May Wrestling Thread | AEW Double or Nothing This Sunday

January JOTM

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Harlot SHOULD be in one of the big Mania matches. One of the best performers in the division. Will make the match better. Doesn't mean she needs to win.
No she shouldn't. Her involvement singlehandedly pulled the Becky and Ronda feud down. They've spammed the hell out her & she'll probably get Big Show reactions in 10yrs.
Yea, the women's division is so strong that CHA not being in the Main Event picture doesn't hurt the company. They just flourished when she wasn't around. As long as at least 2 of the Horsewomen are around at a time, the company is cool. INterchange RHea and Bianca moving forward and they have so much firepower.
I want the best talent in the big matches. There basically is no storyline with the Raw Women's Championship. Might as well just let her and Oscar cook again like they did 3 years ago. If they need to put Rhea in there too, so be it. We know she can hang.
I want the best talent in the big matches. There basically is no storyline with the Raw Women's Championship. Might as well just let her and Oscar cook again like they did 3 years ago. If they need to put Rhea in there too, so be it. We know she can hang.
I get what you are saying but I think Long-term that doesn't always make the most sense for a company.

It can easily burn the fans out with certain talents. What is the public perception of Charlotte? Is she near the, "Why are they forcing her down our throats" stage like Roman once was? It is always hard to tell since we are IN the bubble.
Yea, the women's division is so strong that CHA not being in the Main Event picture doesn't hurt the company. They just flourished when she wasn't around. As long as at least 2 of the Horsewomen are around at a time, the company is cool. INterchange RHea and Bianca moving forward and they have so much firepower.

Charlotte is basically in the category of Swagger/ADR/Sheamus (previously), someone that’s a very good wrestler who you don’t have the slightest interest in. They want her to be female Ric, both she has zero of the endearing and redeeming qualities of him.
The fans were going nuts when Becky and Ronda had a stare down the raw after the rumble and Vince thought hmm this feud needs Charlotte :lol:
THAT did not make sense given the starpower Becky and Rhonda had at the time. Was unnecessary.

In the case of the Raw Women's title heading into THIS Mania, there's none of that.
I want the best talent in the big matches. There basically is no storyline with the Raw Women's Championship. Might as well just let her and Oscar cook again like they did 3 years ago. If they need to put Rhea in there too, so be it. We know she can hang.

Agree..Charlotte and Rhea had the match of weekend last year and Chuck/Oscar had the match of the night 3 yrs ago..So why wouldn't people want her in the title match?..She doesn't have to win..Just being there makes the match/title more important..I'm 89% certain that her and Asuka's match will be considerably better than Botch Banks and Whatsherface..
People would get upset at me when I would say, so I keep it to myself.

Once you get older and learn it's not real and scripted, I don't get the entertainment factor when it's real sports out here. It's like the tooth fairy or santa clause to me.

:lol: Yall wrestling dudes after 25 are something else :lol:

I understand why you view it this way but it is no more fake when compared to movies/television. You suspend disbelief for content you watch so it isn't far fetched that others do it for simulated fighting.

Also, remember ALL wrestling isn't goofy/campy WWE/WWF. There are other promotions that present wrestling in a more realistic manner without focusing on the "Soap Opera" aspect that WWE focuses on.
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