Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Let's be honest: Dirk doesn't want to retaliate; it'd be a terrible career move.

Fun fact: David West is a boxer.

stack will body david west, being a boxer does not matter outside of the ring....and plus dirk was in the german army im pretty sure they taught him how to kill.

Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Let's be honest: Dirk doesn't want to retaliate; it'd be a terrible career move.

Fun fact: David West is a boxer.

stack will body david west, being a boxer does not matter outside of the ring....and plus dirk was in the german army im pretty sure they taught him how to kill.

Dude said 'They taught him how to kill.'


I think I have to agree with KLJ, though; Dirk don't want it with West.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dude said 'They taught him how to kill.'


I think I have to agree with KLJ, though; Dirk don't want it with West.

Look at it this way.

IF Dirk had reatiliated and pushed or punched West back, he would be suspended.
EVERYONE would be calling him out saying, "Oh Dirk needs to show more composure on the court", or "Dirk needs to understand he's the leaderof this team", etc.

I do agree he should have at least shoved his hand of his face... but no one knows what the situation could have escalated into.

All I know is Erick Dampier, Bass, and all the other goons better get some good HARD fouls on CP3 and others.
Send a freakin message
Dirk did the right thing.
West is the punk for touching Dirk's face.

Hope the Mavs win the series.
Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Let's be honest: Dirk doesn't want to retaliate; it'd be a terrible career move.

Fun fact: David West is a boxer.

stack will body david west, being a boxer does not matter outside of the ring....and plus dirk was in the german army im pretty sure they taught him how to kill.

There's a huge difference between doing nothing and getting suspended. He could have pushed David West's hand out of his face, or said something, gotinto his face a little bit, without being ejected. Or he could have taken the high road and let his game do the talking, but the next time when he tried toscore over David West, airballed, and he managed a measly 1 bucket in the 4th.
If I was Dirk, at the very least I would have naturally reacted by slapping his hand away...AT THE LEAST. but I think that's as far as it should havewent. He should have prob knocked his hand away.

and I think they should have been more aggressive with CP3. CP3 been kinda feisty against the Mavs the last couple of games. They need to make him payhomage...even tho he's the best young prospect in the game. ida had them put some bodies on Paul and knock him around a bit.

and to win this series, I think feasibly what needs to happen is Jet get more touches and Josh Howard needs to get his !@%! together. He needs to go back toplaying how he played before he was actually considered a 2nd option type of guy. and I'd be a HUGE advocate of Gerald Wallace for Josh Howard. I'msuper high on Wallace tho, so I may be biased.
There's a huge difference between doing nothing and getting suspended. He could have pushed David West's hand out of his face, or said something, got into his face a little bit, without being ejected. Or he could have taken the high road and let his game do the talking, but the next time when he tried to score over David West, airballed, and he managed a measly 1 bucket in the 4th.
Co-sign to the fullest.
If I was Dirk, at the very least I would have naturally reacted by slapping his hand away...AT THE LEAST.
Co-sign. There's no way in hell you let another grown man put his hands on your face without doing ANYTHING at all.
If a grown man hit me in the face with an elbow on purpose I'm doing a lot more than lightly tapping his cheek.

But everybody misses that because it's Dirk.

There ain't nobody in the league that wants it with Stack. Maybe Stephen Jackson.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And I don't know what people want him to do. Say he slugs West, and gets suspended. Then he puts his team in a serious hole for Game 2 in New Orleans, and everybody is pissing and moaning about how he's got to maintain his composure and not get wrapped up in all that. Would it have really made you all feel that much better about it if he just slapped his hand away? He's damned if he does, and he's damned if he doesn't.

This quote from that link says it all...
It wasn't up to Dirk to retaliate. He's the star player; you have to protect the star. It's like hockey. Dampier or Bass should have knocked West on his $%% the next couple of plays.

Ok, ok, I'll concede that. And I'll agree with what you (and the article) said about Bass and Damp (although I wouldn't expect Damp tohave my back really, dude is monstrously large, but he never struck me as truly intimidating...... minus the whole late night run into in a dark alleyscenario)

But, like KLJ co-signed above, I was just amazed he stared back, and nothing more! Like, at least remove he hand from your cheek! At the end of the day though,Dirk did the right thing for the Mavs, it just somehow got in the way of his machismo, and thats never a good situation to be in.

I'll say this, I want Dirk to have a good series and continue how he ended the season, lookin like the reigning MVP, but I want the Hornets to shuteveryone up who refused to pick them over a 7th place team (even if it was the Mavs). That way, everyone wins. Dirk doesnt need to spend the $$$ to run aroundAustralia to find his lost basketball skills again, and CP3 proves all he is the MVP (one of 8 other amazing players with a 20-10 season)
I know this, I am LOVING the tension and heatedness going around in all of these series.

I don't give two sh*^'s who wins outta West v Dirk, I just love that everyone actually gives a damn and teams are getting either focused to kill, orrattled as all hell.

We see a couple game 7 where the series's goes way long, and we gonna see some old school 80's fisticuffs. Bring that sh*^ on!!
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

If a grown man hit me in the face with an elbow on purpose I'm doing a lot more than lightly tapping his cheek.

But everybody misses that because it's Dirk.

There ain't nobody in the league that wants it with Stack. Maybe Stephen Jackson.

Yup, Dirk? Elbowed someone? oh but he got love-tapped!
It's this simple....Dallas needs to put CP3 on his *!% when he goes to the basket. Give him some tough love, this %#!+ is the playoffs not somerecreation league at the Y.....

You got Chandler pushin Dirk after the foul, West ever so lightly tappin Dirk's cheek, CP running down the court beating his chest sayin, "Theycan't hold me"....

And what is Dallas response to all this??? Shoot more +*%+$@ jumpshots....The team takes its leadership either from the coach, the star, or both....But thereis no leadership on that team, and don't try to post any Dirk stats to prove that he is leader. A leader has the intangibles, "IT" factor, thatrefuse to lose mentality....
Originally Posted by MessiahChild

It's this simple....Dallas needs to put CP3 on his *!% when he goes to the basket. Give him some tough love, this %#!+ is the playoffs not some recreation league at the Y.....

You got Chandler pushin Dirk after the foul, West ever so lightly tappin Dirk's cheek, CP running down the court beating his chest sayin, "They can't hold me"....

And what is Dallas response to all this??? Shoot more +*%+$@ jumpshots....The team takes its leadership either from the coach, the star, or both....But there is no leadership on that team, and don't try to post any Dirk stats to prove that he is leader. A leader has the intangibles, "IT" factor, that refuse to lose mentality....

Quick to assume after one game?
I'm not going to make an excuse about it, but remember the fact that the man is still on a hobbled ankle.

We were down 0-2 against the Rockets and we got counted out, Dirk was soft, the Mavericks are a bunch of bums, we came back and won that series. You areSUPPOSED to win game one at home,
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by MessiahChild

It's this simple....Dallas needs to put CP3 on his *!% when he goes to the basket. Give him some tough love, this %#!+ is the playoffs not some recreation league at the Y.....

You got Chandler pushin Dirk after the foul, West ever so lightly tappin Dirk's cheek, CP running down the court beating his chest sayin, "They can't hold me"....

And what is Dallas response to all this??? Shoot more +*%+$@ jumpshots....The team takes its leadership either from the coach, the star, or both....But there is no leadership on that team, and don't try to post any Dirk stats to prove that he is leader. A leader has the intangibles, "IT" factor, that refuse to lose mentality....

Quick to assume after one game?
I'm not going to make an excuse about it, but remember the fact that the man is still on a hobbled ankle.

We were down 0-2 against the Rockets and we got counted out, Dirk was soft, the Mavericks are a bunch of bums, we came back and won that series. You are SUPPOSED to win game one at home,
I'm not assumin nothin. I NEVER said that the Hornets got this series nor did I say anything about Dallas bein a bucnh of bums.....
-Either Avery Johnson or Dirk needs to take charge and actually hold people accountable for their actions/play.....
e.g. J.Kidd said that there was one time when Dallas shot a jumpshot on 9 straight possesions in the 3rd period...Okay J.Kidd great point, except you forget tohold yourself accountable for your performance in the 3rd. W

That's the point, I'm tryin to get at here. If Dirk isn't healthy, then where is the leadership from your coach??? Where is Avery tellin his teamto play like they was playin in the first half??? Scott made one adjustment at halftime and told CP to take the game over.....That's it, nothin more nothinless....That's where the leadership comes in.....I'm not assumin after one game either, this leadership thing has been a topic of discussion ever sinceDallas lost in the Finals...But if the Mavs come through and make adjustments in Game 2, then I will give Avery, Dirk, Kidd or whoeva steps up the complimentsthey deserve.....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dirk don't want it with West.

West aint gonna want to have anything to do with Dirk after the Big German drops 40 on his punk *@#
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