Me and condoms can't coexist!

i feel you guys..i went raw with this one chick( regret it) and i caught the clap , so everytime i go in i just wear a condom , you dont get the feeling like going raw but i want my penis to be safe.
Just ordered 102 crowns for 17.95 Comes out to about 18 cents each small price to pay than 18 years of support payments or a clinic visit
3 years ago I made a thread asking if anyone on NT went raw before because I had never gone raw.

Now I've gone raw with numerous females and whenever I use condoms they ever break or I have to keep adjusting it and I end up changing it during sex and it totally kills the vibe .

Anyone have a problem with condoms? What are some good ones?
I've never used a condem bro and the one time I tried I instantly went soft, didn't even make it "in" but the moment I took it off I was back up and strOkin
I purchase this by the hundred count. Comes out MAD cheap and definitely worth the investment.


I also had the mentality before that there's no way I can use condoms because raw is just too amazing. I minimized my desire for raw after having a really bad scare once. My girl felt sick - vomit, stomach pain, nausea, etc. and her period was really late - she felt so ill she didn't want to talk to anyone. Real talk, I was practically down on my knees praying I didn't do anything stupid. The idea of having a kid is real and I would never want to put my girl in a position where she has to choose her fate because of my lack of responsibility and desire for pleasure that could affect her forever.

Thank God it was only a scare. I was rejoicing and singing gospel songs afterwards lol. And this is just talking about babies. STDs are another thing.

The fear is real. The worry is not worth it. Don't be stupid.
Crazy that people are forgetting to mention HIV like it's not around. The hell with a kid, your life is completely done and you will eventually die a slow death.I'm pretty sure you don't have Magic's money so your going to die. Me being completely stupid did go raw with a chick that was "cool" but I was being completely lazy and ran out of condoms. Literally the following day I went in for a checkup and std test for everything. The wait for something like that is 3 days or so but let you tell you that was the worse 3 days ever. I was actually on a ski trip in vail and couldn't even enjoy the first day.
Once I got back home and went into to see the doctor for the results, that brief 5 minute wait felt like 10 hours. I visually saw my life flash in front of me, thinking of everything I haven't accomplished in life. Just because I didn't wear a damn condom, and went raw on some random girl. The results were negative on everything, and I almost passed out I was so excited. From that day on I've never even thought of going raw, and never will except if I get married and all tests results are shown. :smokin

Dnt wanna scare u homie but that's tooooo soon. For the HIV u gotta at least wait 3 months from the 1st encounter but if u cant wait do 2
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