Martellus Bennett - "The Black Olympics"

Jan 11, 2007

[h2]Dallas Cowboy Martellus Bennett Getting Backlash for 'Black Olympics' Video[/h2]
Dallas Cowboy Martellus Bennett Getting Backlash for 'Black Olympics' VideoDallas Cowboys tight end Martellus Bennett has been spending a lot of time on his YouTube channel lately. On MartyBTV, you can find Bennett rapping about cereal, talking about video games or just dancing around his living room. Most of the videos are pretty funny and just shows a lighter side of an NFL player with his family. But one of Bennett's recent videos with his brother called "Black Olympics" has some Black folks crying foul. In the video, Bennett and his brother Michael, who is on the Seattle Seahawks roster, compete against each other in eating chicken, drinking Kool-Aid, and eating watermelon.

"Me and all my brothers were in the kitchen and as I looked around, I noticed we were eating every stereotype. We got chicken, kool aid, watermelon, we might as well do a Black Olympics. That's what happened," Bennett told the Michael Irvin show this week. "I don't really think it's offensive. It depends on your sense of humor and how you look at things. We were just having fun and it was very funny for me and my brothers, when I look at it I just can't stop laughing. If someone takes offense, I apologize. That wasn't my intention. It was just us having fun. Some people like what you do and some people don't. Always in life, anything you do, someone is going to have a different opinion than what you have." columnist Jason Whitlock already went off on Bennett and the video (even though Whitlock himself was criticized for eating ribs on camera) and columnist Mike Freeman took the Cowboy to task as well. Check out the video and tell us what you think:
i saw this video posted on another site.....thought it was some regular ignorant folks, not a pro athlete......
@ this illiterate bum
I just watched this video because they were talking about it on espn, talkin about how it sets black folks back. I don't think it's that seriousthough. whats the difference between these dudes making fun of stereotypes and the chappelle's show doing the same?
This dude is so stupid

They even had to put in the Rooney Rule, and many old timers are disgusted that this ignorant idiot continues to make himself look foolish.
There has been alot of talk about this in the D/FW area. Jason Whitlock posted an article talking about how bad it was etc...Same with some other localwriters.

I thought it was funny. Martellus had some stuff on how twitter about it today or whatever
dang... on one hand that's pretty bad. on another hand, people would be
if chappelle's show had a skit like this.
his competition for "drinking the most kool-aid" was not even existant, the competition for who could drink the same amount of kool-aid faster waswhat he should have said.
i dont get whats so bad... hes black... its not like a white guy making this video.... hes just having fun... there are far more stupider/derogatory videos outthere by athletes.... i think people are just blowing this way out of proportion
Originally Posted by finnns2003

dang... on one hand that's pretty bad. on another hand, people would be
if chappelle's show had a skit like this.
It's two different approaches. Chappelle worked much like The Boondocks...more so satire than just outright ****ery.
When I first heard about this I thought it was an awful thing for him to do, but after seeing the video, I think it's kind of humorous and relativelybenign.

I don't think he meant anything bad by it though he surely wasn't thinking, especially being a public figure and allowing this video to be scrutinizedby a bunch of outsiders who tend to get on their soapboxes when it's convenient. He showed bad judgment, but people need to let him live.
Late. There was already a thread on this last week. IMO Dudes just having fun. I didn't really find it funny but I didn't find it offensive
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