Mechanic Negligence...Need Some Advice

Jul 18, 2012
It was supposed to be a relaxing day, however it was anything but that. I checked my phone after I left the gym and I had 6 missed calls. Turns out my girl and almost 2-year old daughter, who are heading up to Queens to visit family, had a harrowing experience due to brake failure. I just had new brakes put on my car at the Infiniti dealership in mid-September. One of the bolts (I'll include a picture in my next post) wasn't installed properly and popped off. I don't know the exact wording of what the problem was, but it's not good. The car wouldn't stop and it was pretty much metal on metal. All of this was happening on the NJ Turnpike. My girl was beyond vexed. She's crying, mostly because she's thinking about what could have happened. You always think the worst in these types of situations. It was a mess because AAA and Infiniti Roadside assistance have no jurisdiction on the Turnpike. She had to call the state police to tow her to a garage where she had to wait for family to drive from Queens to pick her up. All the Infiniti dealerships are closed so the car will be towed to one of them tomorrow so we can deal with the repairs etc. In the conversation, she's talking suing, yelling at the managers, etc. I just don't know what the next logical step is once the car is fixed. I spoke to the manager of the dealership where I had the brakes installed and he was beyond apologetic. From my perspective, I should be given a complete refund for the brake job as well as have the costs of the repairs, towing, etc. all covered. I don't think we have much of a case for suing, because I'm sure Ininiti has things in fine print that protect themselves in situations like this. So, NT...what to do?
Like you stated, everything should be cover by then in addition, to correcting the problem at no cost.

If they try to get to savvy, hire a lawyer and have wifey claim distress, mental anguish and PTSD. This was a shocking experience and with the help of a good lawyer you can get a few $$$$.
You can definitely sue for more, just depends if Infiniti is going to be a d_ck about it or settle
You can definitely sue for more, just depends if Infiniti is going to be a d_ck about it or settle

I'm going in there for a face-to-face on Monday. Like I said...they were contrite when I spoke to them this afternoon. Which is fine, but it still doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It's a helpless feeling hearing the pain in her voice due to thinking about the worst that could have happened. I mean, I was on the phone for about 2 hours dealing with her, the dealership, AAA, Infiniti roadside, etc. I know a lot of things are said in the heat of the moment, so I thought asking you all for advice and also sleeping on it would be the best option for right now.
Yeah they don't want that lawsuit nor the backlash from Infiniti. You're not asking for anything unreasonable.
Get that money pleighboi, that's a serious issue and it could of been a lot worse for your girl and kid. 

That's why I always try and do my own repairs, those mechanics will cut corners to save money or make money. 
Yikes a loose caliper.

Being that its Infiniti I wouldn't be too worried about them not paying for everything. If it was Ale's garage then maybe but Infiniti doesn't want these types of problems. More than likely the mechanic will be fired for this. I'd make them replace the wheel as well.

As far as suing if that's a option you want to explore I would consult a lawyer.
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Damn! That must have been scary. Glad your family is physically okay.

Her anger is justified. if infinity is not willing to pay for everything then I would get a lawyer.
Thats terrible. Id sue the hell out of Infiniti.

What did she say exactly happened though? Woudnt the other 3 breaks work in this case?
Over here in Cali we have BAR, Bureau of Automotive Repair, Im guessing NY should have something similar(Not sure if its a federal or state thing). Try checking the NY site, inform yourself bro.
She said she thought that a tire was flat. Looked down and saw that it was metal on metal (when she eventually came to a stop). She had to coast it to a stop on the turnpike.

Slight update...

We decided that we're going to have to car towed to the closest Infiniti dealership in Jersey tomorrow (from the garage where it's being held over night). However, we are going to ask that the car is shipped back to original dealership where the brake job was initially done. Reason being, we want them to see the exact problem and find out what they're going to do about it. Describing it to them over the phone is one thing...having them actually seeing it is another.

I get human error. It happens. However, something as significant as this, I have a hard time understanding how it could happen.

*Thanks for the advice and well-wishes everyone...
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It was supposed to be a relaxing day, however it was anything but that. I checked my phone after I left the gym and I had 6 missed calls. Turns out my girl and almost 2-year old daughter, who are heading up to Queens to visit family, had a harrowing experience due to brake failure. I just had new brakes put on my car at the Infiniti dealership in mid-September. One of the bolts (I'll include a picture in my next post) wasn't installed properly and popped off. I don't know the exact wording of what the problem was, but it's not good. The car wouldn't stop and it was pretty much metal on metal. All of this was happening on the NJ Turnpike. My girl was beyond vexed. She's crying, mostly because she's thinking about what could have happened. You always think the worst in these types of situations. It was a mess because AAA and Infiniti Roadside assistance have no jurisdiction on the Turnpike. She had to call the state police to tow her to a garage where she had to wait for family to drive from Queens to pick her up. All the Infiniti dealerships are closed so the car will be towed to one of them tomorrow so we can deal with the repairs etc. In the conversation, she's talking suing, yelling at the managers, etc. I just don't know what the next logical step is once the car is fixed. I spoke to the manager of the dealership where I had the brakes installed and he was beyond apologetic. From my perspective, I should be given a complete refund for the brake job as well as have the costs of the repairs, towing, etc. all covered. I don't think we have much of a case for suing, because I'm sure Ininiti has things in fine print that protect themselves in situations like this. So, NT...what to do?

IMO. if they verify that the brake job was done improperly, i'm sure your girl can tell them that she'll be in trauma for awhile [which i'm sure she is]. this could actually change the way she feels about driving, etc. :nerd:
I spoke to her about an hour ago and she said she was still shaking. I mean, it's some real scary stuff...more so for the sake of our daughter. That's the part that just eats at me. I'm so thankful that things worked out and everyone is safe, but it's hard not to think of the alternative. :smh:
I'm glad everyone is OK and your girl was able to manage to safely come to a stop. They should happily pay for everything without any hesitation and a mechanic will probably be fired. Please keep us updated.
Whatever you do, keep a cool head and be the bigger person.

You don't seem like your going to cause a fight which is to your benefit.

Good luck Monday.
I understand you are very upset about everything that happened but I just don't understand suing someone for "what could have happened" and not just what did happen.

They should cover your towing expenses and fix the brakes, hopefully they will give you a refund on the original brake job as well but that is wishful thinking

We went in to the Infiniti dealership on Tuesday. They were BEYOND apologetic. Pretty much they said they would do anything in their power to help repair the relationship we've built over the years. They are going to reimburse the travel expenses, towing, and original brake job. In addition, they are ordering a new rim (got damaged along the way), doing a complete diagnostic check, and fixing some minor dents/scratches that have accrued over the years. Obviously, they are going above and beyond because they know they really ****** up.

I'm happy we went in when we did b/c had it been on Fri or Sat, I probably would have blown a gasket. We had time to collect our thoughts and think about our approach. We told the man we weren't looking for anything and didn't want the mechanic fired. However, we did mention that we considered speaking to a lawyer (not anymore, because things are being smoothed over).

It was a horrible and stressful experience and I hope for their sake, it doesn't happen again to anyone else.

We went in to the Infiniti dealership on Tuesday. They were BEYOND apologetic. Pretty much they said they would do anything in their power to help repair the relationship we've built over the years. They are going to reimburse the travel expenses, towing, and original brake job. In addition, they are ordering a new rim (got damaged along the way), doing a complete diagnostic check, and fixing some minor dents/scratches that have accrued over the years. Obviously, they are going above and beyond because they know they really ****** up.

I'm happy we went in when we did b/c had it been on Fri or Sat, I probably would have blown a gasket. We had time to collect our thoughts and think about our approach. We told the man we weren't looking for anything and didn't want the mechanic fired. However, we did mention that we considered speaking to a lawyer (not anymore, because things are being smoothed over).

It was a horrible and stressful experience and I hope for their sake, it doesn't happen again to anyone else.

You handled this perfectly mistakes happen at work and they paid for the mistake

Thank god no one was hurt in the car
You handled this perfectly mistakes happen at work and they paid for the mistake

Thank god no one was hurt in the car

Yeah the end, we were just all relieved that everyone was OK. The manager that we dealt with is a grandfather, so he said that he couldn't imagine being in our position. He even went as far to say that the mechanic (who was a master tech, by the way) wanted to get in contact with us to personally apologize. I mean, they were clearly in the wrong but are really going the extra mile to smooth things over.

I think that we do/did have grounds to take legal action. Like I said before, we're not...and they are trying their best to make things right from here going forward and that's all we can ask. Had they been defiant or had a poor attitude, things would have been completely different.
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.

I'm telling you...the 3-4 days between the incident and when we actually spoke to management face-to-face was the best thing that could have happened on our end. I don't know what I would have said or done had I stormed in there late Friday or early Sat morning.
Glad everything worked out. This is one of the advantages to going to a good dealership/independent shop.
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