Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Don't believe it/him.

MJ had books of nude boys locked in a file cabinet when they raided his place! "Boys will be boys" and "The Boy". One was 90% nude! Come on man....
(Yes, I know they were books anyone can buy, not child porn, but having those at the exact same time as being charged with the molestation of little boys! Pffft.)

I love MJ's music, and let him RIP, but come on now. MJ fans have the biggest case of denial.

Plus, if they were just scamming, why would they even try to take a shot in the dark about what his junk looked like? They described some kind of mark on his skin flute, it got checked out, then he settled for $20 Million? Obviously the mark was there, right? Oh wait, denial - Lucky guess, huh?

Those kids drank a 1/2 gallon of Jesus juice (Which they somehow knew the he kept alcohol in a briefcase in his room. Another lucky guess.) and got violated.


And since this isn't in the RIP thread, don't tell me to take my hate on somewhere. This is a thread about his molestations....
The Boy: A Photographic Essay appeared to have been a gift to Jackson from a fan, bearing the inscription, "To Michael from your(heart symbol) fan, XXXOOO, 'Rhonda'," and dated 1983.
f****** fa**ot killed mj. f*** you and all the other liars! send the c*** to jail!
then he can have all the oral he deserves for that lie.
better source needed

I'm on of the ones that don't believe he molested anyone, but we need a better source than this.
just lame how everyone is getting completely worked up about it when at best right now it's a shaky source falsely quoted. reserve some of your emotionstil a credible source backs it up. the person who put out the artcile is playing you and your emotions right now.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Plus, if they were just scamming, why would they even try to take a shot in the dark about what his junk looked like? They described some kind of mark on his skin flute, it got checked out, then he settled for $20 Million? Obviously the mark was there, right? Oh wait, denial - Lucky guess, huh?
Should have held onto your cards guy. The description never checked out (Reuters, January 27, 1994, shortly after the settlement was reached).
People forget that the majority of America...Society...The World is on a very very low conscious state of LOVE & Unity

America's Corporate Banner( Not a Flag) waves high against the wind from killing/erasing People, Culture, Science, Knowledge & Love

We divide each other because We don't even know who we really are anymore; Or why we're REALLY here on this living organism called EARTH

Look at how we treat Nature, Children, Ourselves, Animals, & The World ...We're walking batteries for a corrupted system of Living, Thinking, &Being

We're so out of tune with Life that we're KILLING each other at an alarming rate with IGNORANCE

Michael was on a other level of Love Mentally & Spiritually with The World

But due to the Ignorance, Evil, Greedy, Sick, Hatred etc. that has filled up the world

A adult can't even hug a child with love & respect as beings anymore..

We're connected in this universe & our DNA has that information

- Bless/Namaste
I'm praying a reliable source backs it up. I guess mainstream media is always a step behind due to legalissues...?

Anyways after Larry King said he overheard the family saying they were LYING and EXTORTING MJ..

but the judge refused to let him testify
Im somewhat relieved the truth isslowing coming to light.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ I guess your kids won't be having any friends growing up. No sleepovers FTL.

there is NOTHING wrong with YOU having a kid and there firends sleeping over, when you have no kids of your own in the house and YOU have a sleepover with kidsand sleep in the same bed as them there is a HUGE problem
I don't agree with what him sleeping in the same bed as kids. Dude was sick for that. However, there's no evidence of him sexually abusing the kids, soin death I will respect the man for his accomplishments.

If he was convicted of child abuse, I would not be able to look past that.
^The conflict about the question " would you let your child sleep over another man's house?" is what sense we ask it in

If we ask that question in this country; where society is structured threw western culture/science (European) from what we have seen the answer will be,no

If we ask that question towards people who structure their lives in eastern science & culture: where morals, principles, organization, teachings, studiesetc are different; we will get mixed results to the saying of "It takes a village to raise a child"

If there's trust, loyalty, & love with the so called "man" then yes I will let my child stay over their house because that's how I wasraised & by that action I'm not saying I will let my child have sexual contact with grown man because that's the state of which the question isasked

but with the events we have seen go on in the world you have to proceed in high caution

- Bless/Namaste
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Im somewhat relieved the truth is slowing coming to light.

Same here.

Really, such a damn shame on them.

Karma will deal with this.

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