and he needed extra makeup on him because it would protect him from any overexposure to the sun, which is also why he always carried around and umbrella. As for his nose jobs, as an adolescence his father used to call him big nose, for someone so emotionally frail it obviously took a toll on him, therefore most likely leading to his nose job.
QFT ... every word .

Ignorance .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white. And because
he was in the spotlight and was a performer he needed makeup to cover the spots, in the early years they used to put makeup on the white spots to even out his
brown skin, but then as the years went by the disease spread to much that the makeup artist had to blend in with the white pigmentations by applying makeup on
the dark spots, and he needed extra makeup on him because it would protect him from any overexposure to the sun, which is also why he always carried around and
umbrella. As for his nose jobs, as an adolescence his father used to call him big nose, for someone so emotionally frail it obviously took a toll on him,
therefore most likely leading to his nose job.
QFT ... every word .

Ignorance .

I added more in the edit.
I don't think it's possible for you to change the entire pigment of your skin. Mike had to be doing the same thing Dave Chappelle does when he plays awhite person, or the stuff they used to do the movie White Chicks.

Did you read? I never said he changed his pigmentation.

I'm not talking about anything you said.
iight. By the way MJ has been quoted in saying "Why would I bleach my skin? I love black, in fact, I envy her (Lisa Marie Presley) because she can tan andI can't."
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