May Wrestling Thread | AEW Double or Nothing This Sunday

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Putting me on the spot.

1. The Rock, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sting, and GOAT Randy Savage.
2. He's had some steam when he left WWE to help AEW. Now he talks way too much about WWE and how things were not right/ how AEW is better. I don't know if he's being asked this or if he's having these thoughts and openly talking about it. Seems like he needs closure. Plus he's 50 right? He should probably stop saying he can kick everyone's *** in real life.
On the other hand, he seems like he's done a lot of good too. With Benoit's son. The guys he's putting over. I guess it is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised to see him go back to WWE one day so he can get inducted into the Hall of Fame. Probably bothers him. If he got inducted and then left for AEW, maybe he wouldn't talk about them so much.
3. In what way? For the WWE lawsuit or saying the N word?
4. Great career. Innovator. Deserved much better in the states.
5. Lol. I don't know about that. Kind of an odd comparison. Can you be more specific?
Doubt you know what this means, but:
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I finally worked through my WCW backlog from when I was sick to current.

I do these write ups for myself mostly, but if anyone has feedback I'd be interested to reading it. Comments on writing style, depth, structure, content, or anything else would be appreciated.

11 February 1996

Superbrawl VI

Public Enemy vs Nasty Boys in a Street Fight

What the **** was the point of this match… they spammed the trash can hits, no cohesion, and what’s the pay off? As much nonsense as Bischoff talks about Russo and his no payoff/purpose story telling. Looks like he was doing that well before Russo with this garbage.

Konan with Mean Gene
What the hell is Konan looking at? Promo was decent though. Mine Gene always does a great setup job.

Johnny B. Badd vs Diamond Dallas Page
Kimberly… my oh my… Second to that, we just finished a gimmick match and follow it up with another gimmick match. Eric Russo strikes again, at least there is a longer term story line to it. The match itself is enjoyable, the both have some good chemistry with each other. Regardless of the struggle leap frogs from DDP. DDP being a ham midway through the match was nice, gave it a bit extra and wasn’t dumb. It fit the situations, nothing forced. I get more old school by the day, but there are things heels did that I just don’t see anymore. Knucks, managers, tactics… DDP messing with the refs positioning and putting his feet on the ropes a couple times is just a nice little touch. Helps out JBB with his come back as well. All those little things DDP are doing throughout the match is a good build, really enjoy it. Other than the gimmick, the match itself was enjoyable.

Harlem Heat with Mean Gene
Decent promo… but I’m still beyond confused as to why there is a tag team triangle. Winner faces the Road Warriors, for what? Harlem Heat lost, Road Warriors lost, but they all get title matches on the PPV. Just a weird setup.

Harlem Heat vs Lex Luger and Sting for the WCW Tag Team Championship
Harlem Heat always look like a million bucks as a tag team. And on the flip side it always bugs me when Stings gear is close in colors to opponents. Should have bee fixed up to be the opposite always. Opponents have dark colors, he goes bright. Opponents have Red, he goes Blue. It’s just aesthetically pleasing along with showing he is the baby face. He’s not like the bad guys… just a pet peeve. Crazy to see with hindsight eyes how good Booker is, it’s definitely appreciated now. Good build throughout the match, nice hot tag to Sting. Was decent, but unfortunately the hang up with the Road Warriors takes away from it. And it didn’t help that Animal and Hawk came down to gimmick the match. Don’t really understand that at all… curious to know what the story behind that is. Side note, how worn down do those tag titles look. Get them re-engraved, better coloring and polish them. Doesn’t look like any pride being put into the presentation.

One Man Gang vs Konnan for the WCW US Championship
Well, this was a match. I’m not a one man gang fan he does nothing for me as a performer or wrestler. I mean the dumb belly bumps in the corner, the fat person movement he has, he’s just lazy all over. Konnan sold for it and did what he needed to throughout the match. There is no IQ in this match at all, why does One Man Gang pull Konnans head up, his stupid splash miss. Just bad all around.

Road Warriors with Mean Gene
The explanation of why they attack Harlem Heat got a Luger attack me, so we attacked Harlem Heat… then a 90s “NOT” and a too bad…

Taskmaster vs Brian Pillman
Another gimmick match… but dammit was I looking forward to this with what happened of Nitro. The worst part about it though, not only was It a gimmick match it was a double gimmick match. Pillman came out no character, clearly straight faced and wanted to beat the hell out of Sullivan. He got his shots in, Sullivan got a solid right in and Pillman had enough. Pillman clearly wasn’t dealing with the BS again, and then gladly flipped off the crowd. Being that I like the background stuff, I thoroughly enjoyed this. But when it comes to the business, this is terrible. Clearly no leadership from Bischoff or anyone else, this should have never happened with regards to the first time, let alone the second. Arn having to come out and save this as a match was what it was, there is no win in a match like this. No reason to have this match at all, it just is what it is. Gives us nothing as an audience, there’s no payoff, Arn is in god damn golf shorts for the match. Should have made the call to scrap it after Pillman walked off on the bookerman. Flair was the voice of reason, but the nonsense has already happened.

The Giant and Jimmy Hart with Mean Gene
Jimmy must have worn his Nikes, got back there fast. Giant was produced so poorly… all the yelling. The dumb promos and back story, he’s Andre the Giants son. But is in the DOD, unfortunate they don’t understand what to do with a big man like that.

Road Warriors vs Lex Luger and Sting for the WCW Tag Team Championship
I like the Luger heel build for this match. Him backing up, waiting, not engaging. I really like this Sting and Luger build and what they’ve done. It’s been a slow burn but there has been escalation to the relationship and story every step of the way. Nice to see the match and heat build with Luger in the corner, commentators are doing a good job in building that as well. I’m not a fan of the Road Warriors working long matches, they just aren’t built for it. But with the outlier being Luger it gives them a story to tell better than what they usually do. Unfortunately we go to a for no reason count out finish.

Mean Gene with Ric Flair and Woman
Ric loves yelling at all times.

Mean Gene with Liz and Macho Man Randy Savage
Macho Man loves talking so low you can’t hear him and yelling at the top of his lungs. He’s such a weak champion right now, I really don’t care what he is saying. Unpopular opinion… I never liked Liz or found her attractive.

Ric Flair with Woman vs Macho Man Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth for the WCW Heavyweight Championship in a Steel Cage Match
We, once again, have another gimmick match… this is hurtful at this point. I’m a huge fan of a wrestler and valet matching. Love the unison and team work it shows, it’s also very pleasing to the eye. Good tension built to start the match, I like that back and forth with the entry of Flair. Decent match and good build. I liked the stolen finisher spot, along with Savage off the top of the cage. I thought the announcers did an excellent job to sell for the match, enjoyed their commentary during this match. Along with that Woman talking, hollering for Ric was nice. I always enjoy when you can hear the manager or valet when they are talking. They shouldn’t be mute, they should most definialty call out in help, offer advice, coaching, etc. Flair’s *** hanging out for what seemed liked 10 minutes was an odd comedy spot in the middle of this serious match in a cage, and then a bell botch. Just an odd section of the match. And then in case we didn’t do it right the first time, here is Ric’s *** again. Just a terrible section of the match all together. Enjoyed the Liz turn and the end sequence to the match. But GOD FORBID we just had a Flair/Savage match and Hogan NOT come around. Savage can’t shave his nut sack without Hogan running in to apply a heated towel.

Mean Gene with Hulk Hogan
So Hogan runs out to Savage, then runs back to meet with Mean Gene, and is going back out to a match. Awesome.

Hulk Hogan vs The Giant in a Steel Cage Match
So we have another… gimmick match. We also have the second cage match, and it’s back to back. Who booked this crap? For everything Bischoff talks about others and their booking, this has been a steaming pile of gimmick matches and finishes. Along with that, why is Hogan and Giant on after the World Title match? Such a terrible way to structure any PPV. If you want a match to go on last without the title, don’t have the title match on the card at all. No selling finishes, 3 leg drops to a no sell sit up. There really isn’t anything to talk about with this match in itself. Hogan with a low IQ 2 on 1, with only a steel chair. All of DOD comes out against Hogan, just dumb. You’ve never seen such soft pansy chair shots that mean nothing. Not only that Giant and co. retreat against ONE GOD DAMN PERSON. Some fat *** Loch Ness monster came out and they held him back… when it’s 15 on 1?! There is NO good logic to any of this ********.

12 Feb 1996

Monday Nitro

Commentator Intro

Nice recap on the PPV, they shined the dog turd up how they could. But how it ended and all the gimmicks were no forgotten. Funny to see them talk immediately about the respect match and letting people know Pillman is history. When they talk and say things like “Loch Ness” in reference to someone do they hear themselves and how ridiculous it sounds?

Hugh Morrus vs Macho Man Randy Savage
We have the heel that blinded Hogan, he’s had this pirate patch on. Then the heel is used on Savage and beats him for the title and nothing. Not a mark, patch, or gimmick. I am not the biggest fan or a bunch of gimmicks used at once, but damn if you are going to use them the follow up. To add insult to injury, no pun intended, they even mention how Hogan is still tending to his bad eye (due to the heel)! This match was a mess, seems to be a stable with later Macho Man matches. But this match never meshed from the jump, not entirely sure what the point of it was. All of they aside, when you see him do that elbow drop from the top rope it’s poetry. It’s something beautiful to watch up to the sound of the landing, just something that is perfect.

Mean Gene interviews Steve Grissom
An odd title I never thought I’d write, it’s an off segment. You would think there is other WCW promo work they could do. Not so much on a precious time frame that is Nitro (40ish minutes with commercials at the time).

Scott Riggs vs Loch Ness
The American Males intro music is still something of legends. It has this weird Revenge of the Nerds intro and goes into the most 90s Saved By the Bell body. There is nothing about Loch Ness that I care about, he is a fat slob. He was breathing heavy walking to the damn ring. With who they have on the roster, this is what they are pushing. Along with that, he is associated with Dungeon of Doom. Who, was completely embarrassed by one person the night before. He is a loser by association. Not to mention he botched within a minute of his match and couldn’t pick his fat *** back up without using the ring ropes. Disgusting… good call on this guy WCW.

Mean Gene with Miss Elizabeth, Woman and Ric Flair
Miss Elizabeth can’t chew bubblegum and walk at the same time, she almost blew a circuit in his brain and stopped breathing for a second. Let Ric drive the car, let them do their job. She shouldn’t be giving interviews. Still does absolutely nothing for me.

Devon Storm vs Konnan
Dangerous Devon Storm… he’s a suicidal kind of guy. WCW has a set of rules and Devon broke 4 in the first 12 seconds of the mach. I don’t understand how they are picking and choosing to enforce and reference them. Storm looks like a pure bread nerd, why does he get a match agains the US Champion? No logic to any of this as far as the set up with the Nitro. You also debut two brand new wrestlers in one night, the crowd barley cares anything about Konnan (or Scott Riggs for that matter) and you are killing off any energy you should have. Konnan seemed like he did what he could to sell for Storm but it did nothing for me at all. Gotta watch out for those back leg round kicks.

Arn Anderson with Woman vs Hulk Hogan
Hogan still has the eye patch and bandaids, Savage had nothing. Hogan beats all the DOD, he beats all of the 4 Horseman… what’s the point of anyone fighting Hogan. We have multiple gimmicks with blinding sand and heels. Hogan sold for 4 seconds, long enough to get pinned and then no sold everything else that he could because Hogan. I don’t get why we need to do this.

19 Feb 1996

Monday Nitro

Commentator Open

Still enjoy these recaps and foreshadowing, even with the mouth breather holding that dog.

Arn Anderson with Woman vs Hulk Hogan
I like the fact they are running this back for story purposes, at least there is some consistency here. But then Hulk Hogan comes out after being hit with a heel again and has no eye patch. The gimmick is oddly inconsistent. I don’t understand the DOD and 4 Horseman crossover, along with that they had internal fighting with Arn/Pillman and Sullivan. The story doesn’t make any sense, let us 45 people go kill Hulk Hogan. These are the 4 Horseman, not Chuck and Billy. It’s an internal group with limited and an exclusive country club membership. To the match Arn Anderson is spectacular. He is the best salesman all around. He is making Hogan look like a million dollars. He looks better during this one on one match than when he was tapping all of DOD with a chair. On the flip side when Hogan tries to give Arn some offense it’s poorly done. Hogan seemingly has no interest in doing so. It wouldn’t be a Savage/Hogan one on one match without the other showing up and getting involved somehow, good match especially on Arn’s end but a bad finish. The DQ made no sense, Savage never touched Arn to cause any kind of DQ. So they are still just making up WCW rules to use as we go on.

Alex Wright vs Loch Ness
Commentators are still selling the hell out of Loch Ness, and I still see nothing but a fat slob. There is nothing intimidating about this person, there’s nothing about this person that I care to see in any kind of match. Anyone paying attention can see two things, the first being he uses the ropes. To hold himself up, get up and move around. The second is even with his mass, he has absolutely no strength to him. How did this bum get a job? Alex did everything he could to put him over, same goes with the commentators, but it’s disgusting. Would love to hear Eric’s logic behind this.

Belfast Bruiser vs Brad Armstrong
What a great intro Brad Armstrong has, and yet what a goofy looking gimmick. Leather USA jacket and baby blue tights, just goofy looking. Odd to hear the talking about Brad being in the cruiserweight championship tournament, seems to be much bigger than who they said would be in the competition. Also funny to see Bruiser and how similar he and Pete Dunne look. Between their style, gimmick, look, there had to of been a lot of influence there. I loved Bruisers shoulder tackle, there was one spot where Brad missed a spot and Bruiser just blew him up. Overall good work between the two, but I did like how aggressive Bruiser was when he attacked. He had a nice chain of submissions, hold for 20 and switch it up; real nice work being done. Unfortunately Brad forgot to sell the leg work being done, to the credit of Mongo he was selling it for Armstrong. Good match overall and solid enough finish on that tilt a whirl slam.

Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ric Flair with Woman and Miss Elizabeth for the WCW Heavyweight Championship
Why is the Champion coming out first? How tremendous is Woman with all her antics, showing how low IQ savage is all the while getting a nice rake in the eyes. I enjoy the work she does, very god valet. Good work on both Savage and Flair, but Savage has both been beaten down week after week. He’s shown to be injured and soft, therefore there is nothing in this match that I believe he is a threat. It’s also weird in this short time span we are having the 100th WCW World Heavyweight Championship match on Nitro. At what point are they going to build for something, get a solid storyline going to lead the way? Good pacing and good back and forth up to the figure 4 spot. I have never understood the logic behind this, if I roll over al of a sudden the pressure is reversed and the initiator is now in pain. It’s just funny wrestling comedy that it makes sense that happens, but we go with it, has always been entertaining to me and doesn’t take away from the match at all. We are using a heel gimmick again, Ric has been hit so by heel gimmick law he should be blind for a few weeks, we’ll see. Hogan and Sullivan ran to the ring, Arn snuck up from behind. By the match that happened earlier this should have been a DQ. But for some unknown reason Flair gets the 3 count, so inconsistnet. Then, for no known reason what so ever the Zodiac all of a sudden clears house as an unknown friend, the Booty Man… The Booty Man. Are we supposed to not know who that is, I’m confused once again on this finish and what’s supposed to be happening, it’s just chaos for chaos sake.

26 Feb 1996

Monday Nitro

Commentator Open

Mongo is now matching outfits with the dog…

Big Bubba vs Sting
Funny to hear Bischoff talk mess about Jake Roberts and Bob Holly still being around when the Big Boss Man is literally walking out to the ring. As the match went on, I still find myself wondering why someone like Bubba is beating Sting down. In the WCW landscape, Big Bubba is a no body and he is beating down Sting. There are few people I feel you should protect, but Sting should be one of them. The people who should threaten Sting are people in the main event scene or up and comers in the US Title scene. This is the Macho Man issue to a lesser degree, there is no reason Sting should be struggling against someone on this level. The announcers are doing a great job of building this Sting and Lex Luger issue, along with building Bubba as a credible threat. You have to love the old school too, Bubba and Sting go to the outside and some 80 year old is the one person up out of her seat talking **** to Bubba. She was ready to go, I’d rob a bank with her for sure. The finish was your typical baby face, quick come back, and win.

Mean Gene with Road Warriors, Sting and Luger
Road Warriors are doing a great job of putting the rift between Sting and Luger, putting them in that bad light. No idea why all these interviews has everyone yelling, this is more and more of a pet peeve of mine. A lot of Chicago talk, that might mean something… in Chiacgo, truly doesn’t matter to anyone else anywhere around. Luger had a great ending line “what is that anyway?” He hit the nail on the head, in the context we understand it’s no different from any other no holds barred match. But to this crowd and to anyone not in Chicago this means absolutely nothing. I love the little heel nudge that Luger is selfish and is holding both belts the entire time.

Renegade vs Lex Luger
Renegade did absolutely nothing to hide his Ultimate Warrior rip off, no evolution to him. And the crowd let him know, no one cared about his entrance or him what so ever. I will say this, Luger did one hell of a job selling or Renegade, unfrotunatley no one in the building was buying. To the point where Luger, who was just getting boo’d during the Mean Gene segment was getting cheered beating up Renegade. Great to see more heel tactics for Luger, really pushing that agenda. Great story build for Luger and Sting, even to the point where Luger celebrates the heel win and Sting runs out for Luger to turn tail and tell Jimmy to get out and away from him, it was really a funny chain of events. But unfortunately the match was what it was.

Harlem Heat vs Road Warriors
A real clash of styles in this match, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But it played out well, told a good story. The crowd was marking out for Road Warriors (funny to hear a chant of LOD). Even funnier hearing Eric acknowledge the chant itself. A lot of good back and forth action, Harlem Heat had some good spots, Booker with the Harlem hangover for the cover to finish and having the Road Warriors work together for the win. Really helped build for both teams and the Road Warriors against Lex and Sting for their match.

Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Taskmaster vs Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and the Booty Man
It is very weird to still have the Horseman and DOD working together, you would think the third member of this three man tag would be Benoit, not Taskmaster. In the same note, you have the Booty Man and it’s sold as he was a spy for the Mega Powers… what? Why would a guy who has, multiple times, taken out the entire DOD single handedly need a spy? It is just goofy reasoning overall. He even had a similar entrance to the Zodiac, it’s just a very odd and random teaming and turns. I won’t be talking about the name, Booty Man… we know. Oh my stars… Kimberly randomly walking out for no reason. Highly encouraged to have her do more and as much as possible. Back to the action, Arn is in a class of his own. He ring work, his expressions, and his selling, Arn is just a treat to watch. Good heel work overall from Flair, Arn and Taskmaster, any time the ref turns his back or even when he doesn’t they are attacking an opponent as a team. But as I mentioned early, I don’t understand why Hogan needs a spy when he is taking out an entire time by himself with no issues at all. I don’t understand the reasoning behind any of that. The match as a whole is actually a nice fun 1980s heels/faces match. I enjoyed it for it’s nostalgia, however there was a lot of irritating things about it. The Hogan/Booty Man dynamic, how many times the announcers said “Booty Man” and all the puns they could fit in there, and the atrocious camera work at the end. You would think someone either on the camera on producing in the back is losing their mind in their headsets or setting up the shot to move away from Hogan and Liz. That has to be some of the worst I’ve seen sine we’ve restarted watching Nitro. I was really shocked at how bad that was, along with Hogan getting frustrated and ending up almost doing the handcuffs himself, but this really goes back to my thought process between a booker and being a performer. The booker shouldn’t be an on air personality, performer, valet, manager, or referee. Their entire focus should be on the product, producing the product and being engaged with the storyline. Along with that they shouldn’t be the on air announcer, and I’ll contradict myself by saying I understand why Eric (and for the time Vince McMahon) did that. There is probably no better salesman except for the two people that the company fall solely on top of. But with that said, the captains chair is just that - for the captain, they aren’t the announcer. Even to all of that, he was handcuffed for nothing. There was no point to it as they were cut from air for time restraints it seemed. From what was an overall decent product this was very rough to watch without being frustrated.

11 Mar 1996

Monday Nitro

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Giant

It’s 1996 and we are still seeing Jim Duggan, The Giant has no business selling anything to Hacksaw. Brian Pillman being the main focal point of trying to get Giant over was pretty funny. He left the company in a big way in February and showed up here to cause a hell of a ruckus. It was more exciting that this match, it just doesn’t make any sense to give this specific match time. Along with that, why is The Giant on TV, why is he not an event on to himself. And yet here we are, The Giant is selling for Duggan and doing flips over the top rope. The worst piece about it, Jimmy god damn Hart had to jump in and help The Giant win. Terrible overall, The Giant should be the easiest character build and attraction you have and this is the crap that’s booked.

Steiner Brothers vs Road Warriors
I’m glad to see this match, but why in the blue hell is this match on TV? No build, no background, and the Steiner’s were a big surprise to the crowd. The Steiner’s look like a million bucks, fantastic shape and look for the both of them. But this was a pissing contest from jump, and sure enough Scott wasn’t messing around. Hawk tried to drop his jock and Scott let him know who the real alpha was. It seemed to settle down and be a bit more cohesive once the belly to belly happened. I really liked the hangman to the outside inverted headlock move, don’t see that much at all and a nice little spot that could be really aggressive. Hawk seems very awkward throughout this match, it feels like three of them are having a good wrestling match and the fourth is out of synch with what’s going on. Very fun to see Scott’s frankensteiner, he just had some much torque on it. The finish of the match is very questionable, Animal all of a sudden has to use a foreign object for the Road Warriors of all people to win the match?

Mean Gene with The Steiner Brothers
This is *** backwards, the Steiner Brothers are NOW… after the match… addressing the crowd and why they came to WCW… After the match… with no build. I don’t know what to say beyond that. Scott has always drowned during a promo, you’d think if all he did was complete a decent sentence that no one could touch him. He could wrestle for the best of them, he looks tremendous, and is a mouth breather.

Alex Wright vs Lex Luger
Lex as the TV Champion and one half of the Tag Tam Champions is a good look, I do wish he had Sting’s belt to get that heel rub being dripped in gold. The back and forth, overall ring work was nicely done. A good back and forth, Luger did a great job of building and talking. Alex had some excellent spots, Luger followed though with a good heel win. Enjoyed the match between the two.

Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Taskmaster vs Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and The Booty Man in a Six-Man Double Strap Lumberjack Match
I listen to a lot of 83 Weeks and enjoy it a lot, but there is something that rings in my head over and over while we watch 1996. That is how much Eric has repeatedly said he can’t stand the Vince Russo gimmick matches. Well it doesn’t get much more suck *** with the 15 gimmicks they have going on in this match. It’s already a re-run of the previous Nitro in the match, it’s a six-man tag, it’s a strap match in a tag match, it’s a double strap, there are lumberjacks, and they are all wearing flannel shirts to let you know they are lumberjacks, and all the lumberjacks have straps. Out of no where, The Giant and Loch Ness start fighting. As a reminder, they are on the same team and to point out about the Loch Ness, he couldn’t throw a punch without holding the guard rail… what a pile of garbage. The lumberjacks have been beating the hell out of each other, same with the wrestlers in the ring, and it hasn’t been a tag match at all. I gave a compliment where we watched a good 1980’s Heel/Babyface tag match, this took that match and took a giant **** on it. On a side note, my goodness Kimberley in all white, what a pleasure to see in this visual vomit of wrestlers. Other than Kimberley, I have absolutely nothing good to say about any of this.

Mean Gene with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Taskmaster
You know when you’re in Flair country, we are going into Uncensored and at no time has this team one. The last person to do anything was Arn with a win over Hogan what seems like over a month ago. And of course Arn comes out and cuts one hell of a promo. But these three men had consistently lost, so why do we care anything about this. Just a pointless, heatless promo.

18 Mar 1996

Monday Nitro

The Giant fights Loch Ness

We have the lumberjack fight last week with The Giant and Loch Ness fighting to the back, sure enough Loch Ness couldn’t hold his fat *** up. Sure enough we start Nitro with anarchy, how we ended Nitro last week, and began with Loch Ness not being able to hold the tub of **** he calls a body up to fight against The Giant.

Lex Luger vs Loch Ness for the TV Championship
My god do I love this, Luger comes out and flees with his flair. Dismisses everything going on around him and gets a count out win. Hilarious and fantastic. Then follows up with the commentator area, what a great rub.

Tony Schiavone with Hulk Hogan and Macho Man
So this promo for Uncensored is building for Taskmaster to pull a Yeti move once again. Hogan hints at it, Macho Man hints at it, we might as well get ready for it. Decent promo to go into Uncensored, but I’m over seeing this guys dominate the show week in and week out. They don’t feel special at all.

Public Enemy vs The Steiner Brothers
WCW has strict DQ rules when it comes to their product. We’ve been programmed to know that if any foreign objected is even hinted at or used it’s a DQ. If WCW is going to let the hardcore guys do hardcore spots the it should be called out pre-match. Let us know this is a “special match” that rules don’t count or there is a special set of rules. With that said, the match itself was really good. I enjoyed the work between the two teams and all of them came out of the match looking stronger. PE looked like they belonging with one of the best tag teams, Steiner’s show their superiority all around.

Arn Anderson vs Booty Man
It seems we have an issue, we are showing the 4 horse sign with only two people. In all these fights, Benoit is no where to be found and Pillman quit in February. The Horseman are absolutely loved with t-shirts and four fingers in the air. Why is that not a huge story within WCW, unfortunately I think we know why with all the other shenanigans going on. And then we have the Booty Man, that’s all, that’s the line. I always like Arn in WWF as a tag team with Tully and then in WCW as the Enforcer. But my appreciation as I’ve gotten older has soared. He is the best soldier you could have, what he does for other wrestlers, the ring product and the company is tremendous. The match and sell as a whole was what it was, it gave the announcers the time to talk about the match and everything surrounding it. After weeks of speculation about who Kimberley was coming to see with flowers, she has now been dubbed the Booty Girl with the Booty Man. Problems with the gender names aside, this is really stupid.

Road Warriors vs Nasty Boys
One more time, see my comments about the previous tag match. As this match was almost a carbon copy of the previous match I feel the exact same way. The match itself was enjoyable, the back and forth was decent. But the ending left something to be desired, and once again Hawk just looks out of place with it. Steiner’s come out to attack the Nasty Boys, but last week the Road Warriors were the ones that cheated to get the win against the Steiner’s. Once again, Animal cheats and uses a foreign object to get a win and this time it was against an inferior opponent. Bobby the Brain with the “Legion of Doom” botch was funny.

Flair and Taskmaster vs Hulk Hogan and Macho Man in a Texas Tornado Match
For what feels like the 3 months in a row these four are somehow in the same kind of match. We are once again having more gimmicks between these people who are supposed to headline the PPV. Everything is in a hardcore manner, just like last week, so what makes Uncensored special? Is it the four cages, why is that the attraction? It’s very hard to be any kind of emotionally invested in this storyline, but we are driving to the doomsday cage and will see what happens. I will say, I am in the minority in this feeling as this crowd is red hot and enjoying the anarchy. As we have seen roughly the same thing week after week, we are left to just wait and see what the next interruption or new character comes as that is what has been happening. Sure enough we get Brian Pillman coming out of nowhere, he is continuing to show himself as a loose cannon through these times and boy it’s working. Because he is taking some real shots from the current talent, to note he is also giving some with those non-foldable chairs. If Pillman is there and he’s been “fired” why aren’t we having the cops run out. As this goes on, here we go with more gimmicks.

Tony Schiavone with DOD, Ric Flair, and Arn Anderson
We have 14 people in the ring and all of them apparently need mic time or multiple mic time. They promo for Sunday which was fine, but at what point do you think you should introduce the two big guys? It was a cluster, and what’s even worse you once again reference the 80’s mach Hulk Hogan has had. And anyone that remembers, remembers how that match went. It’s a rough time for the main event scene, there are too many cooks in the kitchen.

24 March 1996


Commentator Intro.
reat recap, the addition of Tony really adds the touch of class needed to show a PPV. Brain and Dusty are classics.

Eddie Guerrero vs Konnan for the US Championship
Good start up action between the two, but very odd to see Eddie whip out a figure four out of no where… especially not wrestling against Ric Flair. As the match went on it seemed Konnan got lost a bit in the transition. He looked a lot more comfortable going 100 miles per hour versus slowing down and telling a story. The match settled in nicely, good opener that didn’t seem to have the fans except for the high spots. Very rough ending to the end of the match, it just got sloppy and went back to Konnan just not looking comfortable.

Mean Gene with Col. Parker and Dirty **** Slater
Funny heel promo against Madusa, but we all see what’s coming with that Madusa match.

Lord Steven Regal vs Belfast Bruiser
I give it to Brain and Dusty with their back and forth. Unlike Bobby and Mongo, these two play off each other very well. Dusty calling the servant Chives (Jeeves) without missing a step had me. Action was all go from the start, very hard hitting from the first bell. It’s no real surprise coming from these two wrestlers. Whenever they help a move or two they just did a little extra to sell the submission, grinding or grunting to really get it over. Towards the end they are selling a Macho Man match on Nitro… but we have no idea how this PPV is going to end. So why would anyone be booking Nitro and promoting someone who might “lose” or be “injured” in this dangerous match. Good spot from Regal to the Bruiser with the suplex to the outside of the ring, because this PPV is uncensored and there are no rules this spot finally makes sense in the grand scheme of WCW rules. Something I have been talking about for quite some time. It’s nice to see these guys get the time to work, again a very hard hitting match between these two. I really enjoyed the work from them, probably went a little too long but good none the less, it’s unfortunate the crowd was so dead since the first match.

Mean Gene with The Giant and Jimmy Hart
Did… did they have The Giant rhyme? Mean Gene dropping a subtle “Weasel” was the best part of that interview.

Mean Gene with Loch Ness
This is the first time I’ve heard Loch Ness speak, it’s as bad as his walking and wrestling. Mean Gene with the dentist line was again the best part of the interview.

Col. Parker vs Madusa
Truth told, I’m not a fan of inter gender wrestling. The only time I enjoyed it was watching the old Andy Kaufman routine. Funny enough this is very similar, but it still doesn’t do anything for a woman’s division, Madusa, or WCW. The only person this really serves well is Col. Parker to be more of a heel. It is interesting to watch how much the crowd is into this though, they are popping for every move and the body slam. Col. Parker and his ridiculous selling, waiting for the top spot and not catching it well, and Madusa working with Col. ******* Parker. There just isn’t much to like.

Lee Marshall with the Road Warriors
He is selling the “wild action” that the audience has already seen, I feel like this interview was shot the day before because that hasn’t been the case. Been pretty regular for a PPV to this point, but he is selling it. It does bug me when wrestlers give interviews and they yell, if everyone is yelling nonsense, then non of it’s special. We have no background on Nitro as to Why Sing and Booker T are a team. So on your prime time show there is no update, there has been no update on Uncensored, and now we see Booker and Sting as a team when WCW has promoted Luger in the Chicago Street Fight. Terrible.

DDP vs Booty Man - If DDP wins he gets his remaining money and Kimberly back, If DDP loses he quits wrestling forever
It’s subtle things, it’s details, that make a difference. DDP gets it, he came out looking disheveled, tights look like sweats, he’s not as flamboyant, and his hair is all the way frizzed out. I really appreciate getting into your character like that. And then we have the Booty Man… the Booty Man. We couldn’t even be treated to Kimberly coming out, damn shame. Beyond that there’s not much meat on this match, action is mediocre and when the announcers reference anything the Booty Man does it just takes me out completly. And then Kimberly came out, bless her and everything about her. Timing reasons, curious to see why she took 10 minutes to walk out and not with Booty Man. It hurts to write these sentences and mention that name.

Mean Gene with Lex Luger and Jimmy Hart
So Jimmy, out of nowhere, pulled Luger out of the Chicago Street Fight to be in the Hogan match. He’s been in a great storyline, and the had Luger take a left turn. Luger did well enough to sell it, but this is just a dumb decision.

Loch Ness vs The Giant for the number 1 contender
Loch Ness tripped just walking to the ring, it sums up this trash dumb of a match. The Giant with an incredibly stupid spot with a running splash and going over the ropes.The bell rings out of no where. And the match slugged along until we see a Gian version of a Hulk Hogan leg drop to finish. Garbage.

Lee Marshall with Sting and Booker T
Why would this make sense, why not have it a handicap match? Luger pulls out to take another match, so Sting has to fight the Road Warriors by himself and defend the titles at the same time. Goes into the Sting and Luger program much better, but they just melted this angle together for no reason. Sure enough the interview was just a mess and no cohesion.

Road Warriors vs Sting and Booker T
It’s hard to care about this match at all. We go from Luger cheating the Warriors to retain the titles, Luger pushing the back and forth between his team and the Road Warriors, Luger was the one that accepted the street fight, and we have o Luger. The antagonist of the entire story is not in this match. To push that even further, Booker T is introduced into this plot point for nothing. The story should have been told as the Warriors vs Sting with Luger pulling out. It really feels like this was a last minute decision, it looks like it even more. If you are ever using a chair, you use it. There is no point in using a chair and taking everything off of it. Much like the pre-match interview there is no cohesion to this match, it’s just stuff happening for no reason. The entirety and finish of the match was what it was, if it was a street fight and added Stevie Ray why wasn’t he there from the start of the match. This wasn’t any type of good.

Mega Powers vs Alliance to End Hulkamania
The commentators went over the rules for the match, with all those stipulations, what the **** is the point of this match? We go right back into doing something just to do it. Z Gangster and the Ultimate Solution is where they went for names, Arn showed up with a full sweats suit, this is just some goofy ****. I’m surprised Flair didn’t blade 3 seconds into the match with how dumb this is. Hogan and Savage go from tier one, to tie two. It’s already two on eight, but then splits from that to two on one with Hogan and Savage splitting tiers. Hogan can’t get the door locked, three people trying to pry it open, and then you have baby face Hulk Hogan trying to kill Taskmaster. It was explained the way Hogan and Savage gets through the tiers is by winning each one in a gauntlet match style, well that fell apart immediately. The entire sell was this stupid cage, how the fight would go through the cage, and what did they do… got out of the cage and went to the main ring?!? Commentators said all the team got loose, and nothing happened with that. 10 minutes later Ultimate Solution and Z Gangster, how much more racist can we get at this point, finally come out. No real reason, nothing gave us any indication as to why they weren’t there the entire time. And what happens exactly, that’s right they go from the main ring to this cage ring on the bottom with no lighting at all. So how do they try and fix it, they turn on and up a purple light. These guys can’t wrestle and are just big for the sake of being big. Good thing everyone on the top of the cage got a break, Arn had time to get some coffee and change all of his clothes. How do we even things up with it being four on two? Booty Man bring powder and frying pans, all the while does not join the fight. What in the Acme Coyote nonsense is this ********. To follow that up, Luger ****s up the one spot he had with a weighted glove, Savage misses his spot with pinning Flair… I go back to my original question, what is the point (and payoff) of this match. Absolutely everything about this sucks. I can’t speak about enough bad things with regard to this match and how much I disliked it.

25 Mar 1996

Monday Nitro

Commentator Open

They announced three title matches on a Nitro, but we just sat through Uncensored. A PPV with nothing and no payoffs except for DDP vs Booty Man.

Belfast Bruiser vs Macho Man Randy Savage
After selling one of the most brutal matches ever, Savage comes out fresh as a daisy to Open up Nitro. He also has a match that literally beat the hell out of Steven Regal. Just by having the opening match we are inclined to think Savage didn’t have that tough of match last night and then went into a match with an undefeated tough guy, which further tells us last night was no big deal. You’ve also built Bruiser as a legit tough guy, had a good showing at Uncensored, and he loses against Savage in a throw away match. I don’t understand the logic.

Mean Gene with Ric Flair and Elizabeth and Woman
The same exact logic that applies to Savage goes to Flair, came out from a brutal double cage ridiculous match like it was no big deal.

Mr. J.L. vs Konan for the WCW US Championship
I don’t know if this is me or not, but with all the Konnan matches I’ve watched he looks awkward. Like he is trying to find something, trying to navigate through a match. Not sure what Mr. J.L. did to earn this US Championship match, we have no background or reasoning for it. This will be a theme for an upcoming match. The match as a whole was ok, I enjoyed the finish with Mr. J.L. getting caught and Konnan countering, but again it just felt like something is missing.

Disco Inferno vs Booty Man
Comedy match doing what comedy matches do, was a goof for the fans. Kimberly was for me, love the updated outfit.

American Males vs Lex Luger and Sting for the WCW Tag Team Championships
As I talked about earlier, why does the American Males of all teams have a title shot? Seems like you had Harlem Heat next in line due to the win at Uncensored, but here we go with the terrible story telling continuation. You have The Steiners, you have the Mega Powers, and to a lesser extent PE and the Nasty Boys, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense. To transition, Luger has been such a great heel the last few weeks/months. Little things have really been setting him apart, the relationship wit Sting and how he doesn’t want to let him down. Walking down the aisle being a fan favorite giving fives, Sting turns his back and he’s arrogant and ignoring everyone. I think this short version is my absolute favorite version of Luger, other than butchering promos he has been absolutely crushing it. Power to Bischoff and co for selling the Luger botch from the Uncensored PPV. The match itself was fine for what it was, weird ending with Bagwell not breaking up the pin fall.

The Giant vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Flair and co. with a nice touch of class, handing out Savage’s money to the crowd as they are heading to the ring. I always appreciate the added touch to the character. The start of the match was some good action, then Giant goes for a press slam and Ric is in the air something high. Nice spot for the two and power to Ric for sticking to his same match plan. They are making Giant look like a million dollars and truly unstoppable. As we have memories, just a couple months ago Hogan beat him, Loch Ness, and the entire DOD down out of a cage and had them running. It’s not too little too late for me, but that memory is fresh in my mind. The Giant goes into some good work and then hits two extremely dumb spots. Top rope splash miss, then the same splash miss flip to the outside. If any Giant misses these spots it should mean something, but The Giant is moving around like he is some cruiserweight. Worst off, Bischoff mentions he is moving around “Like Eddie Guerrero for crying out loud”. That’s not a comparison I want my Giant to have. And when he does have that special spot, it should mean something, on a PPV, for a title win or loss. It does not belong on a Monday night. Despite ll of that, Ric Flair really pulls out all the heel spots and I am in full favor of it. It gives Flair the way to win against someone like The Giant who he should have no real shot of beating. Great working from him and the valets with all of these tactics, I do wish The Giant would have sold it much longer. This is seemingly the first main event that I actually liked from this current time frame, no contest and all. It told an overall good story.
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